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thewheat / gtm-intercom.js
Last active January 5, 2018 02:53 — forked from beastawakens/gtm-intercom.js
Adding Google Tag Manager variables to intercomSettings
// app ID
var intercomSettings = {
app_id: "{{IC - Dynamic app ID}}"
// Verifies and cleans all GTM variables
function pushGTMVariablesToIntercom(gtmKey, gtmValue) {
if("{{User - Account - Type}}" != "Guest"){

Last updated: 2015-08-11

Searching for Files

Find images in a directory that don't have a DateTimeOriginal

exiftool -filename -filemodifydate -createdate -r -if '(not $datetimeoriginal) and $filetype eq "JPEG"' .

###Output photos that don't have datetimeoriginal to a CSV### Note this can take a long time if you have a lot of jpgs

var intercomSettings = {
app_id: "{{Intercom app ID}}"
(function() {var w = window;var ic = w.Intercom;if (typeof ic === "function") {ic('reattach_activator');ic('update', intercomSettings);} else {var d = document;var i = function() {i.c(arguments)};i.q = [];i.c = function(args) {i.q.push(args)};w.Intercom = i;var s = d.createElement('script');s.type = 'text/javascript';s.async = true;
s.src = '{{Intercom app ID}}';
var x = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);}})();