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trap '' INT TSTP
declare -i retries=0
base64 -d <<<"H4sIAAAAAAAA/32R0Q2DMAxE/5ni/rAlAguUTtARLJHPqlI38PA9G1KVQhuSmNhPxzkAGDBw4u/ouBzOGadhApYYgI0Hzhb3ZYpTi5k6cFHfjqxj5NP4X1yYwA3YizVu+OTqPM/9OefXLc8O6hUolz57OeEs4t6THTijniWWtzhum39z2YcRm3yrj7GdcZSrFPSw6GHuzUnjREKvltJj5ZYdpxpsR1yNXEaWCkrhirdMSjhX7SR8kVOdmGO1JLrqUYtqxi92LIq6i0TU3X9xQWah98fzBSUD8aFYAgAA" | gunzip
echo -e "\n\n Now, all are burning . . . #TampaNeverEnds"
for ((counter = 3; counter > 0; counter-- ))
thiagomatar /
Last active April 19, 2020 15:20
Kafka CLI Cheat Sheets

Create topic: --zookeeper --topic first_topic --create --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1

List topic: --zookeeper --list
thiagomatar /
Last active April 13, 2020 13:36
Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

Following the kubernets cheat sheets, including minikube, kubectl and definition files

Installing git and utility tools

Ubuntu < 13

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:git-core/ppa

Ubuntu and Mint latest versions

sudo apt-get update &amp;&amp; sudo apt-get install -y git git-gui gitk meld
@Null - Checks value is null
@NotNull - Checks value is not null
@AssertTrue - Value is true
@AssertFalse - Value is false
@Min - Number is equal or higher
@Max - Number is equal or lessBuilt In Constraint Definitions
@DecimalMin - Value is larger
@DecimalMax - Value is less than
@Negative - Value is less than zero. Zero invalid.
@NegativeOrZero - Value is zero or less than zero
thiagomatar /
Last active September 3, 2022 12:57
API Gateway: conceito e aplicação

Ao final deste artigo você será capaz de:

  1. Definir o conceito de um API Gateway.
  2. Conhecer os benefícios da utilização deste componente arquitetural.
  3. Construir seu próprio API Gateway utilizando Spring Cloud.


  1. O que é um API Gateway?
  2. Motivação
  3. API Gateway