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Choi, Jaehee thirdj

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thirdj / extensions.js
Created November 11, 2011 02:41 — forked from firejune/extensions.js
The minimap provides you with a new way to visualize your site.
/** pQuery! LOL **/
Object.extend($, Prototype);
Object.extend($, Object);
* Returns window dimensions and scroll positions
* @author Firejune<>
* @license MIT
thirdj / gist:3485022
Created August 27, 2012 02:04 — forked from hileon/gist:1311735
Sublime Text 2 - Useful Shortcuts

Sublime Text 2 – Useful Shortcuts (Windows)


Ctrl+KB toggle side bar
Ctrl+Shift+P command prompt
Ctrl+` python console
Ctrl+N new file


thirdj / nodejs-tcp-example.js
Created October 12, 2016 06:40 — forked from tedmiston/nodejs-tcp-example.js
Node.js tcp client and server example
In the node.js intro tutorial (, they show a basic tcp
server, but for some reason omit a client connecting to it. I added an
example at the bottom.
Save the following server in example.js:
var net = require('net');
thirdj / css_colors.js
Created October 17, 2016 08:43 — forked from bobspace/css_colors.js
All of the CSS Color names as an array in javascript.
// CSS Color Names
// Compiled by @bobspace.
// A javascript array containing all of the color names listed in the CSS Spec.
// The full list can be found here:
// Use it as you please, 'cuz you can't, like, own a color, man.
var CSS_COLOR_NAMES = ["AliceBlue","AntiqueWhite","Aqua","Aquamarine","Azure","Beige","Bisque","Black","BlanchedAlmond","Blue","BlueViolet","Brown","BurlyWood","CadetBlue","Chartreuse","Chocolate","Coral","CornflowerBlue","Cornsilk","Crimson","Cyan","DarkBlue","DarkCyan","DarkGoldenRod","DarkGray","DarkGrey","DarkGreen","DarkKhaki","DarkMagenta","DarkOliveGreen","Darkorange","DarkOrchid","DarkRed","DarkSalmon","DarkSeaGreen","DarkSlateBlue","DarkSlateGray","DarkSlateGrey","DarkTurquoise","DarkViolet","DeepPink","DeepSkyBlue","DimGray","DimGrey","DodgerBlue","FireBrick","FloralWhite","ForestGreen","Fuchsia","Gainsboro","GhostWhite","Gold","GoldenRod","Gray","Grey","Green","GreenYellow","HoneyDew","HotPink","IndianRed","Indigo","Ivory"
thirdj /
Created March 21, 2017 08:47 — forked from cyberswat/
Initialize git repo and make first commit
# switch to the jenkins user
[root@li220-252:~] su jenkins
# Move into the jenkins directory
jenkins@li220-252:~$ cd /var/lib/jenkins/
# Intialize a git repository
jenkins@li220-252:~$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/jenkins/.git/