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Created October 3, 2019 06:48
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MishCuda test on cifar-10 squeezenet
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Display the rendered blob
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false",
"_cell_guid": "b1076dfc-b9ad-4769-8c92-a6c4dae69d19",
"_uuid": "8f2839f25d086af736a60e9eeb907d3b93b6e0e5"
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"['perftest-cpp', 'Differentiation.ipynb', '.ipynb_checkpoints', 'Logging.ipynb', '', 'math_test', 'profile', 'Derivatives.ipynb', '', 'cifar-10-squeezenet-mish.ipynb', 'cifar-10-python.tar.gz', 'cifar-10-batches-py', 'train_log_SqueezeNet_Mish-Cuda.csv', 'train_log_SqueezeNet_Mish-Cuda-Copy1.csv']\n"
"source": [
"import numpy as np # linear algebra\n",
"import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)\n",
"import os\n",
"import time\n",
"# import pytorch\n",
"import torch\n",
"import torch.nn as nn\n",
"import torch.nn.functional as F\n",
"from torch.optim import SGD,Adam,lr_scheduler\n",
"from import random_split\n",
"import torchvision\n",
"from torchvision import transforms, datasets\n",
"from import DataLoader"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# define transformations for train\n",
"train_transform = transforms.Compose([\n",
" transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=.40),\n",
" transforms.RandomRotation(30),\n",
" transforms.ToTensor(),\n",
" transforms.Normalize([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])])\n",
"# define transformations for test\n",
"test_transform = transforms.Compose([\n",
" transforms.ToTensor(),\n",
" transforms.Normalize([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])])\n",
"# define training dataloader\n",
"def get_training_dataloader(train_transform, batch_size=128, num_workers=6, shuffle=True):\n",
" \"\"\" return training dataloader\n",
" Args:\n",
" train_transform: transfroms for train dataset\n",
" path: path to cifar100 training python dataset\n",
" batch_size: dataloader batchsize\n",
" num_workers: dataloader num_works\n",
" shuffle: whether to shuffle \n",
" Returns: train_data_loader:torch dataloader object\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" transform_train = train_transform\n",
" cifar10_training = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='.', train=True, download=True, transform=transform_train)\n",
" cifar10_training_loader = DataLoader(\n",
" cifar10_training, shuffle=shuffle, num_workers=num_workers, batch_size=batch_size)\n",
" return cifar10_training_loader\n",
"# define test dataloader\n",
"def get_testing_dataloader(test_transform, batch_size=128, num_workers=0, shuffle=True):\n",
" \"\"\" return training dataloader\n",
" Args:\n",
" test_transform: transforms for test dataset\n",
" path: path to cifar100 test python dataset\n",
" batch_size: dataloader batchsize\n",
" num_workers: dataloader num_works\n",
" shuffle: whether to shuffle \n",
" Returns: cifar100_test_loader:torch dataloader object\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" transform_test = test_transform\n",
" cifar10_test = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='.', train=False, download=True, transform=transform_test)\n",
" cifar10_test_loader = DataLoader(\n",
" cifar10_test, shuffle=shuffle, num_workers=num_workers, batch_size=batch_size)\n",
" return cifar10_test_loader"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# # implement mish activation function\n",
"# def f_mish(input):\n",
"# '''\n",
"# Applies the mish function element-wise:\n",
"# mish(x) = x * tanh(softplus(x)) = x * tanh(ln(1 + exp(x)))\n",
"# '''\n",
"# return input * torch.tanh(F.softplus(input))\n",
"# # implement class wrapper for mish activation function\n",
"# class mish(nn.Module):\n",
"# '''\n",
"# Applies the mish function element-wise:\n",
"# mish(x) = x * tanh(softplus(x)) = x * tanh(ln(1 + exp(x)))\n",
"# Shape:\n",
"# - Input: (N, *) where * means, any number of additional\n",
"# dimensions\n",
"# - Output: (N, *), same shape as the input\n",
"# Examples:\n",
"# >>> m = mish()\n",
"# >>> input = torch.randn(2)\n",
"# >>> output = m(input)\n",
"# '''\n",
"# def __init__(self):\n",
"# '''\n",
"# Init method.\n",
"# '''\n",
"# super().__init__()\n",
"# def forward(self, input):\n",
"# '''\n",
"# Forward pass of the function.\n",
"# '''\n",
"# return f_mish(input)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from mish_cuda import MishCuda\n",
"mish = MishCuda"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# implement swish activation function\n",
"def f_swish(input):\n",
" '''\n",
" Applies the swish function element-wise:\n",
" swish(x) = x * sigmoid(x)\n",
" '''\n",
" return input * torch.sigmoid(input)\n",
"# implement class wrapper for swish activation function\n",
"class swish(nn.Module):\n",
" '''\n",
" Applies the swish function element-wise:\n",
" swish(x) = x * sigmoid(x)\n",
" Shape:\n",
" - Input: (N, *) where * means, any number of additional\n",
" dimensions\n",
" - Output: (N, *), same shape as the input\n",
" Examples:\n",
" >>> m = swish()\n",
" >>> input = torch.randn(2)\n",
" >>> output = m(input)\n",
" '''\n",
" def __init__(self):\n",
" '''\n",
" Init method.\n",
" '''\n",
" super().__init__()\n",
" def forward(self, input):\n",
" '''\n",
" Forward pass of the function.\n",
" '''\n",
" return f_swish(input)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"class Fire(nn.Module):\n",
" def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel, squzee_channel, activation = 'relu'):\n",
" super().__init__()\n",
" \n",
" if activation == 'relu':\n",
" f_activation = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)\n",
" \n",
" if activation == 'swish':\n",
" f_activation = swish()\n",
" \n",
" if activation == 'mish':\n",
" f_activation = mish()\n",
" \n",
" self.squeeze = nn.Sequential(\n",
" nn.Conv2d(in_channel, squzee_channel, 1),\n",
" nn.BatchNorm2d(squzee_channel),\n",
" f_activation\n",
" )\n",
" self.expand_1x1 = nn.Sequential(\n",
" nn.Conv2d(squzee_channel, int(out_channel / 2), 1),\n",
" nn.BatchNorm2d(int(out_channel / 2)),\n",
" f_activation\n",
" )\n",
" self.expand_3x3 = nn.Sequential(\n",
" nn.Conv2d(squzee_channel, int(out_channel / 2), 3, padding=1),\n",
" nn.BatchNorm2d(int(out_channel / 2)),\n",
" f_activation\n",
" )\n",
" \n",
" def forward(self, x):\n",
" x = self.squeeze(x)\n",
" x =[\n",
" self.expand_1x1(x),\n",
" self.expand_3x3(x)\n",
" ], 1)\n",
" return x\n",
"class SqueezeNet(nn.Module):\n",
" \"\"\"mobile net with simple bypass\"\"\"\n",
" def __init__(self, class_num=10, activation = 'relu'):\n",
" \n",
" if activation == 'relu':\n",
" f_activation = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)\n",
" \n",
" if activation == 'swish':\n",
" f_activation = swish()\n",
" \n",
" if activation == 'mish':\n",
" f_activation = mish()\n",
" super().__init__()\n",
" self.stem = nn.Sequential(\n",
" nn.Conv2d(3, 96, 3, padding=1),\n",
" nn.BatchNorm2d(96),\n",
" f_activation,\n",
" nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)\n",
" )\n",
" self.fire2 = Fire(96, 128, 16, activation = activation)\n",
" self.fire3 = Fire(128, 128, 16, activation = activation)\n",
" self.fire4 = Fire(128, 256, 32, activation = activation)\n",
" self.fire5 = Fire(256, 256, 32, activation = activation)\n",
" self.fire6 = Fire(256, 384, 48, activation = activation)\n",
" self.fire7 = Fire(384, 384, 48, activation = activation)\n",
" self.fire8 = Fire(384, 512, 64, activation = activation)\n",
" self.fire9 = Fire(512, 512, 64, activation = activation)\n",
" self.conv10 = nn.Conv2d(512, class_num, 1)\n",
" self.avg = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)\n",
" self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)\n",
" \n",
" def forward(self, x):\n",
" x = self.stem(x)\n",
" f2 = self.fire2(x)\n",
" f3 = self.fire3(f2) + f2\n",
" f4 = self.fire4(f3)\n",
" f4 = self.maxpool(f4)\n",
" f5 = self.fire5(f4) + f4\n",
" f6 = self.fire6(f5)\n",
" f7 = self.fire7(f6) + f6\n",
" f8 = self.fire8(f7)\n",
" f8 = self.maxpool(f8)\n",
" f9 = self.fire9(f8)\n",
" c10 = self.conv10(f9)\n",
" x = self.avg(c10)\n",
" x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)\n",
" return x\n",
"def squeezenet(class_num=10, activation = 'relu'):\n",
" return SqueezeNet(class_num=class_num, activation = activation)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Files already downloaded and verified\n",
"Files already downloaded and verified\n"
"source": [
"trainloader = get_training_dataloader(train_transform, num_workers=4)\n",
"testloader = get_testing_dataloader(test_transform, num_workers=4)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"device(type='cuda', index=0)"
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"epochs = 100\n",
"batch_size = 128\n",
"learning_rate = 0.001\n",
"device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else \"cpu\")\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# set loss function\n",
"criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"train_stats = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Run','Epoch', 'Time per epoch', 'Avg time per step', 'Train loss', 'Train accuracy', 'Train top-3 accuracy','Test loss', 'Test accuracy', 'Test top-3 accuracy']) "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 1/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0710.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 1.3941.. Train accuracy: 0.4887.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8102.. Test loss: 1.1636.. Test accuracy: 0.5786.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8699\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 2/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9579.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 1.0799.. Train accuracy: 0.6106.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8854.. Test loss: 1.0202.. Test accuracy: 0.6409.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8954\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 3/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0894.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.9350.. Train accuracy: 0.6673.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9093.. Test loss: 0.7917.. Test accuracy: 0.7235.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9304\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 4/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1636.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.8279.. Train accuracy: 0.7089.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9267.. Test loss: 0.7545.. Test accuracy: 0.7303.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9389\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 5/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9335.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.7621.. Train accuracy: 0.7322.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9354.. Test loss: 0.6842.. Test accuracy: 0.7588.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9458\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 6/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0117.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.7012.. Train accuracy: 0.7531.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9444.. Test loss: 0.6404.. Test accuracy: 0.7766.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9535\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 7/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1190.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.6542.. Train accuracy: 0.7712.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9507.. Test loss: 0.6194.. Test accuracy: 0.7884.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9543\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 8/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0968.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.6158.. Train accuracy: 0.7827.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9535.. Test loss: 0.5828.. Test accuracy: 0.7996.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9581\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 9/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2048.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.5828.. Train accuracy: 0.7956.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9587.. Test loss: 0.5498.. Test accuracy: 0.8121.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9611\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 10/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9850.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.5556.. Train accuracy: 0.8067.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9605.. Test loss: 0.5456.. Test accuracy: 0.8118.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9632\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 11/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2270.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.5308.. Train accuracy: 0.8154.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9648.. Test loss: 0.5697.. Test accuracy: 0.8051.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9599\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 12/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0916.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.5073.. Train accuracy: 0.8213.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9679.. Test loss: 0.4864.. Test accuracy: 0.8285.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9701\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 13/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1556.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.4880.. Train accuracy: 0.8298.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9687.. Test loss: 0.4821.. Test accuracy: 0.8355.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9698\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 14/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1029.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4645.. Train accuracy: 0.8383.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9717.. Test loss: 0.4849.. Test accuracy: 0.8303.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9703\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 15/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4134.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.4550.. Train accuracy: 0.8408.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9730.. Test loss: 0.4499.. Test accuracy: 0.8462.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9728\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 16/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1315.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.4309.. Train accuracy: 0.8493.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9745.. Test loss: 0.4748.. Test accuracy: 0.8393.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9723\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 17/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0659.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4165.. Train accuracy: 0.8550.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9757.. Test loss: 0.4582.. Test accuracy: 0.8443.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9725\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 18/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2039.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.4035.. Train accuracy: 0.8588.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9781.. Test loss: 0.4263.. Test accuracy: 0.8517.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9765\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 19/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1012.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.3942.. Train accuracy: 0.8616.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9784.. Test loss: 0.4310.. Test accuracy: 0.8566.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9739\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 20/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9824.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.3761.. Train accuracy: 0.8681.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9795.. Test loss: 0.4443.. Test accuracy: 0.8512.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9737\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 21/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3431.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.3635.. Train accuracy: 0.8720.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9813.. Test loss: 0.4725.. Test accuracy: 0.8434.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9758\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 22/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9620.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.3535.. Train accuracy: 0.8771.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9814.. Test loss: 0.4371.. Test accuracy: 0.8549.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9743\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 23/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2371.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.3433.. Train accuracy: 0.8791.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9827.. Test loss: 0.3933.. Test accuracy: 0.8665.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 24/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1493.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.3311.. Train accuracy: 0.8825.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9841.. Test loss: 0.4031.. Test accuracy: 0.8632.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9772\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 25/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0547.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3249.. Train accuracy: 0.8849.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9846.. Test loss: 0.4311.. Test accuracy: 0.8533.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9771\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 26/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9435.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.3102.. Train accuracy: 0.8907.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9850.. Test loss: 0.3966.. Test accuracy: 0.8701.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9788\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 27/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2200.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3057.. Train accuracy: 0.8933.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9865.. Test loss: 0.4089.. Test accuracy: 0.8661.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9771\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 28/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0442.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2977.. Train accuracy: 0.8962.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9869.. Test loss: 0.3938.. Test accuracy: 0.8686.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 29/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0655.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2862.. Train accuracy: 0.8989.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9882.. Test loss: 0.4089.. Test accuracy: 0.8690.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9781\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 30/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2128.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.2799.. Train accuracy: 0.9004.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9882.. Test loss: 0.4077.. Test accuracy: 0.8642.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 31/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1684.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2747.. Train accuracy: 0.9024.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9880.. Test loss: 0.4196.. Test accuracy: 0.8619.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9772\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 32/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4388.. Average time per step: 0.0344.. Train loss: 0.2686.. Train accuracy: 0.9047.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9889.. Test loss: 0.3991.. Test accuracy: 0.8718.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 33/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0867.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2574.. Train accuracy: 0.9075.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9899.. Test loss: 0.4168.. Test accuracy: 0.8678.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9779\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 34/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1840.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2545.. Train accuracy: 0.9098.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9900.. Test loss: 0.3810.. Test accuracy: 0.8774.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 35/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1838.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2444.. Train accuracy: 0.9127.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9912.. Test loss: 0.4137.. Test accuracy: 0.8698.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 36/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0283.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2420.. Train accuracy: 0.9137.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9919.. Test loss: 0.3790.. Test accuracy: 0.8806.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 37/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0807.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2327.. Train accuracy: 0.9173.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9916.. Test loss: 0.4085.. Test accuracy: 0.8720.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 38/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1114.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2304.. Train accuracy: 0.9188.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9916.. Test loss: 0.4095.. Test accuracy: 0.8730.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9787\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 39/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9849.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.2226.. Train accuracy: 0.9199.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9927.. Test loss: 0.4396.. Test accuracy: 0.8655.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9768\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 40/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9834.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.2179.. Train accuracy: 0.9233.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9926.. Test loss: 0.4248.. Test accuracy: 0.8702.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 41/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1214.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2101.. Train accuracy: 0.9264.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9929.. Test loss: 0.4196.. Test accuracy: 0.8710.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9783\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 42/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0526.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2062.. Train accuracy: 0.9261.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9933.. Test loss: 0.4121.. Test accuracy: 0.8732.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 43/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4929.. Average time per step: 0.0345.. Train loss: 0.1994.. Train accuracy: 0.9281.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9939.. Test loss: 0.4249.. Test accuracy: 0.8709.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9784\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 44/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0434.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1978.. Train accuracy: 0.9295.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9939.. Test loss: 0.4108.. Test accuracy: 0.8769.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 45/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2132.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1910.. Train accuracy: 0.9323.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9936.. Test loss: 0.4100.. Test accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 46/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3589.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.1909.. Train accuracy: 0.9321.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9943.. Test loss: 0.4429.. Test accuracy: 0.8690.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 47/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0192.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1809.. Train accuracy: 0.9356.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9947.. Test loss: 0.4149.. Test accuracy: 0.8826.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 48/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0144.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1807.. Train accuracy: 0.9348.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9952.. Test loss: 0.4330.. Test accuracy: 0.8719.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 49/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1468.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1680.. Train accuracy: 0.9405.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9954.. Test loss: 0.4051.. Test accuracy: 0.8842.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 50/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2955.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1730.. Train accuracy: 0.9382.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9954.. Test loss: 0.4166.. Test accuracy: 0.8768.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9788\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 51/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0600.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1680.. Train accuracy: 0.9404.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9953.. Test loss: 0.4303.. Test accuracy: 0.8765.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 52/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0847.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1663.. Train accuracy: 0.9408.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9958.. Test loss: 0.4216.. Test accuracy: 0.8780.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 53/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0692.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1663.. Train accuracy: 0.9410.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9955.. Test loss: 0.4614.. Test accuracy: 0.8722.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 54/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2467.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1575.. Train accuracy: 0.9435.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9961.. Test loss: 0.4229.. Test accuracy: 0.8776.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 55/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3204.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.1550.. Train accuracy: 0.9459.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9961.. Test loss: 0.4157.. Test accuracy: 0.8822.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 56/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0760.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1552.. Train accuracy: 0.9444.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9963.. Test loss: 0.4593.. Test accuracy: 0.8732.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9791\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9903.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1507.. Train accuracy: 0.9468.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9961.. Test loss: 0.4634.. Test accuracy: 0.8755.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9779\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 58/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4967.. Average time per step: 0.0345.. Train loss: 0.1470.. Train accuracy: 0.9474.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9970.. Test loss: 0.4740.. Test accuracy: 0.8726.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 59/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0566.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1430.. Train accuracy: 0.9490.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9965.. Test loss: 0.4345.. Test accuracy: 0.8797.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9782\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 60/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1147.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1410.. Train accuracy: 0.9500.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4365.. Test accuracy: 0.8794.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 61/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0555.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1392.. Train accuracy: 0.9497.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9968.. Test loss: 0.4607.. Test accuracy: 0.8727.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 62/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1783.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1353.. Train accuracy: 0.9522.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4404.. Test accuracy: 0.8814.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 63/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0240.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1336.. Train accuracy: 0.9522.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4514.. Test accuracy: 0.8809.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 64/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1917.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1327.. Train accuracy: 0.9533.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4484.. Test accuracy: 0.8818.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 65/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1804.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1313.. Train accuracy: 0.9532.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9972.. Test loss: 0.4779.. Test accuracy: 0.8730.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9785\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 66/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0455.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1247.. Train accuracy: 0.9546.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4683.. Test accuracy: 0.8806.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 67/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0513.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1271.. Train accuracy: 0.9541.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4702.. Test accuracy: 0.8767.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 68/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0709.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1199.. Train accuracy: 0.9574.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4553.. Test accuracy: 0.8789.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 69/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0561.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1266.. Train accuracy: 0.9548.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4578.. Test accuracy: 0.8775.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 70/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3514.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.1186.. Train accuracy: 0.9576.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4708.. Test accuracy: 0.8777.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 71/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1509.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1131.. Train accuracy: 0.9602.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4557.. Test accuracy: 0.8786.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 72/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0069.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1108.. Train accuracy: 0.9598.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4643.. Test accuracy: 0.8822.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 73/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5087.. Average time per step: 0.0345.. Train loss: 0.1161.. Train accuracy: 0.9586.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4659.. Test accuracy: 0.8809.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 74/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2169.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1139.. Train accuracy: 0.9599.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4785.. Test accuracy: 0.8778.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 75/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2880.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1062.. Train accuracy: 0.9622.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4841.. Test accuracy: 0.8785.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 76/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1755.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1095.. Train accuracy: 0.9610.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4802.. Test accuracy: 0.8766.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 77/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1433.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1059.. Train accuracy: 0.9624.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4866.. Test accuracy: 0.8770.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 78/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1270.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1035.. Train accuracy: 0.9630.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4887.. Test accuracy: 0.8787.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9788\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 79/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0015.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1025.. Train accuracy: 0.9638.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4934.. Test accuracy: 0.8726.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 80/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9960.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1009.. Train accuracy: 0.9636.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.5189.. Test accuracy: 0.8690.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 81/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0707.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0967.. Train accuracy: 0.9650.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.5195.. Test accuracy: 0.8740.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9786\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 82/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9903.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1005.. Train accuracy: 0.9640.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.5001.. Test accuracy: 0.8762.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 83/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0280.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0996.. Train accuracy: 0.9652.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4896.. Test accuracy: 0.8775.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 84/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1522.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0948.. Train accuracy: 0.9655.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.5008.. Test accuracy: 0.8773.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 85/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1297.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0931.. Train accuracy: 0.9667.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.5176.. Test accuracy: 0.8765.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 86/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1897.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0973.. Train accuracy: 0.9657.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.5054.. Test accuracy: 0.8732.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 87/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0737.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0934.. Train accuracy: 0.9674.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4661.. Test accuracy: 0.8846.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 88/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2702.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.0883.. Train accuracy: 0.9692.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5120.. Test accuracy: 0.8754.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 89/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2934.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.0902.. Train accuracy: 0.9679.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5076.. Test accuracy: 0.8774.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 90/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0344.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0904.. Train accuracy: 0.9686.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5123.. Test accuracy: 0.8794.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 91/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1600.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0878.. Train accuracy: 0.9688.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.5011.. Test accuracy: 0.8837.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 92/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9756.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.0883.. Train accuracy: 0.9692.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4970.. Test accuracy: 0.8801.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 93/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1175.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0852.. Train accuracy: 0.9701.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4881.. Test accuracy: 0.8800.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9828\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 94/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9911.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.0836.. Train accuracy: 0.9700.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5133.. Test accuracy: 0.8790.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 95/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1783.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0870.. Train accuracy: 0.9692.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.5122.. Test accuracy: 0.8765.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 96/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1226.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0818.. Train accuracy: 0.9708.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9992.. Test loss: 0.4886.. Test accuracy: 0.8841.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 97/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2912.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.0779.. Train accuracy: 0.9717.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4885.. Test accuracy: 0.8842.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 98/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1209.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0802.. Train accuracy: 0.9715.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9991.. Test loss: 0.5212.. Test accuracy: 0.8773.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 99/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0651.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0804.. Train accuracy: 0.9711.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5071.. Test accuracy: 0.8834.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 1/20.. Epoch 100/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3991.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.0765.. Train accuracy: 0.9726.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9992.. Test loss: 0.5255.. Test accuracy: 0.8773.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9823\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 1/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0815.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 1.3849.. Train accuracy: 0.4956.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8102.. Test loss: 1.2722.. Test accuracy: 0.5471.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8540\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 2/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0491.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 1.0533.. Train accuracy: 0.6231.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8914.. Test loss: 1.0334.. Test accuracy: 0.6277.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8996\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 3/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1418.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.9162.. Train accuracy: 0.6767.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9132.. Test loss: 0.8842.. Test accuracy: 0.6919.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9237\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 4/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2450.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.8150.. Train accuracy: 0.7123.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9278.. Test loss: 0.7544.. Test accuracy: 0.7394.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9375\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 5/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1442.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.7431.. Train accuracy: 0.7396.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9388.. Test loss: 0.7249.. Test accuracy: 0.7516.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9382\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 6/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0952.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.6911.. Train accuracy: 0.7573.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9457.. Test loss: 0.6563.. Test accuracy: 0.7740.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9508\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 7/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0842.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.6494.. Train accuracy: 0.7718.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9505.. Test loss: 0.6291.. Test accuracy: 0.7826.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9574\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 8/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0487.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.6110.. Train accuracy: 0.7876.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9555.. Test loss: 0.5471.. Test accuracy: 0.8076.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9654\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 9/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0273.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.5770.. Train accuracy: 0.7979.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9597.. Test loss: 0.6030.. Test accuracy: 0.7919.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9562\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 10/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1308.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.5523.. Train accuracy: 0.8078.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9612.. Test loss: 0.5627.. Test accuracy: 0.8065.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9634\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 11/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1154.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.5229.. Train accuracy: 0.8179.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9651.. Test loss: 0.5079.. Test accuracy: 0.8254.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9677\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 12/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1313.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.5060.. Train accuracy: 0.8235.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9682.. Test loss: 0.4939.. Test accuracy: 0.8286.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9683\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 13/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0008.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.4845.. Train accuracy: 0.8306.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9699.. Test loss: 0.4910.. Test accuracy: 0.8310.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9706\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 14/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0523.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4628.. Train accuracy: 0.8368.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9719.. Test loss: 0.4717.. Test accuracy: 0.8379.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9707\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 15/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0771.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4469.. Train accuracy: 0.8428.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9738.. Test loss: 0.4789.. Test accuracy: 0.8354.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9706\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 16/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2518.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.4345.. Train accuracy: 0.8474.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9743.. Test loss: 0.4436.. Test accuracy: 0.8483.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9721\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 17/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1083.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4108.. Train accuracy: 0.8559.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9762.. Test loss: 0.4681.. Test accuracy: 0.8385.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9726\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 18/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2640.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.3998.. Train accuracy: 0.8594.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9765.. Test loss: 0.4633.. Test accuracy: 0.8429.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9761\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 19/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0266.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3874.. Train accuracy: 0.8627.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9798.. Test loss: 0.4259.. Test accuracy: 0.8536.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9775\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 20/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1176.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.3719.. Train accuracy: 0.8690.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9800.. Test loss: 0.4198.. Test accuracy: 0.8558.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9770\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 21/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9755.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.3618.. Train accuracy: 0.8736.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9822.. Test loss: 0.4486.. Test accuracy: 0.8502.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9739\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 22/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0213.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3497.. Train accuracy: 0.8769.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9822.. Test loss: 0.4688.. Test accuracy: 0.8476.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9736\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 23/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0082.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3445.. Train accuracy: 0.8799.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9834.. Test loss: 0.4142.. Test accuracy: 0.8612.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9776\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 24/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2266.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3339.. Train accuracy: 0.8818.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9831.. Test loss: 0.4114.. Test accuracy: 0.8617.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 25/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9874.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.3227.. Train accuracy: 0.8860.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9849.. Test loss: 0.4354.. Test accuracy: 0.8561.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9775\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 26/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0876.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.3135.. Train accuracy: 0.8900.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9847.. Test loss: 0.3820.. Test accuracy: 0.8747.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 27/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9601.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.3028.. Train accuracy: 0.8925.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9868.. Test loss: 0.3901.. Test accuracy: 0.8721.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 28/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0622.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2954.. Train accuracy: 0.8953.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9868.. Test loss: 0.3941.. Test accuracy: 0.8702.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9785\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 29/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1470.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2883.. Train accuracy: 0.8974.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9880.. Test loss: 0.4130.. Test accuracy: 0.8670.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 30/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9221.. Average time per step: 0.0330.. Train loss: 0.2827.. Train accuracy: 0.8996.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9881.. Test loss: 0.4092.. Test accuracy: 0.8630.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 31/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0839.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2728.. Train accuracy: 0.9040.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9886.. Test loss: 0.3891.. Test accuracy: 0.8720.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 32/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9680.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.2640.. Train accuracy: 0.9065.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9903.. Test loss: 0.3888.. Test accuracy: 0.8721.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 33/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3239.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2591.. Train accuracy: 0.9088.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9894.. Test loss: 0.3909.. Test accuracy: 0.8723.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9783\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 34/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0364.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2510.. Train accuracy: 0.9127.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9903.. Test loss: 0.3984.. Test accuracy: 0.8705.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 35/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1641.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2460.. Train accuracy: 0.9117.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9906.. Test loss: 0.4008.. Test accuracy: 0.8728.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 36/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9728.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.2354.. Train accuracy: 0.9159.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9908.. Test loss: 0.3989.. Test accuracy: 0.8737.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 37/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0043.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2371.. Train accuracy: 0.9164.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9919.. Test loss: 0.4078.. Test accuracy: 0.8743.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 38/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3206.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2278.. Train accuracy: 0.9192.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9915.. Test loss: 0.4020.. Test accuracy: 0.8749.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 39/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0593.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2224.. Train accuracy: 0.9213.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9923.. Test loss: 0.4136.. Test accuracy: 0.8708.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 40/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1161.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2160.. Train accuracy: 0.9230.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9931.. Test loss: 0.4034.. Test accuracy: 0.8743.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 41/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3376.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2093.. Train accuracy: 0.9252.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9932.. Test loss: 0.3958.. Test accuracy: 0.8758.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 42/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0417.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2061.. Train accuracy: 0.9273.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9937.. Test loss: 0.3997.. Test accuracy: 0.8771.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9827\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 43/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1005.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1972.. Train accuracy: 0.9300.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9938.. Test loss: 0.4092.. Test accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 44/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1316.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2006.. Train accuracy: 0.9279.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9941.. Test loss: 0.4243.. Test accuracy: 0.8750.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 45/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0349.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1941.. Train accuracy: 0.9314.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9940.. Test loss: 0.3990.. Test accuracy: 0.8756.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 46/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1574.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1874.. Train accuracy: 0.9340.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9947.. Test loss: 0.3994.. Test accuracy: 0.8794.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 47/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2209.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1871.. Train accuracy: 0.9318.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9948.. Test loss: 0.4438.. Test accuracy: 0.8685.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 48/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3345.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.1837.. Train accuracy: 0.9340.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9950.. Test loss: 0.4160.. Test accuracy: 0.8794.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 49/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0540.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1750.. Train accuracy: 0.9376.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9945.. Test loss: 0.4274.. Test accuracy: 0.8759.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 50/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1814.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1739.. Train accuracy: 0.9375.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9954.. Test loss: 0.4057.. Test accuracy: 0.8747.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 51/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0533.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1677.. Train accuracy: 0.9393.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9952.. Test loss: 0.4149.. Test accuracy: 0.8781.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 52/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1807.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1694.. Train accuracy: 0.9405.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9958.. Test loss: 0.4093.. Test accuracy: 0.8809.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9827\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 53/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2696.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1591.. Train accuracy: 0.9434.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9961.. Test loss: 0.4191.. Test accuracy: 0.8800.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9827\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 54/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0234.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1613.. Train accuracy: 0.9423.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9958.. Test loss: 0.4046.. Test accuracy: 0.8807.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9830\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 55/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3224.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.1574.. Train accuracy: 0.9426.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9961.. Test loss: 0.4173.. Test accuracy: 0.8796.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 56/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1995.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1521.. Train accuracy: 0.9459.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9961.. Test loss: 0.4419.. Test accuracy: 0.8731.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1734.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1489.. Train accuracy: 0.9469.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9966.. Test loss: 0.4009.. Test accuracy: 0.8852.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 58/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9625.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1478.. Train accuracy: 0.9470.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4441.. Test accuracy: 0.8761.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9823\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 59/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1051.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1435.. Train accuracy: 0.9487.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4305.. Test accuracy: 0.8784.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9816\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 60/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2355.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1432.. Train accuracy: 0.9480.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4408.. Test accuracy: 0.8776.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9781\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 61/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0893.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1405.. Train accuracy: 0.9499.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4273.. Test accuracy: 0.8817.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9816\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 62/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1867.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1383.. Train accuracy: 0.9497.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4414.. Test accuracy: 0.8795.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 63/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1415.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1328.. Train accuracy: 0.9528.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4512.. Test accuracy: 0.8767.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 64/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2726.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1319.. Train accuracy: 0.9528.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4680.. Test accuracy: 0.8745.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 65/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0262.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1270.. Train accuracy: 0.9544.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4328.. Test accuracy: 0.8825.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 66/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9786.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1289.. Train accuracy: 0.9536.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9972.. Test loss: 0.4422.. Test accuracy: 0.8801.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 67/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4160.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.1258.. Train accuracy: 0.9551.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4697.. Test accuracy: 0.8783.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 68/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2367.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1273.. Train accuracy: 0.9552.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9973.. Test loss: 0.4648.. Test accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 69/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0215.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1176.. Train accuracy: 0.9588.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4588.. Test accuracy: 0.8804.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 70/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2745.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1178.. Train accuracy: 0.9579.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4482.. Test accuracy: 0.8817.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 71/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0606.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1188.. Train accuracy: 0.9577.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4703.. Test accuracy: 0.8795.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 72/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1271.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1141.. Train accuracy: 0.9601.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4733.. Test accuracy: 0.8767.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9830\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 73/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1054.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1147.. Train accuracy: 0.9591.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4570.. Test accuracy: 0.8830.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 74/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2058.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1114.. Train accuracy: 0.9598.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4519.. Test accuracy: 0.8820.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 75/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0732.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1094.. Train accuracy: 0.9609.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4586.. Test accuracy: 0.8843.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 76/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1415.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1109.. Train accuracy: 0.9606.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4594.. Test accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 77/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0596.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1103.. Train accuracy: 0.9609.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4433.. Test accuracy: 0.8832.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9835\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 78/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0986.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1062.. Train accuracy: 0.9624.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4714.. Test accuracy: 0.8803.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 79/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0123.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1090.. Train accuracy: 0.9608.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4604.. Test accuracy: 0.8821.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9837\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 80/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1481.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1047.. Train accuracy: 0.9635.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4320.. Test accuracy: 0.8870.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9846\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 81/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5344.. Average time per step: 0.0346.. Train loss: 0.1013.. Train accuracy: 0.9636.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4597.. Test accuracy: 0.8781.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9838\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 82/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0061.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1006.. Train accuracy: 0.9643.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4784.. Test accuracy: 0.8823.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 83/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0175.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1038.. Train accuracy: 0.9623.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4644.. Test accuracy: 0.8822.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9834\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 84/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0343.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1032.. Train accuracy: 0.9629.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4437.. Test accuracy: 0.8834.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9838\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 85/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4509.. Average time per step: 0.0344.. Train loss: 0.0945.. Train accuracy: 0.9667.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4524.. Test accuracy: 0.8839.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9832\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 86/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0509.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0922.. Train accuracy: 0.9669.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4752.. Test accuracy: 0.8815.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 87/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1996.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0993.. Train accuracy: 0.9650.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4516.. Test accuracy: 0.8852.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9846\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 88/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0326.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0914.. Train accuracy: 0.9678.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4744.. Test accuracy: 0.8822.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9826\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 89/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0551.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0910.. Train accuracy: 0.9676.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4538.. Test accuracy: 0.8852.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9832\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 90/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0995.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0884.. Train accuracy: 0.9679.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4661.. Test accuracy: 0.8833.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 91/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1683.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0897.. Train accuracy: 0.9678.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5014.. Test accuracy: 0.8734.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 92/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2312.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0877.. Train accuracy: 0.9683.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4727.. Test accuracy: 0.8800.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 93/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0742.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0879.. Train accuracy: 0.9690.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.4878.. Test accuracy: 0.8804.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 94/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2041.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0831.. Train accuracy: 0.9699.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.4805.. Test accuracy: 0.8826.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 95/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3259.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.0857.. Train accuracy: 0.9695.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4817.. Test accuracy: 0.8820.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 96/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0282.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0832.. Train accuracy: 0.9711.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4890.. Test accuracy: 0.8850.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 97/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0814.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0801.. Train accuracy: 0.9710.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5007.. Test accuracy: 0.8810.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9816\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 98/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1187.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0846.. Train accuracy: 0.9691.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.5087.. Test accuracy: 0.8770.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 99/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0653.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0835.. Train accuracy: 0.9701.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.5075.. Test accuracy: 0.8784.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9823\n",
"Run 2/20.. Epoch 100/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0821.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0739.. Train accuracy: 0.9739.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5046.. Test accuracy: 0.8813.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 1/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2183.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 1.3815.. Train accuracy: 0.4956.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8139.. Test loss: 1.1348.. Test accuracy: 0.5989.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8740\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 2/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0549.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 1.0435.. Train accuracy: 0.6278.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8910.. Test loss: 0.9372.. Test accuracy: 0.6582.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9169\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 3/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0515.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.8903.. Train accuracy: 0.6861.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9173.. Test loss: 0.9074.. Test accuracy: 0.6805.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9184\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 4/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0229.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.7962.. Train accuracy: 0.7205.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9286.. Test loss: 0.7378.. Test accuracy: 0.7401.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9389\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 5/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2529.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.7289.. Train accuracy: 0.7439.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9406.. Test loss: 0.7102.. Test accuracy: 0.7527.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9466\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 6/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1668.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.6767.. Train accuracy: 0.7617.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9468.. Test loss: 0.6784.. Test accuracy: 0.7676.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9482\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 7/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0642.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.6294.. Train accuracy: 0.7798.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9535.. Test loss: 0.5902.. Test accuracy: 0.7981.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9576\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 8/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5289.. Average time per step: 0.0346.. Train loss: 0.5988.. Train accuracy: 0.7910.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9569.. Test loss: 0.5893.. Test accuracy: 0.7969.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9614\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 9/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4507.. Average time per step: 0.0344.. Train loss: 0.5700.. Train accuracy: 0.8015.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9604.. Test loss: 0.5783.. Test accuracy: 0.8064.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9611\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 10/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1103.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.5386.. Train accuracy: 0.8125.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9632.. Test loss: 0.5346.. Test accuracy: 0.8208.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9635\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 11/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3523.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.5146.. Train accuracy: 0.8198.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9660.. Test loss: 0.5104.. Test accuracy: 0.8246.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9681\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 12/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0451.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4936.. Train accuracy: 0.8279.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9686.. Test loss: 0.4997.. Test accuracy: 0.8300.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9693\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 13/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0785.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4755.. Train accuracy: 0.8339.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9709.. Test loss: 0.4578.. Test accuracy: 0.8419.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9745\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 14/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1198.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.4573.. Train accuracy: 0.8404.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9720.. Test loss: 0.4879.. Test accuracy: 0.8334.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9688\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 15/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0679.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4384.. Train accuracy: 0.8454.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9747.. Test loss: 0.4649.. Test accuracy: 0.8390.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9741\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 16/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0852.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4273.. Train accuracy: 0.8508.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9752.. Test loss: 0.4359.. Test accuracy: 0.8503.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9766\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 17/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0983.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4087.. Train accuracy: 0.8554.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9775.. Test loss: 0.4753.. Test accuracy: 0.8409.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9713\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 18/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0430.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3890.. Train accuracy: 0.8615.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9790.. Test loss: 0.4286.. Test accuracy: 0.8576.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9750\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 19/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2251.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3828.. Train accuracy: 0.8662.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9807.. Test loss: 0.4760.. Test accuracy: 0.8418.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9714\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 20/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4983.. Average time per step: 0.0345.. Train loss: 0.3695.. Train accuracy: 0.8700.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9807.. Test loss: 0.4438.. Test accuracy: 0.8550.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9753\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 21/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0042.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3587.. Train accuracy: 0.8726.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9819.. Test loss: 0.4174.. Test accuracy: 0.8607.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9757\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 22/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1181.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.3459.. Train accuracy: 0.8785.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9823.. Test loss: 0.4254.. Test accuracy: 0.8576.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9774\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 23/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1968.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3366.. Train accuracy: 0.8811.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9835.. Test loss: 0.4481.. Test accuracy: 0.8553.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9753\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 24/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1904.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.3273.. Train accuracy: 0.8845.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9838.. Test loss: 0.3916.. Test accuracy: 0.8680.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 25/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1101.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.3125.. Train accuracy: 0.8894.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9856.. Test loss: 0.4049.. Test accuracy: 0.8669.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 26/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0420.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3085.. Train accuracy: 0.8901.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9856.. Test loss: 0.4014.. Test accuracy: 0.8692.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9786\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 27/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1683.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2988.. Train accuracy: 0.8946.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9871.. Test loss: 0.3964.. Test accuracy: 0.8722.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 28/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1611.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2911.. Train accuracy: 0.8978.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9878.. Test loss: 0.4091.. Test accuracy: 0.8693.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 29/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0727.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2842.. Train accuracy: 0.9010.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9880.. Test loss: 0.4211.. Test accuracy: 0.8672.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9783\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 30/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2556.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.2770.. Train accuracy: 0.9009.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9884.. Test loss: 0.3980.. Test accuracy: 0.8703.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 31/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0165.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2703.. Train accuracy: 0.9047.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9889.. Test loss: 0.4072.. Test accuracy: 0.8710.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 32/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2461.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.2612.. Train accuracy: 0.9068.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9899.. Test loss: 0.3822.. Test accuracy: 0.8759.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 33/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2647.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.2544.. Train accuracy: 0.9082.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9909.. Test loss: 0.3934.. Test accuracy: 0.8768.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 34/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0135.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2459.. Train accuracy: 0.9130.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9911.. Test loss: 0.4118.. Test accuracy: 0.8682.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 35/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1772.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2427.. Train accuracy: 0.9139.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9912.. Test loss: 0.4042.. Test accuracy: 0.8734.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 36/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0285.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2395.. Train accuracy: 0.9158.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9913.. Test loss: 0.3984.. Test accuracy: 0.8752.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 37/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1092.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2255.. Train accuracy: 0.9196.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9920.. Test loss: 0.3884.. Test accuracy: 0.8789.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 38/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2016.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.2242.. Train accuracy: 0.9202.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9923.. Test loss: 0.4206.. Test accuracy: 0.8707.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 39/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0721.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2189.. Train accuracy: 0.9222.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9923.. Test loss: 0.3963.. Test accuracy: 0.8771.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 40/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1099.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2099.. Train accuracy: 0.9252.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9928.. Test loss: 0.3968.. Test accuracy: 0.8792.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 41/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0355.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2057.. Train accuracy: 0.9273.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9936.. Test loss: 0.4104.. Test accuracy: 0.8741.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 42/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3148.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2029.. Train accuracy: 0.9271.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9934.. Test loss: 0.4153.. Test accuracy: 0.8733.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9791\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 43/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1890.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2014.. Train accuracy: 0.9291.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9934.. Test loss: 0.4088.. Test accuracy: 0.8769.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 44/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0720.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1935.. Train accuracy: 0.9322.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9939.. Test loss: 0.4280.. Test accuracy: 0.8724.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 45/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2386.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1889.. Train accuracy: 0.9329.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9942.. Test loss: 0.4092.. Test accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 46/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2475.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1897.. Train accuracy: 0.9333.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9939.. Test loss: 0.3925.. Test accuracy: 0.8858.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 47/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1445.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1852.. Train accuracy: 0.9336.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9946.. Test loss: 0.4257.. Test accuracy: 0.8752.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 48/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2766.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1792.. Train accuracy: 0.9357.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9948.. Test loss: 0.4520.. Test accuracy: 0.8692.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9785\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 49/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1446.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1707.. Train accuracy: 0.9398.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9956.. Test loss: 0.4097.. Test accuracy: 0.8793.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 50/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0380.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1721.. Train accuracy: 0.9388.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9954.. Test loss: 0.4128.. Test accuracy: 0.8843.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 51/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0455.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1688.. Train accuracy: 0.9396.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9952.. Test loss: 0.4174.. Test accuracy: 0.8820.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 52/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1235.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1626.. Train accuracy: 0.9423.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9957.. Test loss: 0.4245.. Test accuracy: 0.8814.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 53/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1970.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1591.. Train accuracy: 0.9438.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9960.. Test loss: 0.4032.. Test accuracy: 0.8804.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9825\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 54/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4880.. Average time per step: 0.0345.. Train loss: 0.1563.. Train accuracy: 0.9434.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4193.. Test accuracy: 0.8812.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 55/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1364.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1523.. Train accuracy: 0.9462.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4381.. Test accuracy: 0.8791.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9788\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 56/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0097.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1556.. Train accuracy: 0.9434.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9960.. Test loss: 0.4467.. Test accuracy: 0.8782.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9783\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1461.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1495.. Train accuracy: 0.9472.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9963.. Test loss: 0.4545.. Test accuracy: 0.8749.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 58/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3257.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.1469.. Train accuracy: 0.9464.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9963.. Test loss: 0.4052.. Test accuracy: 0.8841.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 59/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0089.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1420.. Train accuracy: 0.9499.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4365.. Test accuracy: 0.8794.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 60/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2334.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1417.. Train accuracy: 0.9496.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4402.. Test accuracy: 0.8783.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 61/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1702.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1350.. Train accuracy: 0.9520.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9974.. Test loss: 0.4162.. Test accuracy: 0.8837.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 62/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2733.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1390.. Train accuracy: 0.9508.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9966.. Test loss: 0.4357.. Test accuracy: 0.8806.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 63/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0006.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1308.. Train accuracy: 0.9525.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4462.. Test accuracy: 0.8843.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 64/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5367.. Average time per step: 0.0346.. Train loss: 0.1286.. Train accuracy: 0.9539.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9973.. Test loss: 0.4206.. Test accuracy: 0.8818.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 65/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0586.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1291.. Train accuracy: 0.9546.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4252.. Test accuracy: 0.8861.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9823\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 66/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0514.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1308.. Train accuracy: 0.9523.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4255.. Test accuracy: 0.8867.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9830\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 67/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2468.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1224.. Train accuracy: 0.9556.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4299.. Test accuracy: 0.8872.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 68/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0271.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1228.. Train accuracy: 0.9558.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4567.. Test accuracy: 0.8805.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 69/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4316.. Average time per step: 0.0344.. Train loss: 0.1201.. Train accuracy: 0.9575.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4864.. Test accuracy: 0.8775.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 70/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1456.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1197.. Train accuracy: 0.9569.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4454.. Test accuracy: 0.8817.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9816\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 71/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2629.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1130.. Train accuracy: 0.9591.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4478.. Test accuracy: 0.8835.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9828\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 72/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1617.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1114.. Train accuracy: 0.9601.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4434.. Test accuracy: 0.8873.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 73/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0385.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1157.. Train accuracy: 0.9582.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4572.. Test accuracy: 0.8797.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 74/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0858.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1125.. Train accuracy: 0.9588.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4620.. Test accuracy: 0.8832.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 75/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3339.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.1076.. Train accuracy: 0.9604.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4555.. Test accuracy: 0.8851.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 76/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0919.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1053.. Train accuracy: 0.9624.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4817.. Test accuracy: 0.8784.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 77/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1525.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1036.. Train accuracy: 0.9643.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4929.. Test accuracy: 0.8767.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 78/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1229.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1043.. Train accuracy: 0.9626.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4432.. Test accuracy: 0.8885.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9823\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 79/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1863.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1029.. Train accuracy: 0.9626.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4550.. Test accuracy: 0.8874.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9825\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 80/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1495.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1016.. Train accuracy: 0.9645.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4727.. Test accuracy: 0.8851.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 81/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3516.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.0993.. Train accuracy: 0.9647.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4765.. Test accuracy: 0.8808.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9824\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 82/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0732.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0954.. Train accuracy: 0.9662.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4901.. Test accuracy: 0.8831.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9788\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 83/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0429.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0978.. Train accuracy: 0.9655.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4831.. Test accuracy: 0.8792.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 84/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1273.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0918.. Train accuracy: 0.9681.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4862.. Test accuracy: 0.8817.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9784\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 85/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9326.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.0981.. Train accuracy: 0.9647.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4742.. Test accuracy: 0.8811.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9832\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 86/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1238.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0930.. Train accuracy: 0.9672.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.5135.. Test accuracy: 0.8823.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9816\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 87/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1524.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0908.. Train accuracy: 0.9671.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.5220.. Test accuracy: 0.8777.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 88/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2901.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.0969.. Train accuracy: 0.9657.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4808.. Test accuracy: 0.8797.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 89/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1089.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0886.. Train accuracy: 0.9684.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.4810.. Test accuracy: 0.8848.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9823\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 90/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1901.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0931.. Train accuracy: 0.9667.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4666.. Test accuracy: 0.8888.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9823\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 91/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9875.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.0876.. Train accuracy: 0.9684.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4732.. Test accuracy: 0.8888.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 92/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2500.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.0896.. Train accuracy: 0.9693.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4634.. Test accuracy: 0.8852.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9824\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 93/100.. Time per epoch: 13.9392.. Average time per step: 0.0357.. Train loss: 0.0833.. Train accuracy: 0.9698.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4858.. Test accuracy: 0.8821.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 94/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1057.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0831.. Train accuracy: 0.9707.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.4922.. Test accuracy: 0.8852.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 95/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0206.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0845.. Train accuracy: 0.9706.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4874.. Test accuracy: 0.8842.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 96/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2517.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.0847.. Train accuracy: 0.9692.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.5027.. Test accuracy: 0.8834.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 97/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0692.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0824.. Train accuracy: 0.9702.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.4709.. Test accuracy: 0.8873.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 98/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1206.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0782.. Train accuracy: 0.9727.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4882.. Test accuracy: 0.8894.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 99/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0952.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0795.. Train accuracy: 0.9713.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4840.. Test accuracy: 0.8866.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 3/20.. Epoch 100/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0215.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0802.. Train accuracy: 0.9716.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9991.. Test loss: 0.5085.. Test accuracy: 0.8821.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 1/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2741.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 1.3930.. Train accuracy: 0.4872.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8124.. Test loss: 1.1392.. Test accuracy: 0.5945.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8720\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 2/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3251.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 1.0771.. Train accuracy: 0.6111.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8854.. Test loss: 1.0726.. Test accuracy: 0.6198.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8877\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 3/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0230.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.9293.. Train accuracy: 0.6700.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9116.. Test loss: 0.8663.. Test accuracy: 0.6895.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9267\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 4/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0188.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.8369.. Train accuracy: 0.7026.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9253.. Test loss: 0.7445.. Test accuracy: 0.7419.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9394\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 5/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1903.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.7501.. Train accuracy: 0.7369.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9382.. Test loss: 0.6606.. Test accuracy: 0.7687.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9496\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 6/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1406.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.6933.. Train accuracy: 0.7570.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9457.. Test loss: 0.6705.. Test accuracy: 0.7675.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9516\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 7/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0696.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.6434.. Train accuracy: 0.7753.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9508.. Test loss: 0.6246.. Test accuracy: 0.7865.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9538\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 8/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0156.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.6082.. Train accuracy: 0.7882.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9552.. Test loss: 0.5678.. Test accuracy: 0.8040.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9611\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 9/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0724.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.5719.. Train accuracy: 0.7983.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9585.. Test loss: 0.5387.. Test accuracy: 0.8101.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9623\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 10/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0094.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.5481.. Train accuracy: 0.8087.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9629.. Test loss: 0.5219.. Test accuracy: 0.8190.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9648\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 11/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0664.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.5183.. Train accuracy: 0.8190.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9654.. Test loss: 0.5356.. Test accuracy: 0.8181.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9673\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 12/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2255.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.5007.. Train accuracy: 0.8256.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9682.. Test loss: 0.4964.. Test accuracy: 0.8244.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9680\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 13/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1615.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.4799.. Train accuracy: 0.8332.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9703.. Test loss: 0.4943.. Test accuracy: 0.8269.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9699\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 14/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1544.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.4587.. Train accuracy: 0.8402.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9721.. Test loss: 0.4871.. Test accuracy: 0.8322.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9683\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 15/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1705.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.4404.. Train accuracy: 0.8461.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9741.. Test loss: 0.4607.. Test accuracy: 0.8416.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9732\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 16/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1137.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4265.. Train accuracy: 0.8503.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9757.. Test loss: 0.4539.. Test accuracy: 0.8413.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9742\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 17/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0060.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.4103.. Train accuracy: 0.8570.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9768.. Test loss: 0.4852.. Test accuracy: 0.8337.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9708\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 18/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9829.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.3935.. Train accuracy: 0.8607.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9789.. Test loss: 0.4432.. Test accuracy: 0.8468.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9752\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 19/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3749.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.3790.. Train accuracy: 0.8670.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9801.. Test loss: 0.4283.. Test accuracy: 0.8593.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9751\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 20/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3603.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.3681.. Train accuracy: 0.8710.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9813.. Test loss: 0.4216.. Test accuracy: 0.8604.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9748\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 21/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9763.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.3593.. Train accuracy: 0.8725.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9804.. Test loss: 0.3969.. Test accuracy: 0.8655.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 22/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0579.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3475.. Train accuracy: 0.8775.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9824.. Test loss: 0.4297.. Test accuracy: 0.8587.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9751\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 23/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4308.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.3323.. Train accuracy: 0.8826.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9845.. Test loss: 0.4172.. Test accuracy: 0.8569.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9765\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 24/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5267.. Average time per step: 0.0346.. Train loss: 0.3251.. Train accuracy: 0.8847.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9851.. Test loss: 0.4223.. Test accuracy: 0.8608.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9765\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 25/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0207.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3134.. Train accuracy: 0.8890.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9851.. Test loss: 0.4404.. Test accuracy: 0.8521.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9749\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 26/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0734.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2991.. Train accuracy: 0.8948.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9870.. Test loss: 0.4085.. Test accuracy: 0.8644.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9769\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 27/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3803.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.2957.. Train accuracy: 0.8960.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9867.. Test loss: 0.4009.. Test accuracy: 0.8695.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9787\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 28/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2087.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.2910.. Train accuracy: 0.8983.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9870.. Test loss: 0.4010.. Test accuracy: 0.8685.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 29/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2819.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.2765.. Train accuracy: 0.9010.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9886.. Test loss: 0.4174.. Test accuracy: 0.8615.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 30/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9370.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.2727.. Train accuracy: 0.9046.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9893.. Test loss: 0.4035.. Test accuracy: 0.8703.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9782\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 31/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4505.. Average time per step: 0.0344.. Train loss: 0.2616.. Train accuracy: 0.9074.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9897.. Test loss: 0.4476.. Test accuracy: 0.8584.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9770\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 32/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0547.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2544.. Train accuracy: 0.9089.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9904.. Test loss: 0.4054.. Test accuracy: 0.8676.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9775\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 33/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1203.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2543.. Train accuracy: 0.9104.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9901.. Test loss: 0.4400.. Test accuracy: 0.8579.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9776\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 34/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1868.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2471.. Train accuracy: 0.9122.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9911.. Test loss: 0.4297.. Test accuracy: 0.8642.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 35/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0564.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2342.. Train accuracy: 0.9161.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9917.. Test loss: 0.4044.. Test accuracy: 0.8717.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 36/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0208.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2348.. Train accuracy: 0.9161.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9920.. Test loss: 0.4078.. Test accuracy: 0.8734.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 37/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9920.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.2275.. Train accuracy: 0.9202.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9922.. Test loss: 0.4098.. Test accuracy: 0.8716.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9783\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 38/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1935.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2259.. Train accuracy: 0.9183.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9926.. Test loss: 0.4064.. Test accuracy: 0.8773.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 39/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0818.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2172.. Train accuracy: 0.9230.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9930.. Test loss: 0.4023.. Test accuracy: 0.8776.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 40/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0526.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2096.. Train accuracy: 0.9242.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9926.. Test loss: 0.3982.. Test accuracy: 0.8742.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 41/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1737.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2013.. Train accuracy: 0.9290.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9934.. Test loss: 0.4070.. Test accuracy: 0.8760.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 42/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1972.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.2001.. Train accuracy: 0.9295.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9938.. Test loss: 0.4311.. Test accuracy: 0.8708.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 43/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0022.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1976.. Train accuracy: 0.9300.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9940.. Test loss: 0.4226.. Test accuracy: 0.8734.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9781\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 44/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2961.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1930.. Train accuracy: 0.9307.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9937.. Test loss: 0.4003.. Test accuracy: 0.8777.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 45/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0209.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1881.. Train accuracy: 0.9332.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9943.. Test loss: 0.4211.. Test accuracy: 0.8742.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 46/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0396.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1855.. Train accuracy: 0.9340.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9942.. Test loss: 0.4112.. Test accuracy: 0.8770.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9831\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 47/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3027.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1787.. Train accuracy: 0.9375.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9946.. Test loss: 0.4186.. Test accuracy: 0.8748.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 48/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1541.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1727.. Train accuracy: 0.9385.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9952.. Test loss: 0.4229.. Test accuracy: 0.8744.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 49/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2036.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1712.. Train accuracy: 0.9386.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9953.. Test loss: 0.4165.. Test accuracy: 0.8765.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 50/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2345.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1653.. Train accuracy: 0.9410.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9955.. Test loss: 0.4215.. Test accuracy: 0.8808.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 51/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1347.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1631.. Train accuracy: 0.9419.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9953.. Test loss: 0.4261.. Test accuracy: 0.8734.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 52/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0260.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1585.. Train accuracy: 0.9433.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9960.. Test loss: 0.4314.. Test accuracy: 0.8776.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 53/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0831.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1548.. Train accuracy: 0.9458.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9964.. Test loss: 0.4266.. Test accuracy: 0.8794.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 54/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0765.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1560.. Train accuracy: 0.9455.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9965.. Test loss: 0.4276.. Test accuracy: 0.8783.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 55/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0269.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1527.. Train accuracy: 0.9453.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9966.. Test loss: 0.4222.. Test accuracy: 0.8806.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9827\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 56/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9830.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1454.. Train accuracy: 0.9483.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4456.. Test accuracy: 0.8761.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0954.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1425.. Train accuracy: 0.9500.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4461.. Test accuracy: 0.8762.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 58/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0963.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1431.. Train accuracy: 0.9493.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9965.. Test loss: 0.4446.. Test accuracy: 0.8782.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 59/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4156.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.1441.. Train accuracy: 0.9490.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9963.. Test loss: 0.4523.. Test accuracy: 0.8739.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 60/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0190.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1375.. Train accuracy: 0.9511.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4326.. Test accuracy: 0.8821.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 61/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9813.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1307.. Train accuracy: 0.9535.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4722.. Test accuracy: 0.8758.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 62/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0099.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1309.. Train accuracy: 0.9525.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4627.. Test accuracy: 0.8749.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 63/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0551.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1305.. Train accuracy: 0.9535.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4442.. Test accuracy: 0.8776.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 64/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0154.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1316.. Train accuracy: 0.9529.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4789.. Test accuracy: 0.8704.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9786\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 65/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1296.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1241.. Train accuracy: 0.9564.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9972.. Test loss: 0.4507.. Test accuracy: 0.8834.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 66/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0329.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1258.. Train accuracy: 0.9552.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4670.. Test accuracy: 0.8770.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 67/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1475.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1228.. Train accuracy: 0.9570.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4800.. Test accuracy: 0.8759.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 68/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1043.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1192.. Train accuracy: 0.9576.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4376.. Test accuracy: 0.8808.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 69/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9863.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1228.. Train accuracy: 0.9569.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4476.. Test accuracy: 0.8771.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 70/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2590.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1067.. Train accuracy: 0.9615.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4789.. Test accuracy: 0.8755.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 71/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3024.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1139.. Train accuracy: 0.9597.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4566.. Test accuracy: 0.8822.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 72/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2948.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1137.. Train accuracy: 0.9601.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4982.. Test accuracy: 0.8729.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 73/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4799.. Average time per step: 0.0345.. Train loss: 0.1094.. Train accuracy: 0.9610.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4723.. Test accuracy: 0.8805.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 74/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2152.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1102.. Train accuracy: 0.9613.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4773.. Test accuracy: 0.8810.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 75/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0352.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1077.. Train accuracy: 0.9621.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4549.. Test accuracy: 0.8796.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 76/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9890.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1023.. Train accuracy: 0.9631.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4669.. Test accuracy: 0.8833.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 77/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1091.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1046.. Train accuracy: 0.9626.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4619.. Test accuracy: 0.8798.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 78/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2346.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1040.. Train accuracy: 0.9623.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4585.. Test accuracy: 0.8796.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9828\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 79/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0549.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0963.. Train accuracy: 0.9656.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4755.. Test accuracy: 0.8815.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9829\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 80/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0787.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1000.. Train accuracy: 0.9639.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4814.. Test accuracy: 0.8782.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 81/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1115.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0953.. Train accuracy: 0.9667.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4660.. Test accuracy: 0.8825.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 82/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0352.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1021.. Train accuracy: 0.9639.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4841.. Test accuracy: 0.8783.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 83/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1860.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0968.. Train accuracy: 0.9669.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4930.. Test accuracy: 0.8792.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 84/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3759.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.0966.. Train accuracy: 0.9658.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4556.. Test accuracy: 0.8869.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9827\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 85/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2178.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0858.. Train accuracy: 0.9695.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5039.. Test accuracy: 0.8828.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9767\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 86/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1183.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0929.. Train accuracy: 0.9669.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4573.. Test accuracy: 0.8832.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 87/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3966.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.0906.. Train accuracy: 0.9677.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4796.. Test accuracy: 0.8839.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9826\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 88/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0141.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0867.. Train accuracy: 0.9687.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4912.. Test accuracy: 0.8815.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 89/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2044.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0910.. Train accuracy: 0.9671.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4806.. Test accuracy: 0.8829.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 90/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1618.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0841.. Train accuracy: 0.9698.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4874.. Test accuracy: 0.8842.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 91/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0170.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0855.. Train accuracy: 0.9698.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4958.. Test accuracy: 0.8825.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 92/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0553.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0823.. Train accuracy: 0.9703.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4930.. Test accuracy: 0.8856.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 93/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1678.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0858.. Train accuracy: 0.9699.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5067.. Test accuracy: 0.8820.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 94/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0828.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0812.. Train accuracy: 0.9711.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4890.. Test accuracy: 0.8819.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9825\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 95/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0726.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0841.. Train accuracy: 0.9705.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9991.. Test loss: 0.5046.. Test accuracy: 0.8813.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 96/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1595.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0846.. Train accuracy: 0.9703.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4787.. Test accuracy: 0.8860.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 97/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0144.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0826.. Train accuracy: 0.9705.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4930.. Test accuracy: 0.8829.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 98/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1141.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0807.. Train accuracy: 0.9713.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5087.. Test accuracy: 0.8801.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 99/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2518.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.0774.. Train accuracy: 0.9728.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5201.. Test accuracy: 0.8767.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9824\n",
"Run 4/20.. Epoch 100/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2866.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.0787.. Train accuracy: 0.9724.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9991.. Test loss: 0.5232.. Test accuracy: 0.8798.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 1/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0467.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 1.3993.. Train accuracy: 0.4878.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8065.. Test loss: 1.2614.. Test accuracy: 0.5483.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8686\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 2/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3514.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 1.0645.. Train accuracy: 0.6160.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8873.. Test loss: 0.9164.. Test accuracy: 0.6723.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9138\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 3/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0131.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.9023.. Train accuracy: 0.6800.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9163.. Test loss: 0.8533.. Test accuracy: 0.7016.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9270\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 4/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2536.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.8044.. Train accuracy: 0.7178.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9299.. Test loss: 0.7489.. Test accuracy: 0.7380.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9424\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 5/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1174.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.7322.. Train accuracy: 0.7445.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9391.. Test loss: 0.6822.. Test accuracy: 0.7646.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9496\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 6/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1668.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.6791.. Train accuracy: 0.7625.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9472.. Test loss: 0.5925.. Test accuracy: 0.7959.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9589\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 7/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0625.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.6350.. Train accuracy: 0.7777.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9524.. Test loss: 0.5926.. Test accuracy: 0.7922.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9569\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 8/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2447.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.5975.. Train accuracy: 0.7905.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9570.. Test loss: 0.5665.. Test accuracy: 0.8062.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9632\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 9/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3939.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.5685.. Train accuracy: 0.8015.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9597.. Test loss: 0.5199.. Test accuracy: 0.8194.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9646\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 10/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4175.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.5436.. Train accuracy: 0.8077.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9626.. Test loss: 0.5263.. Test accuracy: 0.8172.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9677\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 11/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2036.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.5170.. Train accuracy: 0.8195.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9664.. Test loss: 0.5395.. Test accuracy: 0.8164.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9664\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 12/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0777.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4940.. Train accuracy: 0.8282.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9685.. Test loss: 0.4892.. Test accuracy: 0.8276.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9716\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 13/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0269.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.4690.. Train accuracy: 0.8363.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9705.. Test loss: 0.4836.. Test accuracy: 0.8320.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9697\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 14/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0891.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4563.. Train accuracy: 0.8396.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9722.. Test loss: 0.4615.. Test accuracy: 0.8425.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9720\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 15/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1774.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.4392.. Train accuracy: 0.8466.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9738.. Test loss: 0.4467.. Test accuracy: 0.8458.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9743\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 16/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1552.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.4235.. Train accuracy: 0.8514.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9759.. Test loss: 0.4502.. Test accuracy: 0.8473.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9743\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 17/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0813.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4085.. Train accuracy: 0.8581.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9779.. Test loss: 0.4422.. Test accuracy: 0.8479.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9741\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 18/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2525.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.3942.. Train accuracy: 0.8621.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9793.. Test loss: 0.4347.. Test accuracy: 0.8469.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9759\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 19/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0636.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3810.. Train accuracy: 0.8660.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9796.. Test loss: 0.4672.. Test accuracy: 0.8446.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9717\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 20/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0860.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.3689.. Train accuracy: 0.8718.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9803.. Test loss: 0.4339.. Test accuracy: 0.8515.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9748\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 21/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0776.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3605.. Train accuracy: 0.8734.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9819.. Test loss: 0.4320.. Test accuracy: 0.8547.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9748\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 22/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1760.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.3469.. Train accuracy: 0.8777.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9826.. Test loss: 0.4372.. Test accuracy: 0.8540.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9763\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 23/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1188.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.3392.. Train accuracy: 0.8798.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9831.. Test loss: 0.4142.. Test accuracy: 0.8624.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9767\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 24/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1388.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.3201.. Train accuracy: 0.8885.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9855.. Test loss: 0.4434.. Test accuracy: 0.8550.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9775\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 25/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1969.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3189.. Train accuracy: 0.8871.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9843.. Test loss: 0.4265.. Test accuracy: 0.8563.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9761\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 26/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0181.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3084.. Train accuracy: 0.8918.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9862.. Test loss: 0.4295.. Test accuracy: 0.8558.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9775\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 27/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0759.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2977.. Train accuracy: 0.8945.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9872.. Test loss: 0.3949.. Test accuracy: 0.8690.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 28/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0363.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2935.. Train accuracy: 0.8973.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9873.. Test loss: 0.4236.. Test accuracy: 0.8623.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9758\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 29/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0798.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2815.. Train accuracy: 0.9015.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9879.. Test loss: 0.4123.. Test accuracy: 0.8628.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9786\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 30/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0109.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2754.. Train accuracy: 0.9031.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9876.. Test loss: 0.3747.. Test accuracy: 0.8770.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 31/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0556.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2679.. Train accuracy: 0.9064.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9892.. Test loss: 0.3897.. Test accuracy: 0.8726.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 32/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1699.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2587.. Train accuracy: 0.9093.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9903.. Test loss: 0.3933.. Test accuracy: 0.8738.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 33/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0845.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2542.. Train accuracy: 0.9108.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9898.. Test loss: 0.3986.. Test accuracy: 0.8712.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9791\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 34/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9781.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.2460.. Train accuracy: 0.9124.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9909.. Test loss: 0.4018.. Test accuracy: 0.8700.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 35/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1655.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2415.. Train accuracy: 0.9142.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9911.. Test loss: 0.3893.. Test accuracy: 0.8724.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 36/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3490.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2331.. Train accuracy: 0.9178.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9915.. Test loss: 0.4049.. Test accuracy: 0.8722.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 37/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0048.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2259.. Train accuracy: 0.9196.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9923.. Test loss: 0.4098.. Test accuracy: 0.8707.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 38/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2823.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.2209.. Train accuracy: 0.9217.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9922.. Test loss: 0.4069.. Test accuracy: 0.8739.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9786\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 39/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0953.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2199.. Train accuracy: 0.9224.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9929.. Test loss: 0.4232.. Test accuracy: 0.8702.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9782\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 40/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9861.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.2138.. Train accuracy: 0.9227.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9932.. Test loss: 0.4186.. Test accuracy: 0.8680.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 41/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3297.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2082.. Train accuracy: 0.9266.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9930.. Test loss: 0.4192.. Test accuracy: 0.8688.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9787\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 42/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4346.. Average time per step: 0.0344.. Train loss: 0.2011.. Train accuracy: 0.9268.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9935.. Test loss: 0.4214.. Test accuracy: 0.8752.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 43/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0962.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1966.. Train accuracy: 0.9306.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9935.. Test loss: 0.4153.. Test accuracy: 0.8753.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 44/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2649.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1937.. Train accuracy: 0.9319.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9943.. Test loss: 0.4271.. Test accuracy: 0.8704.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 45/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0705.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1883.. Train accuracy: 0.9336.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9947.. Test loss: 0.4188.. Test accuracy: 0.8730.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 46/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1788.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1880.. Train accuracy: 0.9337.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9944.. Test loss: 0.4240.. Test accuracy: 0.8748.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 47/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9954.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1827.. Train accuracy: 0.9349.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9946.. Test loss: 0.4323.. Test accuracy: 0.8721.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 48/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0910.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1756.. Train accuracy: 0.9370.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9949.. Test loss: 0.4191.. Test accuracy: 0.8764.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 49/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9688.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1734.. Train accuracy: 0.9392.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9948.. Test loss: 0.4185.. Test accuracy: 0.8732.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 50/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2647.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1686.. Train accuracy: 0.9405.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9955.. Test loss: 0.4423.. Test accuracy: 0.8737.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 51/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0960.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1670.. Train accuracy: 0.9397.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9957.. Test loss: 0.4265.. Test accuracy: 0.8776.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 52/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0663.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1679.. Train accuracy: 0.9411.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9954.. Test loss: 0.4098.. Test accuracy: 0.8782.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 53/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1697.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1566.. Train accuracy: 0.9444.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4203.. Test accuracy: 0.8793.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 54/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1445.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1557.. Train accuracy: 0.9443.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4396.. Test accuracy: 0.8746.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 55/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1032.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1539.. Train accuracy: 0.9462.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4489.. Test accuracy: 0.8753.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 56/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0106.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1468.. Train accuracy: 0.9475.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4519.. Test accuracy: 0.8774.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0589.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1471.. Train accuracy: 0.9484.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4377.. Test accuracy: 0.8728.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9783\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 58/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9871.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1466.. Train accuracy: 0.9469.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9972.. Test loss: 0.4473.. Test accuracy: 0.8781.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 59/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0248.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1452.. Train accuracy: 0.9479.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9964.. Test loss: 0.4450.. Test accuracy: 0.8781.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 60/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1548.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1419.. Train accuracy: 0.9496.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9964.. Test loss: 0.4241.. Test accuracy: 0.8797.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 61/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0388.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1378.. Train accuracy: 0.9509.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4428.. Test accuracy: 0.8769.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 62/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0202.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1325.. Train accuracy: 0.9526.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4393.. Test accuracy: 0.8783.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 63/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2349.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1282.. Train accuracy: 0.9546.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4370.. Test accuracy: 0.8799.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 64/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1739.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1338.. Train accuracy: 0.9529.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9974.. Test loss: 0.4537.. Test accuracy: 0.8794.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 65/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1634.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1285.. Train accuracy: 0.9535.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4367.. Test accuracy: 0.8806.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 66/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1536.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1258.. Train accuracy: 0.9562.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4553.. Test accuracy: 0.8748.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 67/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2517.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1229.. Train accuracy: 0.9563.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4714.. Test accuracy: 0.8798.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 68/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1312.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1192.. Train accuracy: 0.9578.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4365.. Test accuracy: 0.8836.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 69/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0365.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1210.. Train accuracy: 0.9580.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4460.. Test accuracy: 0.8806.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 70/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1575.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1183.. Train accuracy: 0.9577.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4452.. Test accuracy: 0.8795.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9787\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 71/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0266.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1149.. Train accuracy: 0.9585.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4479.. Test accuracy: 0.8798.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 72/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0187.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1179.. Train accuracy: 0.9579.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4624.. Test accuracy: 0.8807.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 73/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1924.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1112.. Train accuracy: 0.9604.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4753.. Test accuracy: 0.8785.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 74/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1053.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1121.. Train accuracy: 0.9593.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4854.. Test accuracy: 0.8752.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9787\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 75/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0883.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1095.. Train accuracy: 0.9615.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4520.. Test accuracy: 0.8805.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 76/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0101.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1090.. Train accuracy: 0.9604.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4696.. Test accuracy: 0.8804.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 77/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2882.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1098.. Train accuracy: 0.9610.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4717.. Test accuracy: 0.8804.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 78/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1342.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0999.. Train accuracy: 0.9649.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4734.. Test accuracy: 0.8801.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 79/100.. Time per epoch: 13.6255.. Average time per step: 0.0348.. Train loss: 0.1039.. Train accuracy: 0.9628.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4878.. Test accuracy: 0.8770.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 80/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0236.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1026.. Train accuracy: 0.9642.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4709.. Test accuracy: 0.8782.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 81/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1542.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0984.. Train accuracy: 0.9654.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4839.. Test accuracy: 0.8772.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 82/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1578.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0975.. Train accuracy: 0.9647.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4810.. Test accuracy: 0.8798.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 83/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1192.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0990.. Train accuracy: 0.9654.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4749.. Test accuracy: 0.8840.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 84/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2016.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0959.. Train accuracy: 0.9657.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4803.. Test accuracy: 0.8826.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 85/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0805.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0995.. Train accuracy: 0.9650.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4838.. Test accuracy: 0.8806.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 86/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2681.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.0913.. Train accuracy: 0.9686.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4632.. Test accuracy: 0.8868.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 87/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0235.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0928.. Train accuracy: 0.9675.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4773.. Test accuracy: 0.8842.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 88/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0792.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0874.. Train accuracy: 0.9686.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4955.. Test accuracy: 0.8792.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 89/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0284.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0915.. Train accuracy: 0.9681.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.4834.. Test accuracy: 0.8802.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 90/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3668.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.0888.. Train accuracy: 0.9686.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5138.. Test accuracy: 0.8760.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 91/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0162.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0905.. Train accuracy: 0.9677.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4840.. Test accuracy: 0.8812.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 92/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1863.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0830.. Train accuracy: 0.9713.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.5155.. Test accuracy: 0.8759.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 93/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1512.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0831.. Train accuracy: 0.9709.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9991.. Test loss: 0.5032.. Test accuracy: 0.8785.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 94/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2632.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.0893.. Train accuracy: 0.9686.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4898.. Test accuracy: 0.8780.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9827\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 95/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3381.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.0848.. Train accuracy: 0.9699.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5064.. Test accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 96/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4011.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.0828.. Train accuracy: 0.9709.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5194.. Test accuracy: 0.8736.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 97/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1835.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0855.. Train accuracy: 0.9703.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5013.. Test accuracy: 0.8798.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 98/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0158.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0775.. Train accuracy: 0.9722.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9992.. Test loss: 0.5010.. Test accuracy: 0.8804.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 99/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2791.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.0800.. Train accuracy: 0.9718.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5356.. Test accuracy: 0.8762.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9774\n",
"Run 5/20.. Epoch 100/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2372.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.0766.. Train accuracy: 0.9730.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5133.. Test accuracy: 0.8824.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 1/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0731.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 1.4163.. Train accuracy: 0.4820.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8040.. Test loss: 1.0996.. Test accuracy: 0.6043.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8862\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 2/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1624.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 1.0671.. Train accuracy: 0.6197.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8866.. Test loss: 0.9733.. Test accuracy: 0.6556.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9022\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 3/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2416.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.9214.. Train accuracy: 0.6727.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9128.. Test loss: 0.8303.. Test accuracy: 0.7055.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9278\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 4/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0721.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.8222.. Train accuracy: 0.7114.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9275.. Test loss: 0.7171.. Test accuracy: 0.7455.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9431\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 5/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0797.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.7524.. Train accuracy: 0.7360.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9375.. Test loss: 0.6921.. Test accuracy: 0.7558.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9489\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 6/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4717.. Average time per step: 0.0345.. Train loss: 0.6937.. Train accuracy: 0.7577.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9437.. Test loss: 0.6076.. Test accuracy: 0.7883.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9564\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 7/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3609.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.6417.. Train accuracy: 0.7736.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9516.. Test loss: 0.6169.. Test accuracy: 0.7911.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9547\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 8/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1426.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.6075.. Train accuracy: 0.7870.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9564.. Test loss: 0.5778.. Test accuracy: 0.7948.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9616\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 9/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0841.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.5719.. Train accuracy: 0.7987.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9603.. Test loss: 0.5472.. Test accuracy: 0.8109.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9645\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 10/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1237.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.5504.. Train accuracy: 0.8080.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9622.. Test loss: 0.5320.. Test accuracy: 0.8197.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9671\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 11/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0095.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.5239.. Train accuracy: 0.8165.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9657.. Test loss: 0.5310.. Test accuracy: 0.8126.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9689\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 12/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1783.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.4970.. Train accuracy: 0.8260.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9684.. Test loss: 0.5199.. Test accuracy: 0.8216.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9674\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 13/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1061.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4813.. Train accuracy: 0.8318.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9706.. Test loss: 0.4800.. Test accuracy: 0.8317.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9711\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 14/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9877.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.4598.. Train accuracy: 0.8406.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9728.. Test loss: 0.4734.. Test accuracy: 0.8431.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9727\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 15/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0152.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.4436.. Train accuracy: 0.8441.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9733.. Test loss: 0.4810.. Test accuracy: 0.8384.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9688\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 16/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0016.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.4275.. Train accuracy: 0.8496.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9746.. Test loss: 0.4592.. Test accuracy: 0.8419.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9739\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 17/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1893.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.4099.. Train accuracy: 0.8573.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9770.. Test loss: 0.4329.. Test accuracy: 0.8527.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9761\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 18/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9921.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.4005.. Train accuracy: 0.8604.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9785.. Test loss: 0.4341.. Test accuracy: 0.8528.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9773\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 19/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3561.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.3803.. Train accuracy: 0.8661.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9801.. Test loss: 0.4279.. Test accuracy: 0.8553.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9771\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 20/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2051.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3756.. Train accuracy: 0.8679.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9808.. Test loss: 0.4252.. Test accuracy: 0.8577.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9753\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 21/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0675.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3628.. Train accuracy: 0.8715.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9799.. Test loss: 0.4494.. Test accuracy: 0.8511.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9742\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 22/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3765.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.3524.. Train accuracy: 0.8753.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9820.. Test loss: 0.4473.. Test accuracy: 0.8483.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9744\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 23/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1423.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.3418.. Train accuracy: 0.8784.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9838.. Test loss: 0.4072.. Test accuracy: 0.8649.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 24/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3287.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.3309.. Train accuracy: 0.8849.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9839.. Test loss: 0.4373.. Test accuracy: 0.8580.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9750\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 25/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1427.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.3192.. Train accuracy: 0.8883.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9846.. Test loss: 0.3997.. Test accuracy: 0.8678.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 26/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0732.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3079.. Train accuracy: 0.8906.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9868.. Test loss: 0.4192.. Test accuracy: 0.8633.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 27/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0030.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2993.. Train accuracy: 0.8938.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9868.. Test loss: 0.4124.. Test accuracy: 0.8651.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 28/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1732.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2889.. Train accuracy: 0.8983.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9869.. Test loss: 0.4087.. Test accuracy: 0.8687.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9779\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 29/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0356.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2876.. Train accuracy: 0.8985.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9873.. Test loss: 0.3968.. Test accuracy: 0.8713.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9785\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 30/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3372.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2758.. Train accuracy: 0.9019.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9885.. Test loss: 0.3981.. Test accuracy: 0.8693.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 31/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0265.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2683.. Train accuracy: 0.9055.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9885.. Test loss: 0.4195.. Test accuracy: 0.8665.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9769\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 32/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0221.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2584.. Train accuracy: 0.9089.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9899.. Test loss: 0.3979.. Test accuracy: 0.8715.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 33/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2244.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.2546.. Train accuracy: 0.9091.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9899.. Test loss: 0.4095.. Test accuracy: 0.8674.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9774\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 34/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0311.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2517.. Train accuracy: 0.9103.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9903.. Test loss: 0.3883.. Test accuracy: 0.8780.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9836\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 35/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0468.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2420.. Train accuracy: 0.9129.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9914.. Test loss: 0.3959.. Test accuracy: 0.8738.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 36/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2763.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.2376.. Train accuracy: 0.9146.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9918.. Test loss: 0.3921.. Test accuracy: 0.8748.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9828\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 37/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4299.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.2288.. Train accuracy: 0.9191.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9917.. Test loss: 0.4152.. Test accuracy: 0.8703.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9785\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 38/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3493.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2217.. Train accuracy: 0.9216.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9921.. Test loss: 0.4180.. Test accuracy: 0.8705.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 39/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0652.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2191.. Train accuracy: 0.9224.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9920.. Test loss: 0.3950.. Test accuracy: 0.8780.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 40/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0438.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2159.. Train accuracy: 0.9238.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9923.. Test loss: 0.4102.. Test accuracy: 0.8748.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 41/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2795.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.2085.. Train accuracy: 0.9266.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9934.. Test loss: 0.4394.. Test accuracy: 0.8705.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 42/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3103.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.2054.. Train accuracy: 0.9273.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9933.. Test loss: 0.3931.. Test accuracy: 0.8796.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 43/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2112.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1972.. Train accuracy: 0.9309.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9939.. Test loss: 0.4207.. Test accuracy: 0.8744.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9788\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 44/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9568.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.1937.. Train accuracy: 0.9315.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9945.. Test loss: 0.4144.. Test accuracy: 0.8748.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 45/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1251.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1907.. Train accuracy: 0.9310.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9941.. Test loss: 0.4508.. Test accuracy: 0.8680.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9781\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 46/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1314.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1851.. Train accuracy: 0.9337.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9945.. Test loss: 0.4175.. Test accuracy: 0.8786.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 47/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2537.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1773.. Train accuracy: 0.9365.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9949.. Test loss: 0.4280.. Test accuracy: 0.8714.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 48/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0490.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1785.. Train accuracy: 0.9358.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9949.. Test loss: 0.4057.. Test accuracy: 0.8799.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9816\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 49/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1104.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1718.. Train accuracy: 0.9387.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9951.. Test loss: 0.4211.. Test accuracy: 0.8771.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 50/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0723.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1723.. Train accuracy: 0.9390.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9953.. Test loss: 0.4505.. Test accuracy: 0.8727.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 51/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0537.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1697.. Train accuracy: 0.9396.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9955.. Test loss: 0.4544.. Test accuracy: 0.8667.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 52/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1011.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1642.. Train accuracy: 0.9414.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9959.. Test loss: 0.4148.. Test accuracy: 0.8807.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 53/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9940.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1626.. Train accuracy: 0.9436.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9957.. Test loss: 0.4241.. Test accuracy: 0.8786.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 54/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0953.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1562.. Train accuracy: 0.9437.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9959.. Test loss: 0.4561.. Test accuracy: 0.8715.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9791\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 55/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0699.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1547.. Train accuracy: 0.9447.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4162.. Test accuracy: 0.8770.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9829\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 56/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9877.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1536.. Train accuracy: 0.9461.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9958.. Test loss: 0.4342.. Test accuracy: 0.8771.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1383.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1479.. Train accuracy: 0.9471.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9965.. Test loss: 0.4483.. Test accuracy: 0.8761.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 58/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9967.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1480.. Train accuracy: 0.9474.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9966.. Test loss: 0.4495.. Test accuracy: 0.8742.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 59/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0550.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1435.. Train accuracy: 0.9496.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9963.. Test loss: 0.4433.. Test accuracy: 0.8775.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 60/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0205.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1391.. Train accuracy: 0.9506.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9970.. Test loss: 0.4510.. Test accuracy: 0.8800.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 61/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0678.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1375.. Train accuracy: 0.9511.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4533.. Test accuracy: 0.8794.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 62/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0925.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1340.. Train accuracy: 0.9530.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9972.. Test loss: 0.4614.. Test accuracy: 0.8775.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 63/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0428.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1294.. Train accuracy: 0.9541.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9972.. Test loss: 0.4659.. Test accuracy: 0.8725.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 64/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0997.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1321.. Train accuracy: 0.9533.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9970.. Test loss: 0.4508.. Test accuracy: 0.8750.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 65/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0710.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1317.. Train accuracy: 0.9527.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4442.. Test accuracy: 0.8768.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 66/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1701.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1264.. Train accuracy: 0.9563.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9972.. Test loss: 0.4484.. Test accuracy: 0.8793.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 67/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3795.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.1218.. Train accuracy: 0.9558.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4566.. Test accuracy: 0.8809.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 68/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1210.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1199.. Train accuracy: 0.9575.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4551.. Test accuracy: 0.8798.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 69/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0626.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1237.. Train accuracy: 0.9564.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4670.. Test accuracy: 0.8803.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9823\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 70/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0051.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1149.. Train accuracy: 0.9597.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4668.. Test accuracy: 0.8797.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 71/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0504.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1219.. Train accuracy: 0.9563.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4590.. Test accuracy: 0.8795.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 72/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2886.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1115.. Train accuracy: 0.9605.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4871.. Test accuracy: 0.8740.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 73/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1773.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1111.. Train accuracy: 0.9607.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4853.. Test accuracy: 0.8784.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 74/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4928.. Average time per step: 0.0345.. Train loss: 0.1128.. Train accuracy: 0.9601.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4694.. Test accuracy: 0.8783.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 75/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0664.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1129.. Train accuracy: 0.9603.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4751.. Test accuracy: 0.8760.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 76/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0242.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1041.. Train accuracy: 0.9631.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4464.. Test accuracy: 0.8857.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9826\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 77/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2569.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1096.. Train accuracy: 0.9608.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4687.. Test accuracy: 0.8797.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 78/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1237.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1028.. Train accuracy: 0.9633.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4631.. Test accuracy: 0.8796.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 79/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2795.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1047.. Train accuracy: 0.9628.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4765.. Test accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 80/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1485.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0992.. Train accuracy: 0.9634.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4675.. Test accuracy: 0.8808.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 81/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0117.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1003.. Train accuracy: 0.9652.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4735.. Test accuracy: 0.8795.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 82/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4257.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.1040.. Train accuracy: 0.9626.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4642.. Test accuracy: 0.8824.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 83/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5211.. Average time per step: 0.0346.. Train loss: 0.0973.. Train accuracy: 0.9654.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4787.. Test accuracy: 0.8811.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 84/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2877.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.0978.. Train accuracy: 0.9647.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4880.. Test accuracy: 0.8758.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 85/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3955.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.0937.. Train accuracy: 0.9669.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4781.. Test accuracy: 0.8836.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 86/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0103.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0934.. Train accuracy: 0.9668.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4887.. Test accuracy: 0.8812.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 87/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4194.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.0940.. Train accuracy: 0.9667.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5473.. Test accuracy: 0.8722.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9785\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 88/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2072.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0920.. Train accuracy: 0.9678.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4905.. Test accuracy: 0.8812.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 89/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9968.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.0936.. Train accuracy: 0.9665.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4939.. Test accuracy: 0.8783.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 90/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0303.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0888.. Train accuracy: 0.9681.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5098.. Test accuracy: 0.8810.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 91/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1768.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0908.. Train accuracy: 0.9676.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4786.. Test accuracy: 0.8807.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 92/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0084.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0870.. Train accuracy: 0.9689.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5340.. Test accuracy: 0.8694.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 93/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1066.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0864.. Train accuracy: 0.9679.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5023.. Test accuracy: 0.8800.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 94/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2190.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0846.. Train accuracy: 0.9700.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4775.. Test accuracy: 0.8805.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 95/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0391.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0875.. Train accuracy: 0.9690.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5203.. Test accuracy: 0.8774.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 96/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9961.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.0896.. Train accuracy: 0.9688.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5188.. Test accuracy: 0.8764.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 97/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0954.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0766.. Train accuracy: 0.9728.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5219.. Test accuracy: 0.8764.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 98/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1545.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0835.. Train accuracy: 0.9698.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9991.. Test loss: 0.5028.. Test accuracy: 0.8804.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 99/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1859.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0865.. Train accuracy: 0.9690.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.5063.. Test accuracy: 0.8789.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 6/20.. Epoch 100/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1254.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0801.. Train accuracy: 0.9717.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5046.. Test accuracy: 0.8800.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 1/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2670.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 1.3804.. Train accuracy: 0.4948.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8156.. Test loss: 1.2066.. Test accuracy: 0.5644.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8733\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 2/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2523.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 1.0639.. Train accuracy: 0.6178.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8867.. Test loss: 1.0478.. Test accuracy: 0.6254.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9022\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 3/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0137.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.9109.. Train accuracy: 0.6790.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9134.. Test loss: 0.8328.. Test accuracy: 0.7105.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9249\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 4/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1739.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.8168.. Train accuracy: 0.7122.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9272.. Test loss: 0.8252.. Test accuracy: 0.7122.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9231\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 5/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2359.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.7389.. Train accuracy: 0.7419.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9375.. Test loss: 0.6723.. Test accuracy: 0.7642.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9500\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 6/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0044.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.6847.. Train accuracy: 0.7598.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9447.. Test loss: 0.6312.. Test accuracy: 0.7802.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9520\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 7/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1150.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.6340.. Train accuracy: 0.7790.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9518.. Test loss: 0.6075.. Test accuracy: 0.7884.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9565\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 8/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3459.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.6033.. Train accuracy: 0.7890.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9574.. Test loss: 0.5656.. Test accuracy: 0.8028.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9631\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 9/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0126.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.5743.. Train accuracy: 0.8017.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9588.. Test loss: 0.5746.. Test accuracy: 0.8058.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9587\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 10/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1757.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.5437.. Train accuracy: 0.8089.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9631.. Test loss: 0.5296.. Test accuracy: 0.8145.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9636\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 11/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0041.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.5183.. Train accuracy: 0.8188.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9671.. Test loss: 0.5016.. Test accuracy: 0.8306.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9671\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 12/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0189.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.4946.. Train accuracy: 0.8270.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9678.. Test loss: 0.4875.. Test accuracy: 0.8315.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9674\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 13/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0235.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.4809.. Train accuracy: 0.8312.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9700.. Test loss: 0.5260.. Test accuracy: 0.8228.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9663\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 14/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5127.. Average time per step: 0.0346.. Train loss: 0.4591.. Train accuracy: 0.8388.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9727.. Test loss: 0.4506.. Test accuracy: 0.8469.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9724\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 15/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1235.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.4378.. Train accuracy: 0.8470.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9743.. Test loss: 0.4574.. Test accuracy: 0.8451.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9729\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 16/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0915.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4278.. Train accuracy: 0.8503.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9748.. Test loss: 0.4589.. Test accuracy: 0.8414.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9726\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 17/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0560.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4122.. Train accuracy: 0.8538.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9771.. Test loss: 0.4372.. Test accuracy: 0.8504.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9750\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 18/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1874.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.3983.. Train accuracy: 0.8599.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9784.. Test loss: 0.5008.. Test accuracy: 0.8338.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9739\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 19/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0534.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3859.. Train accuracy: 0.8636.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9793.. Test loss: 0.4157.. Test accuracy: 0.8585.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9779\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 20/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2833.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.3730.. Train accuracy: 0.8678.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9811.. Test loss: 0.4231.. Test accuracy: 0.8542.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9764\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 21/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1104.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.3606.. Train accuracy: 0.8714.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9816.. Test loss: 0.4077.. Test accuracy: 0.8603.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9769\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 22/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0122.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3485.. Train accuracy: 0.8784.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9821.. Test loss: 0.4187.. Test accuracy: 0.8567.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 23/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0575.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3391.. Train accuracy: 0.8795.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9837.. Test loss: 0.4188.. Test accuracy: 0.8553.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9782\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 24/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0081.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3283.. Train accuracy: 0.8846.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9843.. Test loss: 0.4389.. Test accuracy: 0.8536.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9752\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 25/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9996.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.3155.. Train accuracy: 0.8895.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9855.. Test loss: 0.4070.. Test accuracy: 0.8598.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9779\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 26/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2234.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3073.. Train accuracy: 0.8910.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9863.. Test loss: 0.4044.. Test accuracy: 0.8669.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 27/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0022.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3062.. Train accuracy: 0.8906.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9862.. Test loss: 0.3950.. Test accuracy: 0.8707.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9788\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 28/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0780.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2908.. Train accuracy: 0.8966.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9872.. Test loss: 0.4014.. Test accuracy: 0.8662.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 29/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1920.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2817.. Train accuracy: 0.9017.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9877.. Test loss: 0.4201.. Test accuracy: 0.8648.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 30/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0691.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2768.. Train accuracy: 0.9034.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9883.. Test loss: 0.3930.. Test accuracy: 0.8689.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9816\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 31/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2344.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.2688.. Train accuracy: 0.9058.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9891.. Test loss: 0.4014.. Test accuracy: 0.8704.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9784\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 32/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3288.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2654.. Train accuracy: 0.9056.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9892.. Test loss: 0.3929.. Test accuracy: 0.8709.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 33/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2506.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.2515.. Train accuracy: 0.9103.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9903.. Test loss: 0.4225.. Test accuracy: 0.8634.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9776\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 34/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0145.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2478.. Train accuracy: 0.9120.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9903.. Test loss: 0.3864.. Test accuracy: 0.8744.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9825\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 35/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0379.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2363.. Train accuracy: 0.9158.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9921.. Test loss: 0.4310.. Test accuracy: 0.8670.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 36/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0340.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2357.. Train accuracy: 0.9157.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9922.. Test loss: 0.4082.. Test accuracy: 0.8674.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 37/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1394.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2314.. Train accuracy: 0.9176.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9915.. Test loss: 0.3991.. Test accuracy: 0.8700.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 38/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1530.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2277.. Train accuracy: 0.9188.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9924.. Test loss: 0.4030.. Test accuracy: 0.8764.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 39/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3262.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2169.. Train accuracy: 0.9236.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9926.. Test loss: 0.4173.. Test accuracy: 0.8693.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 40/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2153.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.2163.. Train accuracy: 0.9225.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9928.. Test loss: 0.4044.. Test accuracy: 0.8737.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 41/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0246.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2077.. Train accuracy: 0.9262.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9934.. Test loss: 0.3916.. Test accuracy: 0.8786.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 42/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9688.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.2040.. Train accuracy: 0.9280.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9934.. Test loss: 0.4054.. Test accuracy: 0.8714.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 43/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2005.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1974.. Train accuracy: 0.9297.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9940.. Test loss: 0.4136.. Test accuracy: 0.8759.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9826\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 44/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3946.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.1942.. Train accuracy: 0.9313.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9942.. Test loss: 0.3756.. Test accuracy: 0.8811.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 45/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0880.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1895.. Train accuracy: 0.9324.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9945.. Test loss: 0.3941.. Test accuracy: 0.8766.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 46/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2115.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1801.. Train accuracy: 0.9356.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9946.. Test loss: 0.4049.. Test accuracy: 0.8784.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 47/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0051.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1856.. Train accuracy: 0.9328.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9947.. Test loss: 0.4164.. Test accuracy: 0.8749.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9788\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 48/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3454.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.1796.. Train accuracy: 0.9360.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9954.. Test loss: 0.4342.. Test accuracy: 0.8701.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9781\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 49/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3075.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1736.. Train accuracy: 0.9388.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9954.. Test loss: 0.4202.. Test accuracy: 0.8746.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 50/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0791.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1694.. Train accuracy: 0.9398.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9951.. Test loss: 0.4268.. Test accuracy: 0.8771.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 51/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4097.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.1657.. Train accuracy: 0.9404.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9952.. Test loss: 0.4209.. Test accuracy: 0.8776.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 52/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0623.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1590.. Train accuracy: 0.9438.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9959.. Test loss: 0.4206.. Test accuracy: 0.8722.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 53/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0558.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1542.. Train accuracy: 0.9454.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9961.. Test loss: 0.4288.. Test accuracy: 0.8781.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 54/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0535.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1570.. Train accuracy: 0.9437.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9961.. Test loss: 0.4257.. Test accuracy: 0.8760.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 55/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1624.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1536.. Train accuracy: 0.9450.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4143.. Test accuracy: 0.8817.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 56/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1631.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1495.. Train accuracy: 0.9462.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9968.. Test loss: 0.4103.. Test accuracy: 0.8820.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9826\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9666.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1472.. Train accuracy: 0.9470.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9968.. Test loss: 0.4343.. Test accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 58/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0161.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1426.. Train accuracy: 0.9497.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9966.. Test loss: 0.4571.. Test accuracy: 0.8728.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 59/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2483.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1417.. Train accuracy: 0.9494.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9968.. Test loss: 0.4360.. Test accuracy: 0.8781.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 60/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1785.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1421.. Train accuracy: 0.9485.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4477.. Test accuracy: 0.8741.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 61/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0238.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1367.. Train accuracy: 0.9514.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9970.. Test loss: 0.4602.. Test accuracy: 0.8783.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 62/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0651.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1373.. Train accuracy: 0.9516.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4411.. Test accuracy: 0.8797.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 63/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0648.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1358.. Train accuracy: 0.9513.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9973.. Test loss: 0.4379.. Test accuracy: 0.8794.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 64/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0628.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1280.. Train accuracy: 0.9552.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9974.. Test loss: 0.4462.. Test accuracy: 0.8826.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 65/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4189.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.1288.. Train accuracy: 0.9531.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4540.. Test accuracy: 0.8802.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 66/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0178.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1268.. Train accuracy: 0.9542.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4643.. Test accuracy: 0.8770.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 67/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0467.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1245.. Train accuracy: 0.9555.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4762.. Test accuracy: 0.8718.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 68/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2253.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1175.. Train accuracy: 0.9588.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4679.. Test accuracy: 0.8763.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 69/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0492.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1248.. Train accuracy: 0.9553.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4350.. Test accuracy: 0.8845.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9816\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 70/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0421.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1182.. Train accuracy: 0.9577.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4590.. Test accuracy: 0.8795.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 71/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9796.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1131.. Train accuracy: 0.9591.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4595.. Test accuracy: 0.8844.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 72/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2574.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1102.. Train accuracy: 0.9606.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4403.. Test accuracy: 0.8842.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 73/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0534.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1158.. Train accuracy: 0.9579.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4439.. Test accuracy: 0.8811.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9825\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 74/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0371.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1111.. Train accuracy: 0.9607.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4596.. Test accuracy: 0.8780.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9835\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 75/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0944.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1077.. Train accuracy: 0.9625.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4712.. Test accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 76/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2711.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1082.. Train accuracy: 0.9602.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4521.. Test accuracy: 0.8815.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 77/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0208.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1044.. Train accuracy: 0.9631.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4826.. Test accuracy: 0.8790.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 78/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1380.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1082.. Train accuracy: 0.9615.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4815.. Test accuracy: 0.8790.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 79/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2444.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1013.. Train accuracy: 0.9640.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4744.. Test accuracy: 0.8827.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9831\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 80/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1962.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0968.. Train accuracy: 0.9658.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4845.. Test accuracy: 0.8768.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 81/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1319.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0981.. Train accuracy: 0.9658.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4728.. Test accuracy: 0.8838.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 82/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2628.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.0996.. Train accuracy: 0.9646.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4620.. Test accuracy: 0.8831.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9828\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 83/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0091.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0959.. Train accuracy: 0.9660.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4798.. Test accuracy: 0.8830.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9823\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 84/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1177.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0985.. Train accuracy: 0.9645.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4766.. Test accuracy: 0.8812.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 85/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9727.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.0919.. Train accuracy: 0.9665.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4729.. Test accuracy: 0.8834.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 86/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2569.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.0906.. Train accuracy: 0.9678.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4708.. Test accuracy: 0.8850.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 87/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0010.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0903.. Train accuracy: 0.9685.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4834.. Test accuracy: 0.8847.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9824\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 88/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1300.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0908.. Train accuracy: 0.9678.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4916.. Test accuracy: 0.8824.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 89/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1755.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0862.. Train accuracy: 0.9697.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4818.. Test accuracy: 0.8816.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 90/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3956.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.0848.. Train accuracy: 0.9700.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4986.. Test accuracy: 0.8778.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9791\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 91/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0947.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0910.. Train accuracy: 0.9673.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4774.. Test accuracy: 0.8848.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 92/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9735.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.0869.. Train accuracy: 0.9686.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4953.. Test accuracy: 0.8811.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 93/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1402.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0879.. Train accuracy: 0.9688.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4916.. Test accuracy: 0.8827.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 94/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0521.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0835.. Train accuracy: 0.9699.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4944.. Test accuracy: 0.8824.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9825\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 95/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1971.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0816.. Train accuracy: 0.9717.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4748.. Test accuracy: 0.8877.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 96/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2519.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.0792.. Train accuracy: 0.9717.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4854.. Test accuracy: 0.8872.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9826\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 97/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0270.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0791.. Train accuracy: 0.9726.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.5048.. Test accuracy: 0.8831.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 98/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1363.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0793.. Train accuracy: 0.9715.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9991.. Test loss: 0.5144.. Test accuracy: 0.8812.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 99/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9997.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.0781.. Train accuracy: 0.9719.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9991.. Test loss: 0.4857.. Test accuracy: 0.8829.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 7/20.. Epoch 100/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0928.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0771.. Train accuracy: 0.9733.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5046.. Test accuracy: 0.8814.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 1/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0385.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 1.4015.. Train accuracy: 0.4865.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8072.. Test loss: 1.1460.. Test accuracy: 0.5848.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8746\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 2/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9562.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 1.0639.. Train accuracy: 0.6185.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8863.. Test loss: 0.9709.. Test accuracy: 0.6509.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9068\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 3/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0406.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.9060.. Train accuracy: 0.6786.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9137.. Test loss: 0.8861.. Test accuracy: 0.6892.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9208\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 4/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1446.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.8133.. Train accuracy: 0.7133.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9278.. Test loss: 0.7973.. Test accuracy: 0.7183.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9317\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 5/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2885.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.7407.. Train accuracy: 0.7408.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9398.. Test loss: 0.6999.. Test accuracy: 0.7580.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9410\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 6/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2017.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.6797.. Train accuracy: 0.7629.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9454.. Test loss: 0.6859.. Test accuracy: 0.7604.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9497\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 7/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0374.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.6383.. Train accuracy: 0.7783.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9515.. Test loss: 0.6346.. Test accuracy: 0.7817.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9546\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 8/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0213.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.6020.. Train accuracy: 0.7901.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9563.. Test loss: 0.5629.. Test accuracy: 0.8110.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9591\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 9/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1726.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.5750.. Train accuracy: 0.7998.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9592.. Test loss: 0.5659.. Test accuracy: 0.8032.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9638\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 10/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0357.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.5421.. Train accuracy: 0.8108.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9630.. Test loss: 0.4948.. Test accuracy: 0.8313.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9688\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 11/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1607.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.5146.. Train accuracy: 0.8219.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9657.. Test loss: 0.5053.. Test accuracy: 0.8278.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9699\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 12/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3160.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.4984.. Train accuracy: 0.8259.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9682.. Test loss: 0.4835.. Test accuracy: 0.8318.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9692\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 13/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0728.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4764.. Train accuracy: 0.8337.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9705.. Test loss: 0.5102.. Test accuracy: 0.8197.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9688\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 14/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0666.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4581.. Train accuracy: 0.8391.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9719.. Test loss: 0.4375.. Test accuracy: 0.8493.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9725\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 15/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9908.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.4382.. Train accuracy: 0.8468.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9733.. Test loss: 0.4722.. Test accuracy: 0.8386.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9727\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 16/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0911.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4240.. Train accuracy: 0.8516.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9756.. Test loss: 0.4238.. Test accuracy: 0.8575.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9738\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 17/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1208.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.4066.. Train accuracy: 0.8592.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9773.. Test loss: 0.4407.. Test accuracy: 0.8503.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9773\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 18/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2001.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3955.. Train accuracy: 0.8601.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9788.. Test loss: 0.4393.. Test accuracy: 0.8487.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9765\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 19/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1783.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.3797.. Train accuracy: 0.8661.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9801.. Test loss: 0.4291.. Test accuracy: 0.8538.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9785\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 20/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3230.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.3666.. Train accuracy: 0.8730.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9801.. Test loss: 0.4137.. Test accuracy: 0.8582.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 21/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4078.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.3556.. Train accuracy: 0.8740.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9817.. Test loss: 0.4230.. Test accuracy: 0.8588.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9757\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 22/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1004.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.3439.. Train accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9825.. Test loss: 0.4182.. Test accuracy: 0.8617.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9779\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 23/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1617.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.3380.. Train accuracy: 0.8818.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9837.. Test loss: 0.3991.. Test accuracy: 0.8678.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9787\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 24/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3794.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.3259.. Train accuracy: 0.8855.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9846.. Test loss: 0.4011.. Test accuracy: 0.8676.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9771\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 25/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2296.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3153.. Train accuracy: 0.8890.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9854.. Test loss: 0.4036.. Test accuracy: 0.8639.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 26/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2077.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3031.. Train accuracy: 0.8921.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9863.. Test loss: 0.4164.. Test accuracy: 0.8611.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9785\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 27/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0224.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2957.. Train accuracy: 0.8965.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9870.. Test loss: 0.4010.. Test accuracy: 0.8669.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 28/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1752.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2887.. Train accuracy: 0.8984.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9872.. Test loss: 0.3901.. Test accuracy: 0.8709.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 29/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0500.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2847.. Train accuracy: 0.8993.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9881.. Test loss: 0.3983.. Test accuracy: 0.8716.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 30/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1630.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2742.. Train accuracy: 0.9019.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9882.. Test loss: 0.3906.. Test accuracy: 0.8745.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 31/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1231.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2702.. Train accuracy: 0.9037.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9885.. Test loss: 0.4052.. Test accuracy: 0.8683.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 32/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0993.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2564.. Train accuracy: 0.9096.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9903.. Test loss: 0.3778.. Test accuracy: 0.8747.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 33/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3382.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2506.. Train accuracy: 0.9109.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9909.. Test loss: 0.4082.. Test accuracy: 0.8680.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 34/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3276.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2446.. Train accuracy: 0.9131.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9915.. Test loss: 0.4306.. Test accuracy: 0.8643.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 35/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1039.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2370.. Train accuracy: 0.9155.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9917.. Test loss: 0.4054.. Test accuracy: 0.8721.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 36/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3357.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2298.. Train accuracy: 0.9189.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9922.. Test loss: 0.4199.. Test accuracy: 0.8724.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9786\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 37/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1449.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2272.. Train accuracy: 0.9197.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9921.. Test loss: 0.4168.. Test accuracy: 0.8747.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 38/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0109.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2220.. Train accuracy: 0.9214.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9920.. Test loss: 0.4106.. Test accuracy: 0.8761.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 39/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5067.. Average time per step: 0.0345.. Train loss: 0.2169.. Train accuracy: 0.9225.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9926.. Test loss: 0.4071.. Test accuracy: 0.8742.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 40/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2493.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.2141.. Train accuracy: 0.9236.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9928.. Test loss: 0.4320.. Test accuracy: 0.8676.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 41/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3509.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2076.. Train accuracy: 0.9259.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9935.. Test loss: 0.4091.. Test accuracy: 0.8727.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 42/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3352.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2018.. Train accuracy: 0.9285.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9939.. Test loss: 0.4062.. Test accuracy: 0.8785.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 43/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1807.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1974.. Train accuracy: 0.9297.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9940.. Test loss: 0.4048.. Test accuracy: 0.8779.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 44/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2395.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1906.. Train accuracy: 0.9325.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9939.. Test loss: 0.4134.. Test accuracy: 0.8763.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 45/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1459.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1876.. Train accuracy: 0.9329.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9945.. Test loss: 0.4278.. Test accuracy: 0.8731.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 46/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0082.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1827.. Train accuracy: 0.9347.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9944.. Test loss: 0.4201.. Test accuracy: 0.8757.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 47/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0108.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1811.. Train accuracy: 0.9355.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9944.. Test loss: 0.4117.. Test accuracy: 0.8806.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 48/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1794.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1706.. Train accuracy: 0.9391.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9958.. Test loss: 0.4331.. Test accuracy: 0.8724.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 49/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2511.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1682.. Train accuracy: 0.9397.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9955.. Test loss: 0.4479.. Test accuracy: 0.8733.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 50/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1724.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1657.. Train accuracy: 0.9400.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9959.. Test loss: 0.4315.. Test accuracy: 0.8735.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 51/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0052.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1619.. Train accuracy: 0.9416.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9961.. Test loss: 0.4253.. Test accuracy: 0.8773.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 52/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0379.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1588.. Train accuracy: 0.9427.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9959.. Test loss: 0.4402.. Test accuracy: 0.8786.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 53/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1286.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1573.. Train accuracy: 0.9441.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4423.. Test accuracy: 0.8700.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9787\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 54/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0103.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1546.. Train accuracy: 0.9452.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9959.. Test loss: 0.4100.. Test accuracy: 0.8822.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 55/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2214.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1463.. Train accuracy: 0.9467.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4206.. Test accuracy: 0.8815.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 56/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0640.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1464.. Train accuracy: 0.9479.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4331.. Test accuracy: 0.8808.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2270.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1457.. Train accuracy: 0.9488.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4180.. Test accuracy: 0.8849.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 58/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0038.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1420.. Train accuracy: 0.9497.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4202.. Test accuracy: 0.8864.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9825\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 59/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0525.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1382.. Train accuracy: 0.9507.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4375.. Test accuracy: 0.8810.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 60/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2809.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1374.. Train accuracy: 0.9514.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4329.. Test accuracy: 0.8810.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9826\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 61/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2130.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1367.. Train accuracy: 0.9518.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9970.. Test loss: 0.4489.. Test accuracy: 0.8767.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 62/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1629.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1274.. Train accuracy: 0.9551.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4332.. Test accuracy: 0.8847.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9843\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 63/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2177.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1335.. Train accuracy: 0.9518.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9972.. Test loss: 0.4310.. Test accuracy: 0.8804.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9833\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 64/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4163.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.1297.. Train accuracy: 0.9544.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4620.. Test accuracy: 0.8793.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 65/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2712.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1261.. Train accuracy: 0.9547.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4388.. Test accuracy: 0.8834.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 66/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2088.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1181.. Train accuracy: 0.9589.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4525.. Test accuracy: 0.8789.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 67/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1981.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1200.. Train accuracy: 0.9571.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4673.. Test accuracy: 0.8812.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 68/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1143.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1206.. Train accuracy: 0.9572.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9973.. Test loss: 0.4548.. Test accuracy: 0.8810.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 69/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2326.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1163.. Train accuracy: 0.9579.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4666.. Test accuracy: 0.8812.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 70/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2256.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1164.. Train accuracy: 0.9585.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4541.. Test accuracy: 0.8809.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9831\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 71/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0576.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1129.. Train accuracy: 0.9596.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4671.. Test accuracy: 0.8836.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9791\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 72/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0615.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1070.. Train accuracy: 0.9628.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4703.. Test accuracy: 0.8793.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 73/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1371.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1119.. Train accuracy: 0.9589.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4781.. Test accuracy: 0.8809.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 74/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0328.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1103.. Train accuracy: 0.9622.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4527.. Test accuracy: 0.8829.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 75/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3102.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1083.. Train accuracy: 0.9616.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4689.. Test accuracy: 0.8798.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9784\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 76/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1664.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1035.. Train accuracy: 0.9633.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4783.. Test accuracy: 0.8819.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 77/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0638.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1031.. Train accuracy: 0.9627.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4531.. Test accuracy: 0.8877.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 78/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1975.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0996.. Train accuracy: 0.9641.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4705.. Test accuracy: 0.8841.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 79/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0121.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0974.. Train accuracy: 0.9655.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4978.. Test accuracy: 0.8820.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 80/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1122.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1025.. Train accuracy: 0.9637.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4611.. Test accuracy: 0.8887.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9826\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 81/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1894.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0970.. Train accuracy: 0.9649.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4946.. Test accuracy: 0.8777.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 82/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2125.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0941.. Train accuracy: 0.9667.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4939.. Test accuracy: 0.8796.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9779\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 83/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1464.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0946.. Train accuracy: 0.9672.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4691.. Test accuracy: 0.8858.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 84/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0252.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0901.. Train accuracy: 0.9680.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5059.. Test accuracy: 0.8805.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 85/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3253.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.0949.. Train accuracy: 0.9668.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.5060.. Test accuracy: 0.8775.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 86/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0927.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0943.. Train accuracy: 0.9663.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4737.. Test accuracy: 0.8829.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 87/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0566.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0891.. Train accuracy: 0.9682.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5001.. Test accuracy: 0.8795.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 88/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0172.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0926.. Train accuracy: 0.9667.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4763.. Test accuracy: 0.8845.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 89/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0197.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0858.. Train accuracy: 0.9699.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.4770.. Test accuracy: 0.8871.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9827\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 90/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0855.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0916.. Train accuracy: 0.9668.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4811.. Test accuracy: 0.8843.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9828\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 91/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2026.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0822.. Train accuracy: 0.9712.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9991.. Test loss: 0.4845.. Test accuracy: 0.8857.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 92/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0494.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0804.. Train accuracy: 0.9719.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9993.. Test loss: 0.4760.. Test accuracy: 0.8871.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9824\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 93/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1327.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0815.. Train accuracy: 0.9712.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4940.. Test accuracy: 0.8809.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9825\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 94/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1585.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0813.. Train accuracy: 0.9707.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4790.. Test accuracy: 0.8880.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 95/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0811.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0790.. Train accuracy: 0.9717.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9992.. Test loss: 0.4863.. Test accuracy: 0.8882.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9825\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 96/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0839.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0812.. Train accuracy: 0.9716.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.5115.. Test accuracy: 0.8826.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9824\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 97/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4370.. Average time per step: 0.0344.. Train loss: 0.0799.. Train accuracy: 0.9714.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5133.. Test accuracy: 0.8820.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 98/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2211.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0785.. Train accuracy: 0.9717.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5043.. Test accuracy: 0.8805.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 99/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1057.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0795.. Train accuracy: 0.9716.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5058.. Test accuracy: 0.8846.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 8/20.. Epoch 100/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1883.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0748.. Train accuracy: 0.9725.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9992.. Test loss: 0.5313.. Test accuracy: 0.8802.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 1/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0446.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 1.4222.. Train accuracy: 0.4766.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8052.. Test loss: 1.1560.. Test accuracy: 0.5780.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8690\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 2/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0530.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 1.0912.. Train accuracy: 0.6087.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8841.. Test loss: 0.9757.. Test accuracy: 0.6523.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9109\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 3/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1302.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.9369.. Train accuracy: 0.6704.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9092.. Test loss: 0.8384.. Test accuracy: 0.6991.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9268\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 4/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0066.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.8327.. Train accuracy: 0.7050.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9246.. Test loss: 0.7772.. Test accuracy: 0.7245.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9358\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 5/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1438.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.7621.. Train accuracy: 0.7306.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9357.. Test loss: 0.7302.. Test accuracy: 0.7465.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9410\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 6/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1079.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.6973.. Train accuracy: 0.7557.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9456.. Test loss: 0.6524.. Test accuracy: 0.7726.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9524\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 7/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0823.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.6517.. Train accuracy: 0.7734.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9501.. Test loss: 0.6032.. Test accuracy: 0.7902.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9588\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 8/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0159.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.6144.. Train accuracy: 0.7855.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9543.. Test loss: 0.5760.. Test accuracy: 0.7982.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9623\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 9/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1061.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.5717.. Train accuracy: 0.8013.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9606.. Test loss: 0.6122.. Test accuracy: 0.7907.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9574\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 10/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0040.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.5494.. Train accuracy: 0.8071.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9620.. Test loss: 0.5304.. Test accuracy: 0.8120.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9658\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 11/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1069.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.5270.. Train accuracy: 0.8163.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9661.. Test loss: 0.5211.. Test accuracy: 0.8200.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9676\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 12/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0470.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.5002.. Train accuracy: 0.8244.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9690.. Test loss: 0.5044.. Test accuracy: 0.8252.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9672\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 13/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1986.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.4841.. Train accuracy: 0.8297.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9701.. Test loss: 0.4928.. Test accuracy: 0.8306.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9713\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 14/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0215.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.4626.. Train accuracy: 0.8362.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9722.. Test loss: 0.5285.. Test accuracy: 0.8202.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9697\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 15/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0430.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4469.. Train accuracy: 0.8420.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9733.. Test loss: 0.4672.. Test accuracy: 0.8442.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9690\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 16/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9735.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.4217.. Train accuracy: 0.8504.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9756.. Test loss: 0.5029.. Test accuracy: 0.8304.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9694\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 17/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1203.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.4114.. Train accuracy: 0.8550.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9765.. Test loss: 0.4717.. Test accuracy: 0.8423.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9708\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 18/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1045.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4001.. Train accuracy: 0.8594.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9781.. Test loss: 0.4162.. Test accuracy: 0.8598.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9763\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 19/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0730.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3794.. Train accuracy: 0.8664.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9802.. Test loss: 0.5008.. Test accuracy: 0.8357.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9710\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 20/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3270.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.3747.. Train accuracy: 0.8698.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9803.. Test loss: 0.4247.. Test accuracy: 0.8571.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9763\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 21/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0493.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3572.. Train accuracy: 0.8733.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9826.. Test loss: 0.4260.. Test accuracy: 0.8615.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9766\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 22/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9766.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.3531.. Train accuracy: 0.8762.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9817.. Test loss: 0.4323.. Test accuracy: 0.8516.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9771\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 23/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1158.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.3410.. Train accuracy: 0.8818.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9825.. Test loss: 0.4249.. Test accuracy: 0.8547.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9765\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 24/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0244.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3291.. Train accuracy: 0.8844.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9844.. Test loss: 0.4108.. Test accuracy: 0.8631.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9772\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 25/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2035.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3213.. Train accuracy: 0.8867.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9848.. Test loss: 0.4396.. Test accuracy: 0.8553.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9758\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 26/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4410.. Average time per step: 0.0344.. Train loss: 0.3060.. Train accuracy: 0.8929.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9862.. Test loss: 0.4271.. Test accuracy: 0.8599.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9749\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 27/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4465.. Average time per step: 0.0344.. Train loss: 0.3005.. Train accuracy: 0.8913.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9869.. Test loss: 0.4379.. Test accuracy: 0.8559.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9742\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 28/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3577.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.2886.. Train accuracy: 0.8987.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9874.. Test loss: 0.4126.. Test accuracy: 0.8655.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9780\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 29/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0546.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2856.. Train accuracy: 0.8996.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9879.. Test loss: 0.4001.. Test accuracy: 0.8711.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9786\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 30/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0692.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2737.. Train accuracy: 0.9032.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9894.. Test loss: 0.4115.. Test accuracy: 0.8694.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 31/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3390.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.2712.. Train accuracy: 0.9040.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9887.. Test loss: 0.4083.. Test accuracy: 0.8678.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 32/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0946.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2600.. Train accuracy: 0.9080.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9899.. Test loss: 0.4299.. Test accuracy: 0.8630.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 33/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0984.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2582.. Train accuracy: 0.9094.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9898.. Test loss: 0.3997.. Test accuracy: 0.8710.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 34/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0772.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2476.. Train accuracy: 0.9124.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9906.. Test loss: 0.4286.. Test accuracy: 0.8657.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9769\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 35/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5256.. Average time per step: 0.0346.. Train loss: 0.2431.. Train accuracy: 0.9132.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9914.. Test loss: 0.4419.. Test accuracy: 0.8632.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 36/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3912.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.2362.. Train accuracy: 0.9163.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9915.. Test loss: 0.3925.. Test accuracy: 0.8765.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9824\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 37/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0481.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2333.. Train accuracy: 0.9175.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9919.. Test loss: 0.4157.. Test accuracy: 0.8723.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9784\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 38/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1831.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2188.. Train accuracy: 0.9232.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9923.. Test loss: 0.4169.. Test accuracy: 0.8721.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 39/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0947.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2200.. Train accuracy: 0.9222.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9922.. Test loss: 0.4061.. Test accuracy: 0.8752.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 40/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9891.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.2162.. Train accuracy: 0.9239.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9930.. Test loss: 0.3990.. Test accuracy: 0.8763.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 41/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0134.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2078.. Train accuracy: 0.9271.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9928.. Test loss: 0.4224.. Test accuracy: 0.8746.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 42/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0231.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2040.. Train accuracy: 0.9279.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9936.. Test loss: 0.4049.. Test accuracy: 0.8789.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 43/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1651.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1973.. Train accuracy: 0.9294.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9937.. Test loss: 0.4221.. Test accuracy: 0.8743.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 44/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1457.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1974.. Train accuracy: 0.9295.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9941.. Test loss: 0.4146.. Test accuracy: 0.8774.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 45/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0568.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1862.. Train accuracy: 0.9330.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9949.. Test loss: 0.4444.. Test accuracy: 0.8697.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 46/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0976.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1903.. Train accuracy: 0.9322.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9941.. Test loss: 0.4209.. Test accuracy: 0.8829.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 47/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1384.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1818.. Train accuracy: 0.9355.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9948.. Test loss: 0.4165.. Test accuracy: 0.8748.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 48/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3908.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.1771.. Train accuracy: 0.9367.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9954.. Test loss: 0.4374.. Test accuracy: 0.8705.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9784\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 49/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0579.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1758.. Train accuracy: 0.9382.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9951.. Test loss: 0.4392.. Test accuracy: 0.8718.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 50/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0439.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1679.. Train accuracy: 0.9414.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9954.. Test loss: 0.4491.. Test accuracy: 0.8717.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 51/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0486.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1713.. Train accuracy: 0.9395.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9948.. Test loss: 0.4350.. Test accuracy: 0.8782.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9786\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 52/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1582.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1641.. Train accuracy: 0.9410.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9958.. Test loss: 0.4249.. Test accuracy: 0.8761.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 53/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1983.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1578.. Train accuracy: 0.9454.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9960.. Test loss: 0.4528.. Test accuracy: 0.8757.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 54/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0360.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1578.. Train accuracy: 0.9433.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9958.. Test loss: 0.4373.. Test accuracy: 0.8762.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 55/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2713.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1522.. Train accuracy: 0.9456.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9963.. Test loss: 0.4504.. Test accuracy: 0.8745.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 56/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2399.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1494.. Train accuracy: 0.9473.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9966.. Test loss: 0.4470.. Test accuracy: 0.8756.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9778\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1258.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1499.. Train accuracy: 0.9460.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4368.. Test accuracy: 0.8791.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 58/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2241.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1476.. Train accuracy: 0.9458.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9966.. Test loss: 0.4454.. Test accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 59/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1861.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1412.. Train accuracy: 0.9505.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9965.. Test loss: 0.4454.. Test accuracy: 0.8771.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 60/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1288.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1399.. Train accuracy: 0.9500.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9970.. Test loss: 0.4231.. Test accuracy: 0.8847.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 61/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0482.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1356.. Train accuracy: 0.9520.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4481.. Test accuracy: 0.8785.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 62/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4753.. Average time per step: 0.0345.. Train loss: 0.1365.. Train accuracy: 0.9506.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4572.. Test accuracy: 0.8766.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 63/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1137.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1383.. Train accuracy: 0.9513.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4713.. Test accuracy: 0.8761.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9776\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 64/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2440.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1334.. Train accuracy: 0.9518.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9973.. Test loss: 0.4555.. Test accuracy: 0.8764.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 65/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0447.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1344.. Train accuracy: 0.9526.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9968.. Test loss: 0.4303.. Test accuracy: 0.8803.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9826\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 66/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1787.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1239.. Train accuracy: 0.9552.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4575.. Test accuracy: 0.8790.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 67/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2399.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1216.. Train accuracy: 0.9565.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9974.. Test loss: 0.4612.. Test accuracy: 0.8825.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 68/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1776.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1191.. Train accuracy: 0.9583.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4642.. Test accuracy: 0.8816.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 69/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0157.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1198.. Train accuracy: 0.9575.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4528.. Test accuracy: 0.8826.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 70/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1146.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1139.. Train accuracy: 0.9593.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4713.. Test accuracy: 0.8832.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 71/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1561.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1167.. Train accuracy: 0.9587.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4977.. Test accuracy: 0.8765.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 72/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9979.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1156.. Train accuracy: 0.9585.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4776.. Test accuracy: 0.8790.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 73/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2503.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1089.. Train accuracy: 0.9609.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4759.. Test accuracy: 0.8824.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 74/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1570.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1159.. Train accuracy: 0.9588.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4690.. Test accuracy: 0.8814.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 75/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2155.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1115.. Train accuracy: 0.9597.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4707.. Test accuracy: 0.8812.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 76/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0929.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1060.. Train accuracy: 0.9615.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4901.. Test accuracy: 0.8762.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 77/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9961.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1069.. Train accuracy: 0.9620.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4894.. Test accuracy: 0.8783.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 78/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2912.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1046.. Train accuracy: 0.9639.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4799.. Test accuracy: 0.8799.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 79/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2713.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1041.. Train accuracy: 0.9627.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4803.. Test accuracy: 0.8810.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 80/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0709.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1022.. Train accuracy: 0.9635.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.5060.. Test accuracy: 0.8777.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9784\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 81/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2328.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0985.. Train accuracy: 0.9655.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4776.. Test accuracy: 0.8795.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 82/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0456.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0979.. Train accuracy: 0.9654.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4957.. Test accuracy: 0.8806.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 83/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3625.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.0992.. Train accuracy: 0.9643.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4850.. Test accuracy: 0.8820.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 84/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3006.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.0996.. Train accuracy: 0.9651.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.5186.. Test accuracy: 0.8753.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 85/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0934.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0948.. Train accuracy: 0.9668.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.5009.. Test accuracy: 0.8774.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 86/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0853.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0960.. Train accuracy: 0.9657.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.5071.. Test accuracy: 0.8820.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9787\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 87/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1225.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0952.. Train accuracy: 0.9662.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4877.. Test accuracy: 0.8811.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 88/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1379.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0907.. Train accuracy: 0.9680.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5261.. Test accuracy: 0.8728.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9782\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 89/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0930.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0954.. Train accuracy: 0.9663.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.5114.. Test accuracy: 0.8774.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 90/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0248.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0904.. Train accuracy: 0.9680.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.5232.. Test accuracy: 0.8808.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 91/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1394.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0866.. Train accuracy: 0.9696.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5198.. Test accuracy: 0.8817.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 92/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0752.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0872.. Train accuracy: 0.9678.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5028.. Test accuracy: 0.8815.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9828\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 93/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9796.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.0871.. Train accuracy: 0.9689.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.5241.. Test accuracy: 0.8804.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 94/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2838.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.0811.. Train accuracy: 0.9704.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5166.. Test accuracy: 0.8806.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 95/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1461.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0842.. Train accuracy: 0.9701.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9991.. Test loss: 0.5185.. Test accuracy: 0.8816.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9786\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 96/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1892.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0826.. Train accuracy: 0.9713.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5075.. Test accuracy: 0.8835.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 97/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3703.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.0830.. Train accuracy: 0.9706.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5365.. Test accuracy: 0.8766.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 98/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4307.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.0815.. Train accuracy: 0.9714.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5355.. Test accuracy: 0.8792.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 99/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1449.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0769.. Train accuracy: 0.9724.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5150.. Test accuracy: 0.8821.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9816\n",
"Run 9/20.. Epoch 100/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0662.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0786.. Train accuracy: 0.9721.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9992.. Test loss: 0.5460.. Test accuracy: 0.8763.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 1/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2631.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 1.3951.. Train accuracy: 0.4875.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8105.. Test loss: 1.1328.. Test accuracy: 0.5912.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8753\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 2/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1753.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 1.0743.. Train accuracy: 0.6136.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8860.. Test loss: 0.9537.. Test accuracy: 0.6559.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9125\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 3/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0652.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.9280.. Train accuracy: 0.6707.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9101.. Test loss: 0.8145.. Test accuracy: 0.7101.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9316\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 4/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1497.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.8268.. Train accuracy: 0.7083.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9269.. Test loss: 0.7433.. Test accuracy: 0.7400.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9414\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 5/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0786.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.7531.. Train accuracy: 0.7363.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9380.. Test loss: 0.6627.. Test accuracy: 0.7693.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9467\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 6/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0564.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.6925.. Train accuracy: 0.7590.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9447.. Test loss: 0.6335.. Test accuracy: 0.7797.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9547\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 7/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0227.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.6482.. Train accuracy: 0.7738.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9508.. Test loss: 0.5918.. Test accuracy: 0.7942.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9557\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 8/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3322.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.6098.. Train accuracy: 0.7856.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9564.. Test loss: 0.5563.. Test accuracy: 0.8090.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9614\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 9/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1497.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.5789.. Train accuracy: 0.7963.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9587.. Test loss: 0.5497.. Test accuracy: 0.8064.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9618\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 10/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0275.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.5528.. Train accuracy: 0.8061.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9625.. Test loss: 0.5153.. Test accuracy: 0.8237.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9668\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 11/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1231.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.5218.. Train accuracy: 0.8174.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9656.. Test loss: 0.5265.. Test accuracy: 0.8176.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9648\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 12/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1941.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.5003.. Train accuracy: 0.8251.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9673.. Test loss: 0.5446.. Test accuracy: 0.8136.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9631\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 13/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3785.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.4799.. Train accuracy: 0.8329.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9710.. Test loss: 0.4812.. Test accuracy: 0.8328.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9709\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 14/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3604.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.4580.. Train accuracy: 0.8414.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9728.. Test loss: 0.4969.. Test accuracy: 0.8298.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9668\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 15/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0201.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.4439.. Train accuracy: 0.8461.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9735.. Test loss: 0.4508.. Test accuracy: 0.8460.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9728\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 16/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2317.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.4251.. Train accuracy: 0.8504.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9759.. Test loss: 0.4488.. Test accuracy: 0.8479.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9723\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 17/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0831.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4068.. Train accuracy: 0.8589.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9774.. Test loss: 0.4388.. Test accuracy: 0.8484.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9731\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 18/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2993.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.3972.. Train accuracy: 0.8584.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9777.. Test loss: 0.4809.. Test accuracy: 0.8366.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9705\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 19/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0124.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3839.. Train accuracy: 0.8635.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9802.. Test loss: 0.4387.. Test accuracy: 0.8513.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9759\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 20/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1800.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.3697.. Train accuracy: 0.8705.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9808.. Test loss: 0.4502.. Test accuracy: 0.8486.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9725\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 21/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0458.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3553.. Train accuracy: 0.8746.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9829.. Test loss: 0.4521.. Test accuracy: 0.8501.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9727\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 22/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4761.. Average time per step: 0.0345.. Train loss: 0.3492.. Train accuracy: 0.8775.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9831.. Test loss: 0.4260.. Test accuracy: 0.8570.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9768\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 23/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1921.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.3365.. Train accuracy: 0.8810.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9840.. Test loss: 0.4134.. Test accuracy: 0.8643.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9768\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 24/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1286.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.3277.. Train accuracy: 0.8860.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9840.. Test loss: 0.4194.. Test accuracy: 0.8618.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9737\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 25/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1192.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.3185.. Train accuracy: 0.8868.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9851.. Test loss: 0.4300.. Test accuracy: 0.8569.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9754\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 26/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3358.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.3084.. Train accuracy: 0.8908.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9853.. Test loss: 0.4154.. Test accuracy: 0.8654.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9775\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 27/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0488.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2993.. Train accuracy: 0.8930.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9862.. Test loss: 0.4118.. Test accuracy: 0.8666.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9787\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 28/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1862.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2913.. Train accuracy: 0.8968.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9876.. Test loss: 0.4185.. Test accuracy: 0.8646.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 29/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5852.. Average time per step: 0.0347.. Train loss: 0.2788.. Train accuracy: 0.9017.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9880.. Test loss: 0.3937.. Test accuracy: 0.8764.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9782\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 30/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0216.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2758.. Train accuracy: 0.9017.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9887.. Test loss: 0.4384.. Test accuracy: 0.8611.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9772\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 31/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0986.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2685.. Train accuracy: 0.9059.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9885.. Test loss: 0.4179.. Test accuracy: 0.8665.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9786\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 32/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1240.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2558.. Train accuracy: 0.9099.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9902.. Test loss: 0.4038.. Test accuracy: 0.8705.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 33/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0197.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2557.. Train accuracy: 0.9088.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9902.. Test loss: 0.4061.. Test accuracy: 0.8704.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 34/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9964.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.2474.. Train accuracy: 0.9120.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9906.. Test loss: 0.4349.. Test accuracy: 0.8626.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9775\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 35/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0220.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2408.. Train accuracy: 0.9134.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9915.. Test loss: 0.4163.. Test accuracy: 0.8682.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9783\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 36/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0103.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2368.. Train accuracy: 0.9154.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9912.. Test loss: 0.4406.. Test accuracy: 0.8671.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9776\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 37/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2837.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.2296.. Train accuracy: 0.9184.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9917.. Test loss: 0.4076.. Test accuracy: 0.8716.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 38/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3639.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.2206.. Train accuracy: 0.9203.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9929.. Test loss: 0.4491.. Test accuracy: 0.8662.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9754\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 39/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0668.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2205.. Train accuracy: 0.9210.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9928.. Test loss: 0.4194.. Test accuracy: 0.8752.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 40/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0669.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2127.. Train accuracy: 0.9256.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9935.. Test loss: 0.4115.. Test accuracy: 0.8746.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 41/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4566.. Average time per step: 0.0344.. Train loss: 0.2067.. Train accuracy: 0.9266.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9928.. Test loss: 0.4284.. Test accuracy: 0.8739.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9789\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 42/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2149.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.2045.. Train accuracy: 0.9277.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9933.. Test loss: 0.4023.. Test accuracy: 0.8765.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 43/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1626.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1967.. Train accuracy: 0.9297.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9933.. Test loss: 0.4178.. Test accuracy: 0.8725.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9787\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 44/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4155.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.1919.. Train accuracy: 0.9318.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9943.. Test loss: 0.4051.. Test accuracy: 0.8795.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 45/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1473.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1902.. Train accuracy: 0.9317.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9945.. Test loss: 0.4095.. Test accuracy: 0.8766.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 46/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1637.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1896.. Train accuracy: 0.9326.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9939.. Test loss: 0.4652.. Test accuracy: 0.8663.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 47/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1151.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1760.. Train accuracy: 0.9382.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9952.. Test loss: 0.4262.. Test accuracy: 0.8776.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 48/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1843.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1814.. Train accuracy: 0.9358.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9949.. Test loss: 0.4289.. Test accuracy: 0.8744.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 49/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0007.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1740.. Train accuracy: 0.9392.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9951.. Test loss: 0.4311.. Test accuracy: 0.8764.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9814\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 50/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1521.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1716.. Train accuracy: 0.9388.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9955.. Test loss: 0.4132.. Test accuracy: 0.8837.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 51/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9950.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1662.. Train accuracy: 0.9400.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9958.. Test loss: 0.4390.. Test accuracy: 0.8761.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 52/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1465.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1610.. Train accuracy: 0.9423.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9956.. Test loss: 0.4234.. Test accuracy: 0.8806.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 53/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0704.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1565.. Train accuracy: 0.9446.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9960.. Test loss: 0.4450.. Test accuracy: 0.8771.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9774\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 54/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0194.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1561.. Train accuracy: 0.9445.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9968.. Test loss: 0.4434.. Test accuracy: 0.8740.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 55/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9666.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1550.. Train accuracy: 0.9448.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9965.. Test loss: 0.4277.. Test accuracy: 0.8781.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 56/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0025.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1478.. Train accuracy: 0.9485.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4453.. Test accuracy: 0.8784.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9785\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0387.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1473.. Train accuracy: 0.9483.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9961.. Test loss: 0.4482.. Test accuracy: 0.8775.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 58/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0672.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1452.. Train accuracy: 0.9479.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4321.. Test accuracy: 0.8842.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 59/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0340.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1387.. Train accuracy: 0.9504.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9968.. Test loss: 0.4271.. Test accuracy: 0.8830.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 60/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2560.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1430.. Train accuracy: 0.9491.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4313.. Test accuracy: 0.8823.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 61/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1159.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1321.. Train accuracy: 0.9527.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9973.. Test loss: 0.4153.. Test accuracy: 0.8849.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 62/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0186.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1294.. Train accuracy: 0.9542.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9974.. Test loss: 0.4379.. Test accuracy: 0.8821.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 63/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0015.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1302.. Train accuracy: 0.9545.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9972.. Test loss: 0.4274.. Test accuracy: 0.8841.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 64/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1069.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1312.. Train accuracy: 0.9543.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9973.. Test loss: 0.4403.. Test accuracy: 0.8800.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 65/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3431.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.1260.. Train accuracy: 0.9550.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4684.. Test accuracy: 0.8764.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 66/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9538.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.1235.. Train accuracy: 0.9555.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4339.. Test accuracy: 0.8859.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 67/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0848.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1223.. Train accuracy: 0.9564.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4651.. Test accuracy: 0.8794.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 68/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0654.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1188.. Train accuracy: 0.9583.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9974.. Test loss: 0.4656.. Test accuracy: 0.8815.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 69/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1214.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1216.. Train accuracy: 0.9563.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4632.. Test accuracy: 0.8750.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 70/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9515.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.1151.. Train accuracy: 0.9582.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4515.. Test accuracy: 0.8851.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 71/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1706.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1140.. Train accuracy: 0.9584.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4728.. Test accuracy: 0.8796.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 72/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0365.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1160.. Train accuracy: 0.9582.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4744.. Test accuracy: 0.8795.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 73/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2330.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1167.. Train accuracy: 0.9581.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4391.. Test accuracy: 0.8830.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 74/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0004.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1074.. Train accuracy: 0.9617.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4791.. Test accuracy: 0.8816.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9788\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 75/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1010.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1044.. Train accuracy: 0.9638.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4831.. Test accuracy: 0.8780.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9778\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 76/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9472.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.1057.. Train accuracy: 0.9634.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4440.. Test accuracy: 0.8855.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9827\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 77/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1822.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1103.. Train accuracy: 0.9606.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4537.. Test accuracy: 0.8819.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 78/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0332.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1017.. Train accuracy: 0.9640.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4442.. Test accuracy: 0.8864.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 79/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2532.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1005.. Train accuracy: 0.9639.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4452.. Test accuracy: 0.8859.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 80/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2084.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1030.. Train accuracy: 0.9631.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4834.. Test accuracy: 0.8803.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 81/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1263.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0997.. Train accuracy: 0.9645.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4563.. Test accuracy: 0.8874.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 82/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0617.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1020.. Train accuracy: 0.9638.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4554.. Test accuracy: 0.8854.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 83/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1077.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0954.. Train accuracy: 0.9657.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4786.. Test accuracy: 0.8837.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 84/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1847.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0944.. Train accuracy: 0.9654.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4563.. Test accuracy: 0.8858.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 85/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1697.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0929.. Train accuracy: 0.9673.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4908.. Test accuracy: 0.8818.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 86/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0265.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0924.. Train accuracy: 0.9677.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4654.. Test accuracy: 0.8862.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 87/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0782.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0892.. Train accuracy: 0.9692.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4930.. Test accuracy: 0.8818.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 88/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0698.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0941.. Train accuracy: 0.9654.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4889.. Test accuracy: 0.8809.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9788\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 89/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1597.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0856.. Train accuracy: 0.9691.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5224.. Test accuracy: 0.8782.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 90/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0805.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0907.. Train accuracy: 0.9674.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5301.. Test accuracy: 0.8772.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9784\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 91/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3718.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.0879.. Train accuracy: 0.9686.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.5166.. Test accuracy: 0.8791.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 92/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3459.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.0844.. Train accuracy: 0.9697.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4949.. Test accuracy: 0.8817.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 93/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0624.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0891.. Train accuracy: 0.9687.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4944.. Test accuracy: 0.8814.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 94/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1316.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0835.. Train accuracy: 0.9706.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4969.. Test accuracy: 0.8821.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 95/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0850.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0790.. Train accuracy: 0.9718.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5007.. Test accuracy: 0.8817.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 96/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1794.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0851.. Train accuracy: 0.9697.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.5103.. Test accuracy: 0.8794.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 97/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0111.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0845.. Train accuracy: 0.9700.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4983.. Test accuracy: 0.8820.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 98/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0345.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0788.. Train accuracy: 0.9712.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.4991.. Test accuracy: 0.8846.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9823\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 99/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0624.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0801.. Train accuracy: 0.9718.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.4983.. Test accuracy: 0.8840.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 10/20.. Epoch 100/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1579.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0770.. Train accuracy: 0.9723.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5191.. Test accuracy: 0.8781.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 1/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0522.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 1.4133.. Train accuracy: 0.4789.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8036.. Test loss: 1.2127.. Test accuracy: 0.5642.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8590\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 2/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9903.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 1.0781.. Train accuracy: 0.6104.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8855.. Test loss: 0.9440.. Test accuracy: 0.6560.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9158\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 3/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0156.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.9180.. Train accuracy: 0.6744.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9127.. Test loss: 0.8215.. Test accuracy: 0.7166.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9264\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 4/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1252.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.8121.. Train accuracy: 0.7145.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9287.. Test loss: 0.8268.. Test accuracy: 0.7179.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9257\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 5/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1803.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.7442.. Train accuracy: 0.7368.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9380.. Test loss: 0.6400.. Test accuracy: 0.7772.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9531\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 6/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0695.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.6801.. Train accuracy: 0.7619.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9464.. Test loss: 0.6453.. Test accuracy: 0.7798.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9561\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 7/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9981.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.6432.. Train accuracy: 0.7758.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9504.. Test loss: 0.5991.. Test accuracy: 0.7969.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9568\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 8/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1131.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.6041.. Train accuracy: 0.7895.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9565.. Test loss: 0.5494.. Test accuracy: 0.8096.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9623\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 9/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0473.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.5719.. Train accuracy: 0.8008.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9600.. Test loss: 0.5501.. Test accuracy: 0.8117.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9648\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 10/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9398.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.5422.. Train accuracy: 0.8102.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9634.. Test loss: 0.5404.. Test accuracy: 0.8127.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9650\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 11/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0360.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.5159.. Train accuracy: 0.8203.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9666.. Test loss: 0.5357.. Test accuracy: 0.8160.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9680\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 12/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3441.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.4947.. Train accuracy: 0.8271.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9684.. Test loss: 0.5070.. Test accuracy: 0.8271.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9666\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 13/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0455.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4745.. Train accuracy: 0.8354.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9701.. Test loss: 0.4801.. Test accuracy: 0.8376.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9729\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 14/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3088.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.4581.. Train accuracy: 0.8399.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9721.. Test loss: 0.4716.. Test accuracy: 0.8406.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9720\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 15/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1964.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.4370.. Train accuracy: 0.8471.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9746.. Test loss: 0.4823.. Test accuracy: 0.8374.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9722\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 16/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0304.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.4235.. Train accuracy: 0.8525.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9756.. Test loss: 0.4506.. Test accuracy: 0.8465.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9733\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 17/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1051.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4124.. Train accuracy: 0.8546.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9763.. Test loss: 0.4266.. Test accuracy: 0.8546.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9761\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 18/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1064.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.3908.. Train accuracy: 0.8619.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9791.. Test loss: 0.4411.. Test accuracy: 0.8525.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9752\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 19/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1447.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.3816.. Train accuracy: 0.8662.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9789.. Test loss: 0.4524.. Test accuracy: 0.8532.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9732\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 20/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0767.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3684.. Train accuracy: 0.8710.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9811.. Test loss: 0.4210.. Test accuracy: 0.8595.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9753\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 21/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1073.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.3533.. Train accuracy: 0.8746.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9829.. Test loss: 0.4316.. Test accuracy: 0.8551.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9764\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 22/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0196.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3422.. Train accuracy: 0.8807.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9829.. Test loss: 0.4082.. Test accuracy: 0.8620.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9765\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 23/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2021.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3397.. Train accuracy: 0.8816.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9838.. Test loss: 0.4388.. Test accuracy: 0.8565.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9757\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 24/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1785.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.3238.. Train accuracy: 0.8861.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9845.. Test loss: 0.4183.. Test accuracy: 0.8607.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9755\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 25/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0681.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3177.. Train accuracy: 0.8889.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9855.. Test loss: 0.4614.. Test accuracy: 0.8527.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9766\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 26/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3191.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.3094.. Train accuracy: 0.8907.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9861.. Test loss: 0.3944.. Test accuracy: 0.8711.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 27/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0786.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2956.. Train accuracy: 0.8955.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9872.. Test loss: 0.4068.. Test accuracy: 0.8662.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 28/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1811.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2894.. Train accuracy: 0.8980.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9874.. Test loss: 0.4106.. Test accuracy: 0.8643.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 29/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1336.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2781.. Train accuracy: 0.9012.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9884.. Test loss: 0.4226.. Test accuracy: 0.8658.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 30/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0713.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2753.. Train accuracy: 0.9028.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9882.. Test loss: 0.4298.. Test accuracy: 0.8620.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 31/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0870.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2622.. Train accuracy: 0.9073.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9897.. Test loss: 0.4317.. Test accuracy: 0.8634.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9773\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 32/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0824.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2606.. Train accuracy: 0.9069.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9892.. Test loss: 0.3908.. Test accuracy: 0.8775.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 33/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1221.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2535.. Train accuracy: 0.9086.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9902.. Test loss: 0.3916.. Test accuracy: 0.8753.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 34/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0106.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2452.. Train accuracy: 0.9129.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9911.. Test loss: 0.4044.. Test accuracy: 0.8688.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9792\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 35/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2626.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.2434.. Train accuracy: 0.9144.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9907.. Test loss: 0.3972.. Test accuracy: 0.8728.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9791\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 36/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9895.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.2319.. Train accuracy: 0.9168.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9917.. Test loss: 0.4135.. Test accuracy: 0.8682.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 37/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0274.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2310.. Train accuracy: 0.9172.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9916.. Test loss: 0.4103.. Test accuracy: 0.8674.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9787\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 38/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0052.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2247.. Train accuracy: 0.9193.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9921.. Test loss: 0.4081.. Test accuracy: 0.8745.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 39/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0857.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2200.. Train accuracy: 0.9211.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9929.. Test loss: 0.4346.. Test accuracy: 0.8686.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 40/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0257.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2065.. Train accuracy: 0.9272.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9935.. Test loss: 0.4232.. Test accuracy: 0.8701.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 41/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0948.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2080.. Train accuracy: 0.9261.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9937.. Test loss: 0.3994.. Test accuracy: 0.8742.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 42/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0608.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2035.. Train accuracy: 0.9272.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9937.. Test loss: 0.4193.. Test accuracy: 0.8719.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9791\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 43/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0828.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1949.. Train accuracy: 0.9309.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9943.. Test loss: 0.4078.. Test accuracy: 0.8787.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 44/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1604.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1942.. Train accuracy: 0.9308.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9936.. Test loss: 0.3873.. Test accuracy: 0.8840.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 45/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1527.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1875.. Train accuracy: 0.9331.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9942.. Test loss: 0.4093.. Test accuracy: 0.8781.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9824\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 46/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9595.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.1795.. Train accuracy: 0.9373.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9946.. Test loss: 0.3974.. Test accuracy: 0.8814.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 47/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1640.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1815.. Train accuracy: 0.9353.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9942.. Test loss: 0.3996.. Test accuracy: 0.8816.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9786\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 48/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2907.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1758.. Train accuracy: 0.9372.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9953.. Test loss: 0.3952.. Test accuracy: 0.8793.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 49/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9955.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1754.. Train accuracy: 0.9380.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9948.. Test loss: 0.4165.. Test accuracy: 0.8774.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9787\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 50/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1011.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1662.. Train accuracy: 0.9399.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9952.. Test loss: 0.4014.. Test accuracy: 0.8825.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 51/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1317.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1698.. Train accuracy: 0.9411.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9949.. Test loss: 0.4068.. Test accuracy: 0.8823.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 52/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3214.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.1645.. Train accuracy: 0.9412.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9955.. Test loss: 0.4237.. Test accuracy: 0.8775.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 53/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0528.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1586.. Train accuracy: 0.9439.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9955.. Test loss: 0.4205.. Test accuracy: 0.8821.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9791\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 54/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9527.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.1565.. Train accuracy: 0.9427.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9960.. Test loss: 0.4312.. Test accuracy: 0.8784.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 55/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1218.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1558.. Train accuracy: 0.9447.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9960.. Test loss: 0.4217.. Test accuracy: 0.8797.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 56/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9482.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.1509.. Train accuracy: 0.9467.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9967.. Test loss: 0.4192.. Test accuracy: 0.8791.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1014.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1456.. Train accuracy: 0.9482.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9963.. Test loss: 0.4332.. Test accuracy: 0.8779.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 58/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2466.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.1437.. Train accuracy: 0.9491.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9970.. Test loss: 0.4262.. Test accuracy: 0.8829.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 59/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1985.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1410.. Train accuracy: 0.9501.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4159.. Test accuracy: 0.8849.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 60/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0577.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1411.. Train accuracy: 0.9499.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9968.. Test loss: 0.4240.. Test accuracy: 0.8843.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 61/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2226.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1310.. Train accuracy: 0.9529.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4609.. Test accuracy: 0.8804.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 62/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9868.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.1323.. Train accuracy: 0.9530.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9971.. Test loss: 0.4405.. Test accuracy: 0.8834.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 63/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0110.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1327.. Train accuracy: 0.9523.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4166.. Test accuracy: 0.8866.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9827\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 64/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0237.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1283.. Train accuracy: 0.9543.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4483.. Test accuracy: 0.8801.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 65/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1510.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1232.. Train accuracy: 0.9549.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4622.. Test accuracy: 0.8813.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 66/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1950.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.1241.. Train accuracy: 0.9557.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9977.. Test loss: 0.4564.. Test accuracy: 0.8764.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 67/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9614.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.1235.. Train accuracy: 0.9554.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9973.. Test loss: 0.4767.. Test accuracy: 0.8746.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 68/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2215.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1252.. Train accuracy: 0.9556.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4417.. Test accuracy: 0.8827.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9840\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 69/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0800.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1140.. Train accuracy: 0.9597.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4517.. Test accuracy: 0.8820.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9816\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 70/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3740.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.1127.. Train accuracy: 0.9602.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4506.. Test accuracy: 0.8837.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9828\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 71/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0591.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1181.. Train accuracy: 0.9575.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4511.. Test accuracy: 0.8828.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 72/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0097.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1142.. Train accuracy: 0.9596.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4695.. Test accuracy: 0.8789.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 73/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0579.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1095.. Train accuracy: 0.9602.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4546.. Test accuracy: 0.8805.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9825\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 74/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0890.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1101.. Train accuracy: 0.9608.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4829.. Test accuracy: 0.8793.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 75/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0839.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1112.. Train accuracy: 0.9599.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4732.. Test accuracy: 0.8778.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 76/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2815.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1037.. Train accuracy: 0.9623.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4683.. Test accuracy: 0.8773.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 77/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0075.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1021.. Train accuracy: 0.9638.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4734.. Test accuracy: 0.8792.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 78/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1246.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1060.. Train accuracy: 0.9621.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9983.. Test loss: 0.4508.. Test accuracy: 0.8812.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9825\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 79/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0085.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1007.. Train accuracy: 0.9648.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4628.. Test accuracy: 0.8828.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9834\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 80/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0451.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1017.. Train accuracy: 0.9635.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4404.. Test accuracy: 0.8872.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9827\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 81/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2263.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0993.. Train accuracy: 0.9645.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4541.. Test accuracy: 0.8868.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9832\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 82/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1119.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1009.. Train accuracy: 0.9637.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4600.. Test accuracy: 0.8836.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 83/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2428.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.0962.. Train accuracy: 0.9658.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4449.. Test accuracy: 0.8871.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 84/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5104.. Average time per step: 0.0346.. Train loss: 0.0964.. Train accuracy: 0.9657.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4512.. Test accuracy: 0.8834.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9831\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 85/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0616.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0990.. Train accuracy: 0.9645.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4563.. Test accuracy: 0.8834.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 86/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1081.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0896.. Train accuracy: 0.9684.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4711.. Test accuracy: 0.8809.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 87/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2578.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.0975.. Train accuracy: 0.9651.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4595.. Test accuracy: 0.8869.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 88/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1005.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0885.. Train accuracy: 0.9686.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4832.. Test accuracy: 0.8842.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9797\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 89/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1424.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0876.. Train accuracy: 0.9685.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4580.. Test accuracy: 0.8841.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 90/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0831.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0866.. Train accuracy: 0.9687.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4765.. Test accuracy: 0.8843.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 91/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0418.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0848.. Train accuracy: 0.9693.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4766.. Test accuracy: 0.8843.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 92/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1032.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0868.. Train accuracy: 0.9695.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4880.. Test accuracy: 0.8847.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 93/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0914.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0835.. Train accuracy: 0.9708.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4774.. Test accuracy: 0.8847.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 94/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9491.. Average time per step: 0.0331.. Train loss: 0.0850.. Train accuracy: 0.9700.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4708.. Test accuracy: 0.8864.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 95/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0749.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0813.. Train accuracy: 0.9712.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5035.. Test accuracy: 0.8822.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 96/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2227.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0795.. Train accuracy: 0.9717.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4790.. Test accuracy: 0.8865.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9839\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 97/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1552.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0839.. Train accuracy: 0.9704.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9991.. Test loss: 0.4666.. Test accuracy: 0.8872.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9828\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 98/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1450.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0785.. Train accuracy: 0.9716.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.4789.. Test accuracy: 0.8850.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9828\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 99/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1926.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0767.. Train accuracy: 0.9722.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.4924.. Test accuracy: 0.8857.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9827\n",
"Run 11/20.. Epoch 100/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1501.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0787.. Train accuracy: 0.9717.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9991.. Test loss: 0.5035.. Test accuracy: 0.8822.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 1/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1520.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 1.4111.. Train accuracy: 0.4789.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8071.. Test loss: 1.1512.. Test accuracy: 0.5869.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.8843\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 2/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0202.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 1.0693.. Train accuracy: 0.6151.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.8875.. Test loss: 0.9562.. Test accuracy: 0.6605.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9060\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 3/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4026.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.9016.. Train accuracy: 0.6827.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9172.. Test loss: 0.8449.. Test accuracy: 0.7004.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9316\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 4/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2446.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.8002.. Train accuracy: 0.7181.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9308.. Test loss: 0.7412.. Test accuracy: 0.7449.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9381\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 5/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0624.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.7294.. Train accuracy: 0.7430.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9400.. Test loss: 0.6646.. Test accuracy: 0.7698.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9485\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 6/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0509.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.6810.. Train accuracy: 0.7620.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9483.. Test loss: 0.6498.. Test accuracy: 0.7783.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9521\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 7/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0715.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.6338.. Train accuracy: 0.7802.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9512.. Test loss: 0.6184.. Test accuracy: 0.7836.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9545\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 8/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0761.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.5945.. Train accuracy: 0.7922.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9575.. Test loss: 0.6343.. Test accuracy: 0.7809.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9569\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 9/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1665.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.5654.. Train accuracy: 0.8009.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9608.. Test loss: 0.5647.. Test accuracy: 0.8029.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9658\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 10/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0525.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.5366.. Train accuracy: 0.8141.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9639.. Test loss: 0.5057.. Test accuracy: 0.8255.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9688\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 11/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0900.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.5177.. Train accuracy: 0.8184.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9660.. Test loss: 0.5298.. Test accuracy: 0.8187.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9653\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 12/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0805.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.4938.. Train accuracy: 0.8276.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9685.. Test loss: 0.4803.. Test accuracy: 0.8324.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9700\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 13/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2126.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.4717.. Train accuracy: 0.8345.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9700.. Test loss: 0.4772.. Test accuracy: 0.8361.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9703\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 14/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1768.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.4521.. Train accuracy: 0.8419.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9730.. Test loss: 0.4659.. Test accuracy: 0.8418.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9735\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 15/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0456.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.4381.. Train accuracy: 0.8464.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9743.. Test loss: 0.5064.. Test accuracy: 0.8272.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9720\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 16/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9810.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.4203.. Train accuracy: 0.8511.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9765.. Test loss: 0.4464.. Test accuracy: 0.8483.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9739\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 17/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2183.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.4067.. Train accuracy: 0.8573.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9775.. Test loss: 0.4689.. Test accuracy: 0.8387.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9736\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 18/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1938.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.3930.. Train accuracy: 0.8618.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9796.. Test loss: 0.4672.. Test accuracy: 0.8398.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9720\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 19/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0433.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3811.. Train accuracy: 0.8657.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9797.. Test loss: 0.4401.. Test accuracy: 0.8512.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9737\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 20/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1457.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.3680.. Train accuracy: 0.8707.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9817.. Test loss: 0.4487.. Test accuracy: 0.8504.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9751\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 21/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0335.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3543.. Train accuracy: 0.8758.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9819.. Test loss: 0.4584.. Test accuracy: 0.8514.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9745\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 22/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1067.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.3467.. Train accuracy: 0.8792.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9823.. Test loss: 0.4255.. Test accuracy: 0.8575.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9762\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 23/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2037.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.3321.. Train accuracy: 0.8837.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9844.. Test loss: 0.4146.. Test accuracy: 0.8621.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9782\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 24/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0383.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3275.. Train accuracy: 0.8840.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9849.. Test loss: 0.4223.. Test accuracy: 0.8581.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9768\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 25/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0783.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.3204.. Train accuracy: 0.8878.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9853.. Test loss: 0.4026.. Test accuracy: 0.8652.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9777\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 26/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1231.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.3037.. Train accuracy: 0.8934.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9864.. Test loss: 0.4576.. Test accuracy: 0.8479.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9756\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 27/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0305.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.3007.. Train accuracy: 0.8952.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9861.. Test loss: 0.4231.. Test accuracy: 0.8608.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9772\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 28/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0109.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2927.. Train accuracy: 0.8975.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9872.. Test loss: 0.3933.. Test accuracy: 0.8713.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 29/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0633.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.2827.. Train accuracy: 0.9005.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9883.. Test loss: 0.4162.. Test accuracy: 0.8662.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9784\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 30/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1380.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2686.. Train accuracy: 0.9052.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9888.. Test loss: 0.4439.. Test accuracy: 0.8593.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9782\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 31/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1940.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2664.. Train accuracy: 0.9054.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9890.. Test loss: 0.4108.. Test accuracy: 0.8673.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 32/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1113.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2673.. Train accuracy: 0.9047.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9892.. Test loss: 0.4012.. Test accuracy: 0.8715.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9790\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 33/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0339.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.2545.. Train accuracy: 0.9106.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9906.. Test loss: 0.4100.. Test accuracy: 0.8686.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9791\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 34/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4052.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.2461.. Train accuracy: 0.9131.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9906.. Test loss: 0.4353.. Test accuracy: 0.8601.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9772\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 35/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2643.. Average time per step: 0.0339.. Train loss: 0.2383.. Train accuracy: 0.9156.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9912.. Test loss: 0.4301.. Test accuracy: 0.8671.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9776\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 36/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0970.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2354.. Train accuracy: 0.9157.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9918.. Test loss: 0.3996.. Test accuracy: 0.8747.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 37/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1208.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.2282.. Train accuracy: 0.9186.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9920.. Test loss: 0.4034.. Test accuracy: 0.8705.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9813\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 38/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3638.. Average time per step: 0.0342.. Train loss: 0.2233.. Train accuracy: 0.9215.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9916.. Test loss: 0.4187.. Test accuracy: 0.8703.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9791\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 39/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9909.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.2134.. Train accuracy: 0.9252.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9926.. Test loss: 0.3996.. Test accuracy: 0.8767.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 40/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2201.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.2152.. Train accuracy: 0.9238.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9927.. Test loss: 0.4214.. Test accuracy: 0.8707.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 41/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1882.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.2080.. Train accuracy: 0.9242.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9932.. Test loss: 0.4228.. Test accuracy: 0.8729.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9815\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 42/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1055.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.2048.. Train accuracy: 0.9268.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9937.. Test loss: 0.4419.. Test accuracy: 0.8662.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9784\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 43/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1049.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1972.. Train accuracy: 0.9307.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9947.. Test loss: 0.4004.. Test accuracy: 0.8762.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 44/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3367.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.1920.. Train accuracy: 0.9312.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9941.. Test loss: 0.4295.. Test accuracy: 0.8730.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 45/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0524.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1909.. Train accuracy: 0.9325.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9947.. Test loss: 0.4161.. Test accuracy: 0.8708.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 46/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0731.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1871.. Train accuracy: 0.9341.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9948.. Test loss: 0.4302.. Test accuracy: 0.8729.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 47/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1362.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1819.. Train accuracy: 0.9347.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9947.. Test loss: 0.4286.. Test accuracy: 0.8721.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 48/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5001.. Average time per step: 0.0345.. Train loss: 0.1807.. Train accuracy: 0.9356.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9948.. Test loss: 0.4057.. Test accuracy: 0.8755.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 49/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1456.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1764.. Train accuracy: 0.9372.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9955.. Test loss: 0.4244.. Test accuracy: 0.8748.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9800\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 50/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5476.. Average time per step: 0.0346.. Train loss: 0.1658.. Train accuracy: 0.9412.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9957.. Test loss: 0.4246.. Test accuracy: 0.8747.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 51/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0426.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1716.. Train accuracy: 0.9382.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9956.. Test loss: 0.4159.. Test accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9804\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 52/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0563.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1619.. Train accuracy: 0.9423.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4333.. Test accuracy: 0.8712.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9796\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 53/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0143.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1599.. Train accuracy: 0.9437.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9959.. Test loss: 0.4368.. Test accuracy: 0.8736.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9803\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 54/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2344.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1576.. Train accuracy: 0.9435.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9962.. Test loss: 0.4435.. Test accuracy: 0.8763.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9794\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 55/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1019.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1557.. Train accuracy: 0.9451.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9960.. Test loss: 0.4517.. Test accuracy: 0.8743.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 56/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1018.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1528.. Train accuracy: 0.9454.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9965.. Test loss: 0.4354.. Test accuracy: 0.8770.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9822\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0702.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1468.. Train accuracy: 0.9485.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9963.. Test loss: 0.4559.. Test accuracy: 0.8759.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 58/100.. Time per epoch: 13.5229.. Average time per step: 0.0346.. Train loss: 0.1461.. Train accuracy: 0.9480.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9959.. Test loss: 0.4554.. Test accuracy: 0.8750.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9802\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 59/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1001.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1414.. Train accuracy: 0.9497.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4691.. Test accuracy: 0.8733.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9781\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 60/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2320.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1369.. Train accuracy: 0.9508.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9970.. Test loss: 0.4258.. Test accuracy: 0.8812.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9810\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 61/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0831.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1344.. Train accuracy: 0.9522.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9972.. Test loss: 0.4664.. Test accuracy: 0.8742.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 62/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1232.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1380.. Train accuracy: 0.9503.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9969.. Test loss: 0.4642.. Test accuracy: 0.8726.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 63/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0905.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1310.. Train accuracy: 0.9534.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9976.. Test loss: 0.4356.. Test accuracy: 0.8804.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9811\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 64/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2218.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1316.. Train accuracy: 0.9533.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4311.. Test accuracy: 0.8819.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9826\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 65/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0861.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1288.. Train accuracy: 0.9537.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9970.. Test loss: 0.4611.. Test accuracy: 0.8774.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 66/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2253.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1225.. Train accuracy: 0.9563.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4633.. Test accuracy: 0.8807.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9820\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 67/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0258.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1253.. Train accuracy: 0.9550.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9978.. Test loss: 0.4591.. Test accuracy: 0.8793.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9818\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 68/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1180.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1231.. Train accuracy: 0.9557.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9975.. Test loss: 0.4622.. Test accuracy: 0.8780.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 69/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2269.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1208.. Train accuracy: 0.9570.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9974.. Test loss: 0.4362.. Test accuracy: 0.8823.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 70/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0980.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1145.. Train accuracy: 0.9595.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4560.. Test accuracy: 0.8794.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9801\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 71/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0579.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.1205.. Train accuracy: 0.9570.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9974.. Test loss: 0.4652.. Test accuracy: 0.8815.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 72/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1966.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1130.. Train accuracy: 0.9595.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4578.. Test accuracy: 0.8790.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9798\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 73/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1519.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1092.. Train accuracy: 0.9622.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9980.. Test loss: 0.4634.. Test accuracy: 0.8778.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 74/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1478.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1106.. Train accuracy: 0.9613.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9979.. Test loss: 0.4614.. Test accuracy: 0.8776.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9819\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 75/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1503.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.1116.. Train accuracy: 0.9601.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4582.. Test accuracy: 0.8817.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 76/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2142.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.1073.. Train accuracy: 0.9613.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4547.. Test accuracy: 0.8842.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 77/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0269.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1052.. Train accuracy: 0.9635.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4703.. Test accuracy: 0.8805.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 78/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0178.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1037.. Train accuracy: 0.9621.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9981.. Test loss: 0.4626.. Test accuracy: 0.8837.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 79/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0858.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1009.. Train accuracy: 0.9638.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4747.. Test accuracy: 0.8824.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 80/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2815.. Average time per step: 0.0340.. Train loss: 0.1009.. Train accuracy: 0.9640.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9985.. Test loss: 0.4643.. Test accuracy: 0.8826.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9824\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 81/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1168.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.1015.. Train accuracy: 0.9637.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4808.. Test accuracy: 0.8798.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9812\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 82/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0396.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.1027.. Train accuracy: 0.9633.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4698.. Test accuracy: 0.8831.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9824\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 83/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0698.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0969.. Train accuracy: 0.9661.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9982.. Test loss: 0.4585.. Test accuracy: 0.8881.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9829\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 84/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0825.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0934.. Train accuracy: 0.9672.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4736.. Test accuracy: 0.8825.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9816\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 85/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0490.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0973.. Train accuracy: 0.9652.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4945.. Test accuracy: 0.8775.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9821\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 86/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4079.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.0951.. Train accuracy: 0.9666.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9986.. Test loss: 0.4896.. Test accuracy: 0.8801.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 87/100.. Time per epoch: 12.9668.. Average time per step: 0.0332.. Train loss: 0.0944.. Train accuracy: 0.9663.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9984.. Test loss: 0.4753.. Test accuracy: 0.8817.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9806\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 88/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0786.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0863.. Train accuracy: 0.9701.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5004.. Test accuracy: 0.8818.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9795\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 89/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1898.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0909.. Train accuracy: 0.9672.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4880.. Test accuracy: 0.8788.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 90/100.. Time per epoch: 13.4022.. Average time per step: 0.0343.. Train loss: 0.0876.. Train accuracy: 0.9698.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.5003.. Test accuracy: 0.8800.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9791\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 91/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1564.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0873.. Train accuracy: 0.9695.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5088.. Test accuracy: 0.8791.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 92/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2131.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0875.. Train accuracy: 0.9690.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.4796.. Test accuracy: 0.8817.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9808\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 93/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0584.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0908.. Train accuracy: 0.9679.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9987.. Test loss: 0.4840.. Test accuracy: 0.8811.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9807\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 94/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0051.. Average time per step: 0.0333.. Train loss: 0.0838.. Train accuracy: 0.9709.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.4737.. Test accuracy: 0.8828.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9817\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 95/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1578.. Average time per step: 0.0337.. Train loss: 0.0814.. Train accuracy: 0.9715.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5065.. Test accuracy: 0.8812.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9799\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 96/100.. Time per epoch: 13.3335.. Average time per step: 0.0341.. Train loss: 0.0843.. Train accuracy: 0.9696.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.4942.. Test accuracy: 0.8836.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 97/100.. Time per epoch: 13.0748.. Average time per step: 0.0334.. Train loss: 0.0803.. Train accuracy: 0.9711.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.5030.. Test accuracy: 0.8807.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9805\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 98/100.. Time per epoch: 13.2037.. Average time per step: 0.0338.. Train loss: 0.0802.. Train accuracy: 0.9712.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9989.. Test loss: 0.5132.. Test accuracy: 0.8772.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9783\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 99/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1006.. Average time per step: 0.0335.. Train loss: 0.0854.. Train accuracy: 0.9690.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9988.. Test loss: 0.5155.. Test accuracy: 0.8738.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9809\n",
"Run 12/20.. Epoch 100/100.. Time per epoch: 13.1299.. Average time per step: 0.0336.. Train loss: 0.0781.. Train accuracy: 0.9726.. Top-3 train accuracy: 0.9990.. Test loss: 0.5092.. Test accuracy: 0.8802.. Top-3 test accuracy: 0.9793\n"
"source": [
"runs = 20\n",
"for run in range(runs):\n",
" model = squeezenet(activation = 'mish')\n",
" \n",
" # set optimizer, only train the classifier parameters, feature parameters are frozen\n",
" optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)\n",
" #train the model\n",
" \n",
" steps = 0\n",
" running_loss = 0\n",
" for epoch in range(epochs):\n",
" since = time.time()\n",
" train_accuracy = 0\n",
" top3_train_accuracy = 0 \n",
" for inputs, labels in trainloader:\n",
" steps += 1\n",
" # Move input and label tensors to the default device\n",
" inputs, labels =,\n",
" optimizer.zero_grad()\n",
" logps = model.forward(inputs)\n",
" loss = criterion(logps, labels)\n",
" loss.backward()\n",
" optimizer.step()\n",
" running_loss += loss.item()\n",
" # calculate train top-1 accuracy\n",
" ps = torch.exp(logps)\n",
" top_p, top_class = ps.topk(1, dim=1)\n",
" equals = top_class == labels.view(*top_class.shape)\n",
" train_accuracy += torch.mean(equals.type(torch.FloatTensor)).item()\n",
" # Calculate train top-3 accuracy\n",
" np_top3_class = ps.topk(3, dim=1)[1].cpu().numpy()\n",
" target_numpy = labels.cpu().numpy()\n",
" top3_train_accuracy += np.mean([1 if target_numpy[i] in np_top3_class[i] else 0 for i in range(0, len(target_numpy))])\n",
" time_elapsed = time.time() - since\n",
" test_loss = 0\n",
" test_accuracy = 0\n",
" top3_test_accuracy = 0\n",
" model.eval()\n",
" with torch.no_grad():\n",
" for inputs, labels in testloader:\n",
" inputs, labels =,\n",
" logps = model.forward(inputs)\n",
" batch_loss = criterion(logps, labels)\n",
" test_loss += batch_loss.item()\n",
" # Calculate test top-1 accuracy\n",
" ps = torch.exp(logps)\n",
" top_p, top_class = ps.topk(1, dim=1)\n",
" equals = top_class == labels.view(*top_class.shape)\n",
" test_accuracy += torch.mean(equals.type(torch.FloatTensor)).item()\n",
" # Calculate test top-3 accuracy\n",
" np_top3_class = ps.topk(3, dim=1)[1].cpu().numpy()\n",
" target_numpy = labels.cpu().numpy()\n",
" top3_test_accuracy += np.mean([1 if target_numpy[i] in np_top3_class[i] else 0 for i in range(0, len(target_numpy))])\n",
" print(f\"Run {run+1}/{runs}.. \"\n",
" f\"Epoch {epoch+1}/{epochs}.. \"\n",
" f\"Time per epoch: {time_elapsed:.4f}.. \"\n",
" f\"Average time per step: {time_elapsed/len(trainloader):.4f}.. \"\n",
" f\"Train loss: {running_loss/len(trainloader):.4f}.. \"\n",
" f\"Train accuracy: {train_accuracy/len(trainloader):.4f}.. \"\n",
" f\"Top-3 train accuracy: {top3_train_accuracy/len(trainloader):.4f}.. \"\n",
" f\"Test loss: {test_loss/len(testloader):.4f}.. \"\n",
" f\"Test accuracy: {test_accuracy/len(testloader):.4f}.. \"\n",
" f\"Top-3 test accuracy: {top3_test_accuracy/len(testloader):.4f}\")\n",
" train_stats = train_stats.append({'Run': run, 'Epoch': epoch, 'Time per epoch':time_elapsed, 'Avg time per step': time_elapsed/len(trainloader), 'Train loss' : running_loss/len(trainloader), 'Train accuracy': train_accuracy/len(trainloader), 'Train top-3 accuracy':top3_train_accuracy/len(trainloader),'Test loss' : test_loss/len(testloader), 'Test accuracy': test_accuracy/len(testloader), 'Test top-3 accuracy':top3_test_accuracy/len(testloader)}, ignore_index=True)\n",
" running_loss = 0\n",
" model.train()\n",
" # End of run\n",
" del optimizer, model\n",
" train_stats.to_csv('train_log_SqueezeNet_Mish-Cuda.csv')"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 75,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<style scoped>\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
" vertical-align: top;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
" text-align: right;\n",
" }\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>Unnamed: 0</th>\n",
" <th>Run</th>\n",
" <th>Epoch</th>\n",
" <th>Time per epoch</th>\n",
" <th>Avg time per step</th>\n",
" <th>Train loss</th>\n",
" <th>Train accuracy</th>\n",
" <th>Train top-3 accuracy</th>\n",
" <th>Test loss</th>\n",
" <th>Test accuracy</th>\n",
" <th>Test top-3 accuracy</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <td>0</td>\n",
" <td>0</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>13.071008</td>\n",
" <td>0.033430</td>\n",
" <td>1.394122</td>\n",
" <td>0.488683</td>\n",
" <td>0.810234</td>\n",
" <td>1.163647</td>\n",
" <td>0.578619</td>\n",
" <td>0.869858</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" <td>12.957856</td>\n",
" <td>0.033140</td>\n",
" <td>1.079861</td>\n",
" <td>0.610642</td>\n",
" <td>0.885378</td>\n",
" <td>1.020159</td>\n",
" <td>0.640922</td>\n",
" <td>0.895372</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" <td>2</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td>13.089388</td>\n",
" <td>0.033477</td>\n",
" <td>0.934972</td>\n",
" <td>0.667295</td>\n",
" <td>0.909303</td>\n",
" <td>0.791664</td>\n",
" <td>0.723497</td>\n",
" <td>0.930380</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td>3</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>13.163625</td>\n",
" <td>0.033667</td>\n",
" <td>0.827890</td>\n",
" <td>0.708867</td>\n",
" <td>0.926650</td>\n",
" <td>0.754454</td>\n",
" <td>0.730320</td>\n",
" <td>0.938884</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>4</td>\n",
" <td>1</td>\n",
" <td>5</td>\n",
" <td>12.933535</td>\n",
" <td>0.033078</td>\n",
" <td>0.762062</td>\n",
" <td>0.732249</td>\n",
" <td>0.935390</td>\n",
" <td>0.684179</td>\n",
" <td>0.758801</td>\n",
" <td>0.945807</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" <td>...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <td>1995</td>\n",
" <td>1995</td>\n",
" <td>20</td>\n",
" <td>96</td>\n",
" <td>13.128925</td>\n",
" <td>0.033578</td>\n",
" <td>0.083817</td>\n",
" <td>0.970396</td>\n",
" <td>0.998721</td>\n",
" <td>0.480872</td>\n",
" <td>0.885384</td>\n",
" <td>0.983188</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <td>1996</td>\n",
" <td>1996</td>\n",
" <td>20</td>\n",
" <td>97</td>\n",
" <td>13.096675</td>\n",
" <td>0.033495</td>\n",
" <td>0.080508</td>\n",
" <td>0.971080</td>\n",
" <td>0.998901</td>\n",
" <td>0.493985</td>\n",
" <td>0.884494</td>\n",
" <td>0.981112</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <td>1997</td>\n",
" <td>1997</td>\n",
" <td>20</td>\n",
" <td>98</td>\n",
" <td>13.179232</td>\n",
" <td>0.033706</td>\n",
" <td>0.084589</td>\n",
" <td>0.969921</td>\n",
" <td>0.998721</td>\n",
" <td>0.477966</td>\n",
" <td>0.886768</td>\n",
" <td>0.984573</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <td>1998</td>\n",
" <td>1998</td>\n",
" <td>20</td>\n",
" <td>99</td>\n",
" <td>13.092649</td>\n",
" <td>0.033485</td>\n",
" <td>0.076815</td>\n",
" <td>0.972327</td>\n",
" <td>0.999021</td>\n",
" <td>0.485997</td>\n",
" <td>0.885977</td>\n",
" <td>0.980914</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <td>1999</td>\n",
" <td>1999</td>\n",
" <td>20</td>\n",
" <td>100</td>\n",
" <td>13.176620</td>\n",
" <td>0.033700</td>\n",
" <td>0.078215</td>\n",
" <td>0.972862</td>\n",
" <td>0.998961</td>\n",
" <td>0.474208</td>\n",
" <td>0.888647</td>\n",
" <td>0.982892</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"<p>2000 rows × 11 columns</p>\n",
"text/plain": [
" Unnamed: 0 Run Epoch Time per epoch Avg time per step Train loss \\\n",
"0 0 1 1 13.071008 0.033430 1.394122 \n",
"1 1 1 2 12.957856 0.033140 1.079861 \n",
"2 2 1 3 13.089388 0.033477 0.934972 \n",
"3 3 1 4 13.163625 0.033667 0.827890 \n",
"4 4 1 5 12.933535 0.033078 0.762062 \n",
"... ... ... ... ... ... ... \n",
"1995 1995 20 96 13.128925 0.033578 0.083817 \n",
"1996 1996 20 97 13.096675 0.033495 0.080508 \n",
"1997 1997 20 98 13.179232 0.033706 0.084589 \n",
"1998 1998 20 99 13.092649 0.033485 0.076815 \n",
"1999 1999 20 100 13.176620 0.033700 0.078215 \n",
" Train accuracy Train top-3 accuracy Test loss Test accuracy \\\n",
"0 0.488683 0.810234 1.163647 0.578619 \n",
"1 0.610642 0.885378 1.020159 0.640922 \n",
"2 0.667295 0.909303 0.791664 0.723497 \n",
"3 0.708867 0.926650 0.754454 0.730320 \n",
"4 0.732249 0.935390 0.684179 0.758801 \n",
"... ... ... ... ... \n",
"1995 0.970396 0.998721 0.480872 0.885384 \n",
"1996 0.971080 0.998901 0.493985 0.884494 \n",
"1997 0.969921 0.998721 0.477966 0.886768 \n",
"1998 0.972327 0.999021 0.485997 0.885977 \n",
"1999 0.972862 0.998961 0.474208 0.888647 \n",
" Test top-3 accuracy \n",
"0 0.869858 \n",
"1 0.895372 \n",
"2 0.930380 \n",
"3 0.938884 \n",
"4 0.945807 \n",
"... ... \n",
"1995 0.983188 \n",
"1996 0.981112 \n",
"1997 0.984573 \n",
"1998 0.980914 \n",
"1999 0.982892 \n",
"[2000 rows x 11 columns]"
"execution_count": 75,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"df = pd.read_csv('train_log_SqueezeNet_Mish-Cuda.csv')\n",
"df.Epoch = df.Epoch.astype(np.uint8) + 1\n",
"df.Run = df.Run.astype(np.uint8) + 1\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 76,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"49 0.876780\n",
"149 0.874703\n",
"249 0.884296\n",
"349 0.880835\n",
"449 0.873714\n",
"549 0.872725\n",
"649 0.877077\n",
"749 0.873517\n",
"849 0.871737\n",
"949 0.883703\n",
"1049 0.882516\n",
"1149 0.874703\n",
"1249 0.880340\n",
"1349 0.880934\n",
"1449 0.880538\n",
"1549 0.878857\n",
"1649 0.873813\n",
"1749 0.877868\n",
"1849 0.880934\n",
"1949 0.876780\n",
"Name: Test accuracy, dtype: float64"
"execution_count": 76,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"df[df.Epoch==50]['Test accuracy']"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 77,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from scipy import stats"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 78,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"ep50 = df[df.Epoch==50]['Test accuracy'] * 100\n",
"ep100 = df[df.Epoch==100]['Test accuracy'] * 100"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 66,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from scipy import stats\n",
"def get_ci(vals, conf=0.95):\n",
" m = vals.mean()\n",
" S = vals.std()\n",
" N = len(vals)\n",
" se = stats.sem(vals)\n",
" h = se * stats.t.ppf((1 + conf) / 2., N-1)\n",
" return (m-h,m+h)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 83,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"(87.78184335443039, 0.3828002782585072, (87.60268730942386, 87.96099939943693))"
"execution_count": 83,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"ep50.mean(), ep50.std(), get_ci(ep50)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 82,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
" 0.32207583841780824,\n",
" (88.05931133601511, 88.36078360069372))"
"execution_count": 82,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"ep100.mean(), ep100.std(), get_ci(ep100)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 151,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"es = dict(epoch=[],mean=[],std=[],low=[],high=[])\n",
"for ep in range(1, 101):\n",
" vals = df[df.Epoch==ep]['Test accuracy'] * 100\n",
" for l,v in zip(es.values(), (ep,vals.mean(),vals.std(),*get_ci(vals))): l.append(v)\n",
"epoch_stats = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(es)\n",
"mish_vals = [0.5464,0.6541,0.7007,0.7359,0.7573,0.7536,0.7933,0.8004,0.8076,0.8013,0.8190,0.8173,0.8233,0.8348,0.8343,0.8331,0.8428,0.8487,0.8403,0.8430,0.8534,0.8563,0.8576,0.8551,0.8552,0.8597,0.8540,0.8660,0.8696,0.8625,0.8612,0.8630,0.8658,0.8694,0.8709,0.8621,0.8724,0.8738,0.8647,0.8659,0.8712,0.8691,0.8664,0.8731,0.8663,0.8691,0.8712,0.8732,0.8695,0.8712,0.8777,0.8789,0.8735,0.8753,0.8755,0.8730,0.8795,0.8773,0.8774,0.8728,0.8772,0.8809,0.8704,0.8736,0.8802,0.8744,0.8709,0.8793,0.8741,0.8802,0.8733,0.8796,0.8786,0.8806,0.8773,0.8792,0.8798,0.8721,0.8743,0.8823,0.8754,0.8803,0.8823,0.8824,0.8822,0.8837,0.8783,0.8785,0.8809,0.8834,0.8825,0.8778,0.8772,0.8838,0.8815,0.8791,0.8847,0.8812,0.8835,0.8777]\n",
"epoch_stats['mish'] = np.array(mish_vals)*100"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 121,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 150,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"image/png": 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"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 720x360 with 1 Axes>"
"metadata": {
"needs_background": "light"
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
"fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))\n",
"plt.plot(epoch_stats.epoch, epoch_stats['mean'], label='MishCuda', color='c')\n",
"plt.fill_between(epoch_stats.epoch, epoch_stats.low, epoch_stats.high, color='c')\n",
"plt.plot(epoch_stats.epoch, epoch_stats['mish'], label='Mish', color='r')\n",
"plt.legend(loc='lower right')\n",
"plt.ylim(75, 90)\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 156,
"metadata": {
"Collapsed": "false"
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 156,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"df['Avg time per step'].mean()"
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python [conda env:.conda-fastai]",
"language": "python",
"name": "conda-env-.conda-fastai-py"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
"name": "ipython",
"version": 3
"file_extension": ".py",
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.7.4"
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 4
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