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* A Micronaut adapter for Spring application listeners.
* Grails now uses micronaut so application events will be listened to here.
* To avoid rewriting event listening configuration, based on spring, this class dispatches events to the spring listeners.
class ApplicationEventListenerAdapter implements ApplicationEventListener<WhozEvent> {
@EnableWhozEvent([ProfilePublisher, SkillPublisher])
class WhozPublisherEventConfig {
* Application context from micronaut.
* Event listener must be registered on it as singletons,
* because the bean resolver of the micronaut application listener only evaluates singletons.
class Person {
ObjectId id
String firstName
String lastName
static constraints = {
firstName nullable: false, index: true
lastName nullable: false, index: true
class Company {
ObjectId id
String name
List<Person> employees
static constraints = {
name nullable: false, index: true
static hasMany = [employees: Person]
class Company {
String name
static constraints = {
name nullable: false, index: true
class Person {
ObjectId id
String firstName
String lastName
ObjectId companyId
static constraints = {
firstName nullable: false, index: true
lastName nullable: false, index: true
public class PersonService {
public Person findByFirstName(String firstName){
return Person.findByFirstName(firstName)
public class PersonService {
PersonRepository personRepository
public Person findByFirstName(String firstName){
return personRepository.findByFirstName(firstName)
class PersonGormRepositoryService implements PersonRepository {
Workspace findByFirstName(@NotNull String firstName) {
return Person.withStatelessSession { Person.findByFirstName(firstName) }
class PersonController {
PersonService personService
def create(CreatePersonCommand createPersonCommand) {
Person personToCreate = PersonConverter.convertCreateCommandToDomain(createPersonCommand)
Person person = personService.create(personToCreate)
PersonOutput personOutput = PersonConverter.convertDomainToOutput(person)
render personOutput