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Tom Hombergs thombergs

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thombergs /
Last active June 27, 2023 05:03
Using Maven to deploy to Maven Central
mvn -s settings.xml clean javadoc:jar source:jar gpg:sign -Dgpg.passphrase=your_passphrase deploy
thombergs /
Last active October 10, 2016 20:20
Code samples pointing out different features of the Spring Framework.
public class EventConsumer implements ApplicationListener<E>{
public void onApplicationEvent(E event) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
public enum ParserState {
public ParserState nextState(ParseWindow window) {
String line = window.getFocusLine();
if (matchesFromFilePattern(line)) {
logTransition(line, INITIAL, FROM_FILE);
return FROM_FILE;
} else {
thombergs / build.gradle
Last active October 21, 2020 21:51
Accessing the SVN revision number in a Gradle script
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.*
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath group: 'org.tmatesoft.svnkit', name: 'svnkit', version: '1.7.11'
thombergs /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Code of the Day - funny code snippets from real software projects
try {
} catch (final AbstractException ab) {
// Schade, aber nicht tödlich
public class WirSuchenDich {
public Job findeJobFuer(Person du) {
if (du.bistLeidenschaftlicherProgrammierer()) {
Arbeitgeber adesso = Arbeitgeber
.get("Bester IT-Arbeitgeber Deutschlands");
du.meldeDich("0231 / 7000 7100");
return new Job(du, adesso);
public class Calculator{
public int absoluteSum(int a, int b){
if(a < 0) a = -a;
if(b < 0) b = -b;
return a + b;
thombergs /
Last active December 4, 2016 17:14
Git Cheat Sheet
# clone the remote repo into a (automatically created) folder named like the repo
git clone <FORK_URL>
# list all registered remote repositories
git remote -v
# add the original repo as remote and name it "upstream"
git remote add upstream <ORIGINAL_URL>
# fetch the current state from the upstream remote
git fetch upstream
# change to local master
git checkout master
thombergs / setup_machine.cmd
Last active June 16, 2017 21:43
Shell script to install some default tools via chocolatey
REM run this script with administrator privileges
REM install chocolatey itself
@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
REM install packages
choco install -y googlechrome
choco install -y foxitreader
choco install -y sublimetext3
choco install -y procexp
thombergs /
Last active October 17, 2017 18:50
Assumptions and Conditional Test Execution with JUnit 4 and 5
public @interface AssumeConnection {
String uri();