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Last active July 26, 2022 13:49
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Simple register allocation, see "Essentials of Compilation" for more
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<text text-anchor="middle" x="40.9464" y="-374.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00">t1</text>
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<text text-anchor="middle" x="40.9464" y="-446.3" font-family="Times,serif" font-size="14.00">t2</text>
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aseipp@ubuntu:~/t$ ghci RegAlloc1.hs
GHCi, version 8.0.2: :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling RegAlloc1 ( RegAlloc1.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: RegAlloc1.
*RegAlloc1> printLive program1
movq $1, v.1 | {v}
movq $46, w.2 | {v,w}
movq v.1, x.3 | {w,x}
addq $7, x.3 | {w,x}
movq x.3, y.4 | {w,x,y}
addq $4, y.4 | {w,x,y}
movq x.3, z.5 | {w,y,z}
addq w.2, z.5 | {y,z}
movq y.4, t1.6 | {z,t1}
negq t1.6 | {z,t1}
movq z.5, t2.7 | {t1,t2}
addq t1.6, t2.7 | {t2}
movq t2.7, %rax | {}
*RegAlloc1> let (l, i, c) = (liveness program1, interference program1 l, colorGraph 3 i) in writeDotColored "" c
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
module RegAlloc1
( -- * Types
, Reg(..)
, Arg(..)
, Instr(..)
, Program(..)
-- * Liveness analysis
, Live
, liveness
, printLive
-- * Interference
, Interference
, interference
-- * Graph coloring
, colorGraph
-- * Example programs
, program1
-- * Utilities
-- ** GraphViz
, writeDot
, writeDotInterference
, writeDotColored
-- ** x86 Registers
, rax, rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Data
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
-- containers
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- fgl, graphviz
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree
import qualified Data.GraphViz as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete as GV
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Commands.IO as GV
-- basics
data Var = VarU { _varI :: !Int, _varS :: String }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
instance Show Var where
show (VarU i s) = s <> ('.':show i)
data Reg = Rax | Rdi | Rsi | Rdx | Rcx | R8 | R9
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
instance Show Reg where
show Rax = "%rax"
show Rdi = "%rdi"
show Rsi = "%rsi"
show Rdx = "%rdx"
show Rcx = "%rcx"
show R8 = "%r8"
show R9 = "%r9"
data Arg = LitI Integer | Var Var | Reg Reg
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
instance Show Arg where
show (LitI i) = '$':show i
show (Var v) = show v
show (Reg r) = show r
data Instr
= Movq Arg Arg
| Addq Arg Arg
| Negq Arg
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
instance Show Instr where
show (Movq a d) = "movq" <+> show a <> "," <+> show d
show (Addq a d) = "addq" <+> show a <> "," <+> show d
show (Negq a) = "negq" <+> show a
data Program = Program String [Instr]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
instance Show Program where
show (Program name instrs) =
let fullName = '_':name
indent = (" "++)
in ".global" <+> fullName
<++> fullName <> ":"
<++> unlines (map (indent . show) instrs)
-- utilities
rax, rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9 :: Arg
(rax, rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9)
= (Reg Rax, Reg Rdi, Reg Rsi, Reg Rdx, Reg Rcx, Reg R8, Reg R9)
(<+>) :: (Monoid m, IsString m) => m -> m -> m
(<+>) a b = a <> " " <> b
(<++>) :: (Monoid m, IsString m) => m -> m -> m
(<++>) a b = a <> "\n" <> b
-- useful but stupid instances for writing clear examples
instance Num Arg where
fromInteger = LitI
-- warnings, lol
(+) = error "lol"
(*) = error "lol"
abs = error "lol"
signum = error "lol"
negate = error "lol"
-- example program
program1 :: Program
program1 = Program "prog1"
[ Movq 1 v
, Movq 46 w
, Movq v x
, Addq 7 x
, Movq x y
, Addq 4 y
, Movq x z
, Addq w z
, Movq y t1
, Negq t1
, Movq z t2
, Addq t1 t2
, Movq t2 rax
v = Var $ VarU 1 "v"
w = Var $ VarU 2 "w"
x = Var $ VarU 3 "x"
y = Var $ VarU 4 "y"
z = Var $ VarU 5 "z"
t1 = Var $ VarU 6 "t1"
t2 = Var $ VarU 7 "t2"
-- liveness analysis
type Live = Set Var
data LiveSet = Read | Write
getVar :: Arg -> Set Var
getVar (Var a) = Set.singleton a
getVar _ = Set.empty
need :: LiveSet -> Instr -> Live
-- the variables that are read in an instruction
need Read (Movq a _) = getVar a
need Read (Addq a d) = getVar a `Set.union` getVar d
need Read (Negq a) = getVar a
-- the variables that are written in an instruction
need Write (Movq _ d) = getVar d
need Write (Addq _ d) = getVar d
need Write (Negq a) = getVar a
-- | Perform a liveness analysis on the input program and determine the set of
-- live variables for every point in the program.
liveness :: Program -> [Live]
liveness (Program _ instrs)
= reverse $ Set.empty : go input (k end Set.empty)
(end:input) = reverse instrs
k x after = (after `Set.difference` w) `Set.union` r
where (r, w) = (need Read x, need Write x)
go [] _ = []
go (x:xs) after = after : go xs (k x after)
-- | Print a program and its liveness information. Useful for debugging.
printLive :: Program -> IO ()
printLive prog@(Program _ instrs)
= void
$ flip traverse (zip instrs $ liveness prog)
$ \(instr, lv) -> do
let msg = " " ++ show instr
buffer = replicate (20 - length msg) ' '
info = intercalate "," $ map _varS (Set.toList lv)
putStrLn (msg ++ buffer ++ "| {" ++ info ++ "}")
-- interference graphs
-- | An interference graph for a given @'Program'@. Nodes in the graph (which
-- are @Int@s) are labeled with the original variable they represented. Edges
-- are undirected, and have no labels as they convey no meaning.
type Interference = Gr Var ()
-- | Build an interference graph for a given program, based on the results of a
-- liveness analysis. Two variables in the input program interfere -- they are
-- both live at the same time -- if those variables have an edge between them in
-- the resulting graph.
interference :: Program
-- ^ the input program
-> [Live]
-- ^ results of a liveness analysis on the input program
-> Interference
-- ^ interference graph
interference (Program _ instrs) live = foldr loop empty (zip instrs live)
-- create an edge between two variables. does not update the graph if the
-- edge already exists.
mkIEdge (VarU a _) (VarU b _) gr
| hasEdge gr (a, b) = gr
| otherwise = insEdge (a, b, ()) gr
-- insert a node if it doesn't exist already. does not update the graph if
-- the given node already exists.
mkINode v@(VarU i _) gr
| gelem i gr = gr
| otherwise = insNode (i, v) gr
-- insert a list of nodes, all at once.
mkINodes vs gr = foldr mkINode gr vs
-- mark two variables as interfering with each other, e.g. they are both
-- live at the same time. this is represented as a single edge between both
-- nodes in the graph.
interferes :: Var -> Var -> Interference -> Interference
interferes v1 v2 gr
= mkIEdge v1 v2 -- create an edge between them
$ mkINodes [v1, v2] -- insert both nodes
$ gr
-- mark a variable @d@ as interfering with all of the variables @v@ in given
-- live variable set @lv@, iff @v@ passes a given predicate. this
-- essentially creates a one-to-many mapping between @d@ and the elements of
-- set @lv@ in the graph.
insertP :: (Var -> Bool)
-- ^ predicate function. for every variable @v \elem vs@ in
-- the live set @vs@, if @v@ passes this predicate, then the two
-- variables @(d, v)@ are marked as interfering, i.e. an edge is
-- created between them.
-> (Var, Live)
-- ^ @(d, lv)@ -- the variable @d@ and live variable set @lv@
-> Interference
-- ^ input graph
-> Interference
-- ^ resulting graph
insertP predicate (d, lv) gr =
let k :: Var -> Interference -> Interference
k v g | predicate v = interferes d v g
| otherwise = g
in Set.foldr k gr lv
-- mark all of the interferences for a given instruction and its live
-- variable set.
loop :: (Instr, Live)
-- ^ input instruction, and live variable set for that instruction
-> Interference
-- ^ input graph
-> Interference
-- ^ output graph
loop x gr = case x of
-- for move instructions, we mark @d@ as interfering with @v \elem lv@,
-- iff @v /= d@ (we don't associate @d@ with itself) and @d /= a@ (we
-- don't associate @d@ with the source @a@, since @a@ may be dead after
-- this, or it may not be a variable at all)
(Movq a (Var d), lv) -> insertP (\v -> v /= d && (Var v) /= a) (d, lv) gr
-- for arithmetic instructions, we mark @d@ as interfering with
-- @v \elem lv@, iff @v /= d@ (we don't associate @d@ with itself)
(Addq _ (Var d), lv) -> insertP (\v -> v /= d) (d, lv) gr
(Negq (Var d), lv) -> insertP (\v -> v /= d) (d, lv) gr
-- otherwise, return
_ -> gr
writeDotInterference :: FilePath -> Interference -> IO ()
writeDotInterference = writeDot $ \l -> [ GV.toLabel (_varS l) ]
-- Graph coloring via DSATUR
type GColor = (Int, GV.Color)
type Colored = Gr (Var, Maybe GColor) ()
-- see
allColors :: [GV.Color]
allColors = do
i <- [ 2** k | k <- [0..] ]
j <- enumFromThenTo 1 3 i
v <- [ 8 / 10, 5 / 10 ]
return $ GV.HSV (j / i) (6 / 10) v
color :: Int -> Node -> GColor
color limit i = zip [0..] allColors !! (i `mod` limit)
saturation :: Graph gr => Int -> gr a b -> Node -> [Node]
saturation limit gr u
= map fst $ ordNubBy id ((==) `on` fst)
[ color limit v
| v <- neighbors gr u
sortForColoring :: Graph gr => Int -> gr a b -> [Node]
sortForColoring limit gr
= sortBy (flip compare `on` length . saturation limit gr)
$ nodes gr
getMinColor :: Graph gr => Int -> gr a b -> Node -> Maybe GColor
getMinColor limit gr u
= let taken = saturation limit gr u -- find all the colors that are taken
everyColor = [ 0 .. limit-1 ] -- set of all possible colors
getColor = color limit
in case everyColor \\ taken of -- find non-taken colors
[] -> Nothing -- none available; stack slot
vs -> Just (getColor $ minimum vs) -- otherwise, get min color
buildColorMap :: Int -> Interference -> Map Node (Maybe GColor)
buildColorMap limit gr
= foldr (\n -> Map.insert n (getMinColor limit gr n)) Map.empty
$ sortForColoring limit gr
colorGraph :: Int -> Interference -> Colored
colorGraph limit gr = nmap (\v@(VarU i _) -> (v, get i)) gr
get = maybe (error "colorGraph: impossible!") id . findMap
findMap x = Map.lookup x (buildColorMap limit gr)
writeDotColored :: FilePath -> Colored -> IO ()
writeDotColored = writeDot $ \(l, c) ->
case c of
-- no coloring; must be a stack slot
Nothing -> [ GV.toLabel $ _varS l <+> "(stack)"
, GV.dashed
Just (_, cl) -> [ GV.toLabel $ _varS l
, GV.Color $ GV.toColorList [ cl ]
, GV.solid
-- GraphViz utilities
writeDot :: Graph gr
=> (a -> GV.Attributes)
-> FilePath
-> gr a b
-> IO ()
writeDot markup fp
= GV.writeDotFile fp
. GV.graphToDot GV.nonClusteredParams
{ GV.globalAttributes = [ noDir ] -- undirected edges
, GV.fmtEdge = \(_, _, _l) -> [] -- edges have no label
, GV.fmtNode = \(_, l) -> markup l -- label nodes by name
noDir = GV.EdgeAttrs [ GV.Dir GV.NoDir ]
ordNubBy :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
ordNubBy p f l = go Map.empty l
go _ [] = []
go m (x:xs) =
let b = p x
in case b `Map.lookup` m of
Nothing -> x : go (Map.insert b [x] m) xs
Just bucket
| elem_by f x bucket -> go m xs
| otherwise -> x : go (Map.insert b (x:bucket) m) xs
-- From the Data.List source code.
elem_by :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> Bool
elem_by _ _ [] = False
elem_by eq y (x:xs) = y `eq` x || elem_by eq y xs
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