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Jonathon Belotti thundergolfer

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Showing a bit of my code

It's quite hard to look across some code you've written, and pick something out to show; Like most programmers, I really only found in past my work, things to fix and change. Had to pick something though, so I'll show simplegraphdb, which I something I wrote relatively recently (mid November 2017) in preparation for being a Golang programmer at Atlassian.

It's quite small, and self-contained. I had been interested for quite a while in graph databases, as I like the kinds of questions a graph database allows you to ask efficiently about certain kinds of data. They are also not something explored really at university, the relation-model dominating my education thus far.

I approached this project as a thing that could serve as an my introduction to graph database thinking. I wanted to keep things nice, simple, and elegant and found the "Hexastore" indexing model to be exactly this. It can be implemented by building and linking m

thundergolfer /
Last active November 13, 2017 00:27
Info I received with my offer for Atlassian Sydney.

Job Title: Intern Developer

Commencement Date: 27th November 2017

Reports To: Development Manager

Main Activities (including but not limited to):

  • Developing server-side code for internal and external web applications
  • Writing unit tests, automated regression tests and tracking defects as they occur
  • Supporting and assisting Atlassian customers from around the globe using our products to further
thundergolfer /
Created October 14, 2017 03:14
A short sheet to print out and check over when you forget how to break down a programming problem

Do you need to SEARCH?..

  • BINARY search


  • Depth First Search
  • Breadth First Search

Do you need to


def coinProblem(coins, total):
dp = [0] * (total + 1)
for subtotal in range(1, total + 1):
best = float('inf')
for c in coins:
if c <= subtotal:
option = 1 + dp[subtotal - c]
def unbounded_knapsack(items, C):
items List[item], where 'item' is a named tuple -> (val=4, cost=10)
C int, where 'C' stands for capacity
Note: This implementation also stores the optimal group of items at each capacity value
dp = [(0, [])] * (C + 1)
used = []
thundergolfer /
Last active September 28, 2017 11:59
A binary heap implementation that I wrote, and am thus more familiar with.
class Heap():
def __init__(self): = [None]
self.size = 0
def insert(self, n):
self.size += 1
class Trie(object):
class Node(object):
def __init__(self):
self.val = 0
self.children = {}
def __init__(self):
Initialize your data structure here.

Me On / [Your Username]

Some Reddit users are fantastic and dedicated contributors to subreddits, but don't have a way to easily communicate it. Once you connect your profile on, the site will display your profile with only professionally oriented content.

Here's an example for me. I'm no guru.

example meonreddit profile

How It Works

import arrow
import praw
import collections
import argparse
import logging
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Manage relative comment ranking.')
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="enable logging", action="store_true")