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tim2CF / KindedTypeParameters.hs
Created December 4, 2020 22:30
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module Lib where
data Owner = Merchant | Customer
newtype MoneyAmount (a :: Owner)
= MoneyAmount Rational
2020-07-20 09:36:38.995 [INF] DISC: Broadcasting 20 new announcements in 2 sub batches
2020-07-20 09:36:38.999 [INF] CRTR: Block 1628e0454b0330a4277f5d7e743dddcde09feb41d94764994352d2a5fcc76ea8 (height=10301) closed 0 channels
2020-07-20 09:36:39.005 [INF] NTFN: New block: height=10247, sha=7d095065eb246fae20fc8d814f7ea62d294fc9a17aaf105a578cc180a1969fe1
2020-07-20 09:36:39.006 [INF] UTXN: Attempting to graduate height=10247: num_kids=0, num_babies=0
2020-07-20 09:36:39.041 [INF] CRTR: Pruning channel graph using block 08318808781e2cc833ccf6898447622023b7ec04903ad141ee3fa53ac29916b6 (height=10302)
2020-07-20 09:36:39.048 [INF] CRTR: Block 08318808781e2cc833ccf6898447622023b7ec04903ad141ee3fa53ac29916b6 (height=10302) closed 0 channels
2020-07-20 09:36:39.065 [INF] NTFN: New block: height=10248, sha=2b8103231a7d7dfa9594f9b3ea0c167b88585d3256b51d8943b8bec8e74f66a1
2020-07-20 09:36:39.067 [INF] UTXN: Attempting to graduate height=10248: num_kids=0, num_babies=0
2020-07-20 09:36:39.107 [INF] NTFN: New block: heig
2020-07-20 08:31:25.927 [INF] NTFN: New block: height=7627, sha=641a4c039868acfacab4dfe7340c46332a5d4add6a7f4fe06f41eb82d4999d1b
2020-07-20 08:31:25.928 [INF] UTXN: Attempting to graduate height=7627: num_kids=0, num_babies=0
2020-07-20 08:31:26.004 [INF] CRTR: Pruning channel graph using block 7a76b3b60058179952242abeed4276f82a1bf879038aab39aed7c2a0ae5f74f0 (height=7666)
2020-07-20 08:31:26.015 [INF] CRTR: Block 7a76b3b60058179952242abeed4276f82a1bf879038aab39aed7c2a0ae5f74f0 (height=7666) closed 0 channels
2020-07-20 08:31:26.044 [INF] NTFN: New block: height=7628, sha=0a269f3ff891fbca7310258a1cd76e06e1de63be1037da868ee00070326e19d7
2020-07-20 08:31:26.049 [INF] UTXN: Attempting to graduate height=7628: num_kids=0, num_babies=0
2020-07-20 08:31:26.100 [INF] CRTR: Pruning channel graph using block 4bbbbaaa8eb8f85fb9b357d20b9223d1c135a21de89168e71128f742e3d9d661 (height=7667)
2020-07-20 08:31:26.106 [INF] CRTR: Block 4bbbbaaa8eb8f85fb9b357d20b9223d1c135a21de89168e71128f742e3d9d661 (height=7667) closed 0 chann
safeFromIntegral ::
forall a b.
( Integral a,
Integral b,
Bounded b
) =>
a ->
Maybe b
safeFromIntegral x =
if (intX >= intMin) && (intX <= intMax)
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Injective
( Injective (..),
Foo (..),
class Injective a b where
to :: a -> b
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- Am I reinventing the wheel?
-- Is there some standard Haskell type class which is already doing similar things?
module P88LND.Isomorphism
( Isomorphism (..),
Foo (..),
-- pseudo-code, let's consider these types have corresponding lensens
-- from package proto-lens
data Foo = Foo {foo :: Maybe Bar}
data Bar = Bar {bar :: Maybe Buz}
data Buz
= Buz
{ buz :: Bool,
buf :: Int,
-- pseudo-code, let's consider these types have corresponding lensens
-- from package proto-lens
data Foo = Foo{foo: Maybe Bar}
data Bar = Bar{bar: Maybe Buz}
data Buz = Buz{buz: Buf}
data Buf = Buf
-- I'm using bind here to handle Maybe
-- Is there better/shorter way to do it
-- with some lens-specific functions?
tim2CF / WaiSemigroup.hs
Last active February 25, 2020 13:46
Nework.Wai.Application Semigroup type class instance
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
module Wai.Network.Middleware.WaiSemigroup (WaiApp(..)) where
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (status404)
import Network.Wai (Application, responseStatus)
newtype WaiApp = WaiApp Application
instance Semigroup WaiApp where
(<>) :: WaiApp -> WaiApp -> WaiApp