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sm = Selmaho()
sm.selmaho = smt
sm.multi = 1
print session.query(Selmaho).count()
def query(self, query=None, type=None, valsi=[], gloss=None,
rafsi=[], selmaho=None, definition=None, notes=None,
regexp=False, like=None):
results = []
if query:
args = {"gloss": gloss, "valsi": valsi, "rafsi": rafsi,
"selmaho": selmaho, "definition": definition, "notes": notes,
"regexp": regexp, "type": type}
listargs = ["valsi", "rafsi"]
timo / Dancer.rb
Created June 12, 2009 10:30 — forked from tene/Dancer.rb
class Dancer
def description()
"is like a beautiful swan, gracefully flying over a lake"
def steps()
def dance()
puts self.WHAT
puts "My dance " + self.description
import threading
import time
import subprocess
# make the system preload the sound
subprocess.Popen(["mplayer", "/home/timo/.drama/drama.ogg", "-ao", "null"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
def prebuffer_image(image):
open("/home/timo/Pictures/wallpapers/" + image, "r").read()
threading.Thread(target=prebuffer_image, args=("kittenface.jpg",)).start()
class City(Base):
__tablename__ = "city"
name = Column(Unicode(6), primary_key=True)
rooms = relationship("Room", backref="city")
def __repr__(self):
return u'<City "%s" with %d rooms>' % (, len(self.rooms))
class Room(Base):
__tablename__ = "room"
timo / flymake.vim
Created April 5, 2011 22:08
python flymake ftplugin
if !exists('b:did_flymake')
let b:did_flymake = 1
autocmd BufWritePost <buffer>
\ call FlyMake('cd %s; export FN="%s"; pylint "$FN"; pep8 "$FN"; pyflakes "$FN"',
\ '[^:]*:\([0-9]*\):\%\(.*:\)? \(.*\)',
\ '.*:\([0-9]*\):\%\(.*:\)? \(.*\)')
autocmd BufWinLeave <buffer> call FlyMakeCloseWindows()
timo / flymake_part.vim
Created April 5, 2011 22:35
a part of flymake-vim (or rather: my version of it)
function! s:FlyMakeDisplay(buf, type, msg, regexp)
let source_file = expand("%")
let dic = s:FlyMakeParseDictionary(a:msg, a:regexp)
if len(keys(dic)) == 0
return 0
let sorted_keys = sort(keys(dic), function('s:FlyMakeNumberSort'))
execute 'match' a:type "'\\%" . sorted_keys[0] . "l'"
call cursor(sorted_keys[0], 1)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
import urllib
import lxml.etree
from subprocess import Popen
rohdaten = urllib.urlopen("").read()
#daten = unicode(rohdaten, "latin1")
daten = rohdaten
timo /
Created December 19, 2011 16:26
branded ipython notebook launcher
Branded IPython Notebook Launcher
Executing this module will create an overlay over ipython notebooks own static
files and templates and overrides static files and templates and copies over all
example notebooks into a temporary folder and launches the ipython notebook server.
You can use this to offer an interactive tutorial for your library/framework/...
timo / gist:1627867
Created January 17, 2012 18:03
implement ravel method for numpypy
diff -r 07bd76d923fd pypy/module/micronumpy/
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/ Wed Jan 18 09:32:00 2012 +1000
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/ Sat Jan 21 21:33:07 2012 +0100
@@ -558,6 +558,12 @@
arr.setshape(space, new_shape)
return arr
+ def descr_ravel(self, space, w_order="C"):
+ if space.str_w(w_order) != "C":
+ raise OperationError(space.w_NotImplementedError, space.wrap(