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Deploying Legacy Java EE applications on IBM Cloud Private using helm

Workstation setup

Log in to your virtual machine in the LinuxONE Community Cloud. Next, configure environment variables to match the settings for this lab.

export REGISTRY_URL=cluster103.icp:8500

Automating updates to containerized applications from SCM commits

Workstation setup

Log in to your virtual machine in the LinuxONE Community Cloud. Next, configure environment variables to match the settings for this lab.


Creating Ingress resources for Kubernetes applications

Workstation setup

Log in to your virtual machine in the LinuxONE Community Cloud. Next, configure environment variables to match the settings for this lab.

export PROXYIP=

Docker Introduction using the IBM Cloud Shell

To begin this hands on lab, you will need to log in to the IBM Cloud Workshop shell. The log in process will require that you have an existing IBMid with access to an IBM Cloud account. If you received an inviation to an IBM Cloud account by e-mail, please click on the invitation link and set the password for your IBMid before proceeding.

  1. Open IBM Cloud Shell, click on Login in the upper right.

  2. Log in using your IBMid

  3. A workshop passcode request will be shown if this is the first use of IBM Cloud Shell:

Kubernetes Introduction using the IBM Cloud Shell

To begin this hands on lab, you will need to log in to the IBM Cloud Workshop shell and also connect to an OpenShift Cluster. If you received an inviation to an IBM Cloud account by e-mail, please click on the invitation link and set the password for your IBMid before proceeding.

  1. Open IBM Cloud Shell

  2. If the Login text appears in the upper right, sign in using your IBMid, otherwise continue.

  3. Check that the right cloud account is selected in the upper right and click on the terminal icon to open the Cloud Shell

Some Docker examples

running a container image with simple command:

docker run centos echo "hello world"
docker run -it centos bash

Quick clean up

start off by removing the helm releases that were deployed in the helm lab:

helm delete guestbook-demo --namespace repo-demo
helm delete guestbook-demo --namespace helm-demo

remove the guestbook application components in the default namespace (ok to ignore errors)

titan:terraform-vpc timro$ terraform apply
2020/05/01 14:40:44 [WARN] Log levels other than TRACE are currently unreliable, and are supported only for backward compatibility.
Use TF_LOG=TRACE to see Terraform's internal logs.
2020/05/01 14:40:44 [INFO] Terraform version: 0.12.24
2020/05/01 14:40:44 [INFO] Go runtime version: go1.12.13
2020/05/01 14:40:44 [INFO] CLI args: []string{"/usr/local/bin/terraform", "apply"}
2020/05/01 14:40:44 [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file: /Users/timro/.terraformrc
2020/05/01 14:40:44 [DEBUG] File doesn't exist, but doesn't need to. Ignoring.
2020/05/01 14:40:44 [DEBUG] checking for credentials in "/Users/timro/.terraform.d/plugins"

Notes: Using IBM Cloud Databases (ICD) Postgresql from Spring applications


Spring provides handy abstractions for java data persistence across a number of database platforms. When using Spring with postgresql, it's generally simply a matter of providing a JDBC connection string, username and password to wire up a connection. When using ICD Postgresql, this connection information needs to be supplemented with a certificate for the signing CA which is used to sign server identity certificates for each postgresql database instance. For the postgresql jdbc client, the file for the root certificate defaults to ${user.home}/.postgresql/root.crt (*nix) or %appdata%/postgresql/root.crt (windows), but can be overridden with the sslrootcert property.

The IBM Developer tutorial Connect a Spring Boot application to a cloud hosted database is a good starting point that i

timroster /
Last active September 1, 2022 02:29
Creating Let's Encrypt certificates for IBM free Kubernetes clusters

Creating Let's Encrypt certificates for IBM free Kubernetes clusters

The IBM Kubernetes service free clusters consist of a single worker node with 2 CPU and 4 GB of memory for experimenting with Kubernetes. Unlike the fee-based service, these clusters do not include capabilities for application load balancing using ingress out-of-the-box. However, if you manage a DNS domain (any provider will suffice) and can add an A record, it's possible for you to configure your own ingress that can provide http and https session termination for your containerized applications. Getting a TLS-enabled website or simply an external REST API couldn't be easier!


  • Free IBM Kubernetes Cluster (IKS) - upgrade your account from Lite plan to create one. In the example commands, we'll assume that this cluster is named mycluster
  • kubectl - match your cluster API version (as of 12/5/20 - this is ~1.18.12)
  • helm v3
  • DNS domain that you can edit to configure