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Perf Testing all the Things!

Sebastian Cohnen tisba

Perf Testing all the Things!
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tisba / gist:8713474
Created January 30, 2014 17:05
Debug log for RVM issue (, output of: time /usr/local/bin/zsh -c "rvm_trace_flag=1; source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" 2>&1 | tee big.log
+ 18:05:03 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:31 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:31 export __array_start rvm_path
+ 18:05:03 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:36 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:36 if[[ -n 5.0.5 ]]
+ 18:05:03 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:37 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:37 then__array_start=1
+ 18:05:03 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:41 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:41 if(( 0 == 0 ))
+ 18:05:03 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:43 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:43 then[[ -n 022 ]]
+ 18:05:03 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:44 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:44 thenrvm_rvmrc_files=( /etc/rvmrc /Users/basti/.rvmrc )
+ 18:05:03 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:45 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:45 then if[[ -n /Users/basti ]]
+ 18:05:03 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:45 /Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:45 then if cmdand[[ /Users/basti/.rvmrc -ef /Users/basti/.rvmrc ]]
+ 18:05:03 /User
tisba / big.log
Created January 29, 2014 10:33
Debug log for RVM issue (, output of: time /usr/local/bin/zsh -c "rvm_trace_flag=1; source $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" 2>&1 | tee big.log
+/Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:28> [[ -z 5.0.5 ]]
+/Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:35> export __array_start rvm_path
+/Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:40> [[ -n 5.0.5 ]]
+/Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:41> __array_start=1
+/Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:45> (( 0 == 0 ))
+/Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:47> [[ -n 022 ]]
+/Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:48> rvm_rvmrc_files=( /etc/rvmrc /Users/basti/.rvmrc )
+/Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:49> [[ -n /Users/basti ]]
+/Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:49> [[ /Users/basti/.rvmrc -ef /Users/basti/.rvmrc ]]
+/Users/basti/.rvm/scripts/base:50> rvm_rvmrc_files+=( /Users/basti/.rvmrc )
-export([autocomplete/1, autocomplete/0,
search/1, search/0,
%% Return an autocomplete request
autocomplete() ->
tisba / 00_routes.rb
Last active December 30, 2015 04:29
I want to change "edit_user_registration_path" to "benutzer/einstellungen" (from "benutzer/edit" now). How can I do that? What is the key in "path_names" I have to set?
devise_for :users, path: 'benutzer',
path_names: {
sign_in: "anmelden",
sign_up: "registrieren",
sign_out: "abmelden",
edit: "einstellungen"
tisba /
Last active December 26, 2015 10:09
Ruby 2.0.0 RVM OS X 10.9 SSL Issue (SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError))
/Users/basti/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/ruby -S rspec spec/unit/api_spec.rb spec/unit/callbacks_spec.rb spec/unit/complex_example_spec.rb spec/unit/event_spec.rb spec/unit/initial_state_spec.rb spec/unit/inspection_spec.rb spec/unit/localizer_spec.rb spec/unit/memory_leak_spec.rb spec/unit/new_dsl_spec.rb spec/unit/persistence/active_record_persistence_spec.rb spec/unit/persistence/mongoid_persistance_spec.rb spec/unit/simple_example_spec.rb spec/unit/state_spec.rb spec/unit/subclassing_spec.rb spec/unit/transition_spec.rb
[Coveralls] Set up the SimpleCov formatter.
[Coveralls] Using SimpleCov's default settings.
-- create_table("gates", {:force=>true})
-> 0.0091s
-- create_table("readers", {:force=>true})
-> 0.0022s
-- create_table("writers", {:force=>true})
-> 0.0022s
-- create_table("transients", {:force=>true})
diff --git i/include/ts_config.hrl w/include/ts_config.hrl
index ceab838..28cbbb2 100644
--- i/include/ts_config.hrl
+++ w/include/ts_config.hrl
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@
total_popularity = 0, % should be 100 if we use probabilites; sum of all weights if we use weights
use_weights , % true if we use weights instead of probabilities
- job_notify_port
+ job_notify_port,
class A
class << self
def protected_class_method
puts "I'm a protected class method! Called by #{caller.first}"
class B < A
tisba / gol.exs
Created July 22, 2013 08:10 — forked from avdi/gol.exs
defmodule Life do
def run(board) when is_binary(board) do
board |> parse_board |> run
def run(board) do
Life.print_board board
:timer.sleep 1000
board = next_board(board)
"use strict";
var _ = require("underscore")
, ForeverAgent = require("request/forever");
exports.createKeepAliveAgent = function createKeepAliveAgent() {
var agent = new ForeverAgent();
agent.close = function close() {
var self = this;