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Tim Quinn tjquinno

  • Oracle
  • Chicago, IL area
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tjquinno /
Last active October 3, 2019 23:04
package com.mycorp.myapp;
public class MyEndpoints {
Meter greetings;
@Metric(name = "greetings")
Meter myGreetings;
package com.mycorp.myapp;
public class MyEndpoints {
@Metered(name = "greetings")
public String greet() {...}
package com.mycorp.myapp;
public class MyEndpoints {
MetricRegistry appRegistry;
private Meter myMeter;
public MyEndpoints() {
MetricRegistry appRegistry;
Meter myMeter =
MetricRegistry appRegistry;
Metadata metadata = Metadata.builder()
.withDisplayName("Endpoint greeting requests")
Meter myMeter = appRegistry.meter(metadata);
package com.mycorp.myapp;
public class MyEndpoints {
@Metered(name = "greetings", reusable = true)
public String greet() {...}
tjquinno /
Last active April 23, 2020 19:22
CORS for Helidon Built-in Services

Adding CORS to built-in Helidon services

We are adding CORS support to the existing built-in services for metrics, health, and OpenAPI. Users have asked specifically for Helidon OpenAPI to spuport CORS because of applications or sites like Swagger U/I. It seems reasonable that there might be sites or apps that act as front ends for the metrics or health information for one or more apps.

By default metrics, health, and OpenAPI will support CORS with these settings:

   allow-methods: ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]

with the other settings defaulted. This is equivalent to:

 enabled: true
tjquinno / MP Metrics 2.3 Support
Last active August 11, 2020 16:13
MP Metrics 2.3 Support Summary

MP Metrics 2.3 Support

There are three key additions for us:

  1. New SimpleTimer metric (combines a count and an elapsed time accumulator)
  2. @SimplyTimed annotation
  3. REST.request optional automatic metric in base registry for all REST endpoints. In MP, Helidon creates a SimpleTimer for each endpoint annotated with a JAX-RS annotation (@GET, @PUT, etc.), with name REST.request and tags class and method identifying the endpoint.

The spec leaves open how an MP implementation enables and disables the REST.request behavior. See below for our proposal.

Helidon MP


tjquinno /
Last active August 25, 2020 23:09
MP metrics, health, REST client, and OpenAPI demo


There will be two projects. One is built and started ahead of time and has a very simple API:

  • a GET that accepts a String and returns it upper-cased after waiting an amount of time (initialed to a delay of 0),
  • a PUT that accepts a new delay time in ms.

Note that this app is unrealistically simple but illustrates service-calling-service and health in the main app.

The other project is the normal greeting one from helidon init with:

  • an added liveness check that pings the other project’s up-case endpoint and reports “not ready” if it takes more than 200 ms to respond, and
  • the two greet methods updated to invoke the up-case endpoint in the other app.
tjquinno / Shared CDI extension module
Last active February 17, 2021 13:53
Discussion of module interdependencies and class inheritance highlighted by Micrometer support
I did not want to continue the (bad) practice of copying code from existing `xxxSupport` and
`xxxCdiExtension` classes into the new Micrometer classes. The Micrometer classes share
considerable behavior with the Helidon metrics ones. You might remember that my first PR
added the Micrometer classes to the existing metrics modules, and you (correctly) pointed
out that would drag along unneeded dependencies.
When I then created the separate `integrations/micrometer` module, I rejected putting the common
classes into either it or `microprofile/metrics` and have one depend on the other; that, too,
would drag along unused dependencies.