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#!/usr/bin/env python
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
class SublotsForReuse(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
self.fig = plt.figure(*args, **kwds) = []
#!/usr/bin/env python
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
class SublotsForReuse(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
self.fig = plt.figure(*args, **kwds) = []
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import AxesGrid
import numpy
class MultiSeqPlotter(object):
Reuseable multi-sequence plotter for plotting some time series
of some variables. Time series are column-wise and variables are
list_func = [ lambda x: numpy.sin(x),
lambda x: numpy.sin(0.1*x),
lambda x: numpy.sin(x)*numpy.sin(0.1*x) ]
list_tmax = [30,50,70,100,200]
dt = 1
nrows_ncols = (len(list_func), len(list_tmax))
num_steps = sum(list_tmax) * dt
num_rows = len(list_func)
tkf /
Created November 12, 2009 07:13
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import cgi
## import cgitb
## cgitb.enable()
caldir_path = "../path/to/cal/"
calset = set(['cal1','cal2','cal3',])
fs = cgi.FieldStorage()
x[t] = fp(u)[t] = tanh(v[t])
v[t] = mean( u[t-T+1:t+1] ) = ( u[t-T+1] + u[t-T+2] + ... + u[t-1] + u[t] )/T
E = sum( 0.5 * (x - y)**2 )
dE/dv[t] = (x[t] - y[t]) * (1 - x[t]**2)
dE/du[t] = mean( dE/dv[t:t+T] )
= ( dE/dv[t+T-1] + dE/dv[t+T-2] + ... + dE/dv[t+1] + dE/dv[t] )/T
See result here:
x[t] = fp(u)[t]
= mean( v[t-T+1:t+1] ) = ( v[t-T+1] + v[t-T+2] + ... + v[t-1] + v[t] )/T
v[t] = tanh(u[t])
E = sum( 0.5 * (x - y)**2 )
dE/dx[t] = x[t] - y[t]
dE/dv[t] = ( dE/dx[t+T-1] + dE/dx[t+T-2] + ... + dE/dx[t+1] + dE/dx[t] )/T
dE/du[t] = dE/dv[t] * (1 - x[t]**2)
ALL = \
rnn_ca1d-gcc-O2 rnn_ca1d-gcc-O3 rnn_ca1d-icc-O2 rnn_ca1d-icc-O3 \
rnn_ca2d-gcc-O2 rnn_ca2d-gcc-O3 rnn_ca2d-icc-O2 rnn_ca2d-icc-O3 \
rnn_opt0-gcc-O2 rnn_opt0-gcc-O3 rnn_opt0-icc-O2 rnn_opt0-icc-O3 \
rnn_opt1-gcc-O2 rnn_opt1-gcc-O3 rnn_opt1-icc-O2 rnn_opt1-icc-O3 \
rnn_opt2-gcc-O2 rnn_opt2-gcc-O3 rnn_opt2-icc-O2 rnn_opt2-icc-O3 \
rnn_opt3-gcc-O2 rnn_opt3-gcc-O3 rnn_opt3-icc-O2 rnn_opt3-icc-O3 \
rnn_opt4-gcc-O2 rnn_opt4-gcc-O3 rnn_opt4-icc-O2 rnn_opt4-icc-O3 \
#ALL = \
tkf /
Created March 8, 2010 12:50 — forked from showyou/
import math
from pylab import *
import random
def mixture_gaussian(i):
pi_0 = 0.3
if random.random() < pi_0:
return random.gauss(-5, 1)
return random.gauss( 5, 4)
import re
FORMAT_PATTERN_GROUPED = re.compile("{([^}]+):([^}]+)}")
FORMAT_PATTERN = re.compile("{[^}]+:[^}]+}")
def find_variables(formatstr, strlist):
Extract values from fixed formatted string.
(e.g., '1' and '1000.0' from '001_1E3.txt')