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import numpy as np
def GEPP(A, b, doPricing = True):
Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting.
input: A is an n x n numpy matrix
b is an n x 1 numpy array
output: x is the solution of Ax=b
with the entries permuted in
tkralphs /
Last active July 27, 2016 13:02
Script to automatically download and build dependencies of COIN-OR projects
#Exit when command fails
set -e
#Set defaults
declare -i num_actions
+1 M0_0 +1 M1_0 +1 M2_0
+10 MR_1_0 +10 MR_0_0
+20.975 SN2_0 +51 SN12_0 +1 BN13_0 +1 BN21_0 +248.2 SN23_0 +51 SN26_0 +0.925 SN28_0 +102.4012 SN36_0 +102.3012 SRI36_0_0 +318.2 SN38_0 +40.7 SN39_0 +7.4 SN40_0 +26.46 SN41_0 +0.925 SN44_0 +4.2735 SN45_0 +167.6 SN61_0 +23.865 SN90_0 +79.55 SN91_0 +85.47 SN96_0 +0.7955 SN102_0 +0.925 SN110_0 +72.89 SN113_0 +360.4 SN114_0 +360.4 SN116_0 +1 BN117_0 +340 SN118_0 +1 BN118_0 +340 SN120_0 +306 SN121_0 +7.28 SN122_0 +2.96 SN123_0 +4.44 SN124_0 +73.26 SN178_0 +72.15 SN183_0 +80.475 SN184_0 +20 BN195_0 +20 BN196_0 +94.35 SN197_0 +1.85 SN204_0 +103.85 SN205_0 +11.47 SN207_0 +104.192 SN212_0 +0.777 SN215_0 +1 BN227_0 +59.48712 SN231_0 +163.17 SN241_0 +107.226 SN242_0 +1 BN252_0 +176.8 SN254_0 +0.925 SN256_0 +1.85 SN257_0 +31.82 SN265_0 +0.86025 SN268_0 +42.5 SN271_0 +116.92 SN272_0 +116.82 SRI272_0_0 +1.776 SN319_0 +5 BN324_0 +114.774 SN339_0 +56.025 SN340_0 +73.55 SN341_0 +166.7 SN342_0 +111.25 SN343_0 +42.5 SN348_0 +58.09 SN369_0 +72.15 SN373_0 +45.14 SN374
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I certify that
(a) I have read and understood the statement below on Ownership of
Intellectual Property;
(b) for any contribution I make to the COIN-OR Foundation repository, I will
make all reasonable efforts to determine the legal owners of the
contribution, and I will obtain the permission of the owners of the
Slug: Cbc
ShortName: CBC
LongName: COIN-OR Branch and Cut
ShortDescription: An LP-based branch-and-cut library.
- |-
CBC is an open-source MILP solver. It uses many of the COIN-OR components
and is designed to be used with CLP. It is available as a library and
as a standalone solver.