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Tim McDonald-Bell tmcdb

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#Setting up your computer for Ruby on Rails on Mac


$ curl -sSL | bash -s stable && source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm # Get latest Ruby using RVM
$ gem install rails # Get Rails
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" # Get Homebrew
$ brew install postgresql # Get Postgresql
$ brew install git # Get Git

Quick start guide to getting set up for Rails


$ curl -sSL | bash -s stable && source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm # Get latest Ruby using RVM
$ gem install rails # Get Rails
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" # Get Homebrew
$ brew install postgresql # Get Postgresql
$ brew install git # Get Git

#Command-line Basics

This is an introduction to the command-line interface. It's for complete beginners.

#####This is for you if you are interested in...

  • Learning to code
  • Becoming a developer
  • Making a website from scratch
  • Finding out about:
  • code

Integrating Stripe with Rails

This written tutorial covers building a payment system into a Rails app using Stripe.js. It assumes a basic familiarity with Ruby on Rails, Git and the command-line.

There is a slightly contracted version of this tutorial available here.

What's covered

  • Setting up a basic Rails app with a scaffold generator
  • Integrating Stripe charges

Integrating Stripe with Rails (Concise)

This written tutorial is a concise version of this tutorial, which covers building a payment system into a Rails app using Stripe.js. It assumes a basic familiarity with Ruby on Rails, Git and the command-line.

What's covered

  • Setting up a basic Rails app with a scaffold generator
  • Integrating Stripe charges
  • Deploying to Heroku
tmcdb /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16

Further reading

Here are some useful places to look if you become stuck or are looking for inspiration.

###Rails Guides

Great reference material for beginners with walkthrough examples.

###Rails Docs