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Hello <Recipient>,
Thanks for you email. We are aware that the resolution is not the highest available to date, but those pictures were taken with a 10mp <You Camera From 2 yrs ago here> more than 2 years ago.
I have printed large format from that resolution in the past and the pixel density is perfectly fine.
In A2 there is no issue (59.4cm long side, comes at 166.255dpi); if anything A1 might show a bit of loss, as it results in a density of 117.566dpi.
However it seems that the values you mentioned were taken considering a 300dpi resolution, which means our A1 should be 9921 x 6614 pixels, or 65 megapixels. Upsampling the originals to those values will only make the files bigger, with no improvement on quality.
Please take into consideration that prints in such large formats are usually not viewed up close (300dpi is already more than plenty on an A4). This said, we think there should be no particular issue with printing on those formats.
Please be in touch if you have any other questions.