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tmuth / plan-capture.sql
Last active December 14, 2015 13:28
Run a .sql script and capture v$mystat, 2 versions of dbms_xplan, and Active SQL Monitor report
-- File name: plan-capture.sql
-- Purpose: Run a .sql script and capture v$mystat, 2 versions of dbms_xplan,
-- and Active SQL Monitor report
-- Author: Tyler Muth -
-- Parameters:
-- 1: sql script to run containing the query
-- 2: output file name prefix. This is used for the name of the spool file and sqlmon html files
-- 3: An additional script to run first. I use this for "alter session" parameters. I created
tmuth / gist:7359033
Created November 7, 2013 18:00
R > data.table() > bin top SQL from AWR repository
# bin SQL by elapsed per exec seconds
brks <- as.vector(c(0.1,0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.5,5,10,60,600,3600,21600)) #establish bins for SQL
DT_SQL_BY_SNAPID[,bin:=findInterval(ELAP_P_EXEC, brks)] #create a new column with those bin index numbers
DT_SQL_BY_SNAPID[,bin2:=as.character(brks[1+findInterval(ELAP_P_EXEC, brks,all.inside=FALSE)])] #create another new column with the bin values
DT_SQL_BY_SNAPID[,bin2:=paste0((brks[length(brks)]),"+")] #anything over the top bin will be NA, so change it to "top bin+"
tmuth / top-n-timed-events-by-snapid-awr.sql
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Top 5 Timed Events (FG & BG) from AWR Repository by SNAP_ID for a given snapshot range
-- File name: top-n-timed-events-by-snapid-awr.sql
-- Purpose: List the top N events per snapshot from the AWR repository, by snap_id.
-- The data is aggregated for all nodes in a cluster, though it wouldn't
-- be hard to add instance_number as a dimension.
-- Author: Tyler D. Muth
-- Usage: There are 3 bind variables in this script, all are required:
tmuth /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
orcl datapump import > grep for object counts
# Use impdp to write DDL of an export out to a file.
# In this case, the source was SQLT > SQL Test Case Builder
impdp system/password@//localhost:1521/noncdb directory=TCB_IMP_DIR dumpfile=sqlt_s83913_tcb_dpexp.dmp TRANSFORM=SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES:n sqlfile=objects.sql
# Note there are lots of filters you could apply to impdp to target just schemas and/or object types, etc
# Lets get an idea of the schemas referenced in the export:
grep -ioE "\"[[:alnum:]]{1,30}\"\." objects.sql | sort |uniq -c
# Count of objects by schema:
tmuth /
Created June 2, 2014 15:10
Split a text file every n number of lines
# parameter 1: file to split
# parameter 2: number of lines per file
echo "About to split file $1"
echo "every $2 lines"
md5sum $1 > $1.md5
split -l $2 $1 $1.split.
tmuth /
Created August 5, 2014 13:10
Scripted OSWatcher file collection - iostat, last 7 days
if [ $# -gt 0 ]
while read line; do
(ssh -n -q root@$line 'find /opt/oracle.oswatcher/osw/archive \
tmuth / pandoc-ant.xml
Created November 10, 2014 19:14
Pandoc Ant Task to Convert github to local readme.html
<macrodef name="pandoc-convert">
<attribute name="input" />
<attribute name="output" />
<exec executable="pandoc" dir=".">
<arg line="--from=markdown_github " />
<arg line="--standalone" />
<arg line="-o @{output}" />
<arg line="@{input}" />
tmuth / gist:e036bdd65f730c8110aa
Created February 11, 2015 15:59
dplyr group_by needs ungroup() to get expected behavior <- DF_SQL_BY_SNAPID %>%
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(desc(elapsed.stddev)) %>%
tmuth / gist:a811151014b84030cc96
Created February 13, 2015 22:50
single-row vs array update
-- row by row
for c1 in (select rowid rid, YEAR1,
from flights_400k
-- moderately complex PL/SQL logic
update flights_400k
tmuth / px.sql
Created February 17, 2015 21:24
alter session file to set parallelism
set define "&" concat "."
set serveroutput on verify off echo off;
column PX_DEGREE_IN noprint new_value PX_DEGREE_NUM
column PX_LOCAL_IN noprint new_value PX_LOCAL
accept PX_DEGREE prompt 'Parallel Degree for Query, DML and DDL. Append an L to set parallel_force_local=true: '
regexp_replace('&PX_DEGREE','([[:digit:]]+).*','\1') PX_DEGREE_IN,