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tnoworyta / config.js
Last active December 22, 2015 15:48
leaflet icon
var leafletConfig = (function()
//--- private ---
var providerUrl = 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
var attributionText = 'Map data &copy; <a href="" target="_blank">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="" target="_blank">CC-BY-SA</a>, Imagery © <a href="" target="_blank">MapBox</a>';
var maxZoom = 17;
//--- public ---
return {
getProviderUrl: function() { return providerUrl },
getAttributionText: function() { return attributionText },
puts "block - yield ========================================================="
class FtpManager
def upload_file(file_path='file1')
open_connection do |connection|
puts "do something with #{connection}"
def remove_file(file_path='file')
open_connection do |connection|
tnoworyta /
Last active January 20, 2019 20:46

HR Activities manager


You were assigned a task to create React.js application to mange activities for the human resources department in ABC company. HR managers now place sticky notes on the blackboard with the activity description and the employee name. When the activity is done, they take that note from blackboard and trash it.

Since you are a frontend developer you have agreed to automatize this process by applictation based on React.js with REDUX store.


HR Activities manager


You were assigned a task to create React.js application to mange activities for the human resources department in ABC company. HR managers now place sticky notes on the blackboard with the activity description and the employee name. When the activity is done, they take that note from blackboard and trash it.

Since you are a frontend developer you have agreed to automatize this process by applictation based on React.js with REDUX store.

Functionalities for the version 1.0


tnoworyta /
Last active April 10, 2019 12:15

Create a board games tournament planner

There is a board games day scheduled and organizers would like to automatically get a list of all possible game tournaments & players that will take place during that day according to the preference of the attendees.

The organizers have created an online poll where attendees could select multiple game titles they would like to play that day. The data have already been collected and is represented through class Player. One player has a name and can have multiple games associated with him/her (these are the game names that the player would like to play).

There is needed of course another class for Game which would only consist of name, ranking (integer from range 1-10,