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Let's make a list of Sinatra-based apps!
- "Sinatra based"
- "minimalist blogging engine"
- "The easy and fun Continuous Integration server"
- "git-powered wiki"
- "Seinfeld-inspired productivity calendar to track your public github commits."
- "Marley, the blog engine without <textareas>."
- "Serve up your Markdown files with this tiny Sinatra app!"
tobias / gist:674762
Created November 12, 2010 21:59 — forked from goldmann/gist:674759
= Enabling mod_cluster =
Detailed information about configuring mod_cluster can be found here:
== Disable proxy_balancer_module (required) ==
To enable mod_cluster you need to make sure you have proxy_balancer_module disabled. Please comment out the loading of
proxy_balancer_module in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Java application servers are great at providing enterprise-scale
resources like clustering and messaging, but building web applications with
Java is not fun.
Building web applications with Ruby is fun - until you need to cluster them, or
perform asynchronous background processing, or integrate with any
legacy JEE applications.
In this talk, we'll explore TorqueBox, which combines JRuby with the
JBoss Application Server to provide Ruby developers with the best of
tobias / gist:769901
Created January 7, 2011 18:45 — forked from lance/gist:766704

SteamCannon API Notes and Questions

These are some notes and questions I've come up with while working on the SteamCannon API.

Collections - list of links or inlined objects?

For example, when accessing the list of deployments for an environment, the response could be either

<deployments href='http://localhost:8080/environments/1/deployments'>
  <deployment href='http://localhost:8080/environments/1/deployments/1'>
    <environment href='http://localhost:8080/environments/1' rel='environment'></environment>
def initialize(destination, connection_factory = inject( 'connection-factory' ) )
@name = destination
@connection_factory = connection_factory )
[true, 'prop = true'],
[true, 'prop <> false'],
[5, 'prop = 5'],
[5, 'prop > 4'],
[5.5, 'prop = 5.5'],
[5.5, 'prop < 6'],
['string', "prop = 'string'"]
].each do |value, selector|
it "should be able to select with property set to #{value} using selector '#{selector}'" do
service 'x' {
class AService
singleton true
config :foo => :bar
service AService {
name = 'x'
singleton = true
config :foo => :bar
service AService {
name = 'x'
singleton = true
config :foo => :bar
service AService {
name = 'y'
singleton = true
config :foo => :baz
tobias / long_running_job.rb
Created January 16, 2012 16:34 — forked from abstractj/long_running_job.rb
# in the test:
queue = '/queue/response' )
queue.receive( :timeout => 120_000 ).should == 'started'
queue.receive( :timeout => 5_000 ).should be_nil