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Tobias Tom tobiastom

View GitHub Profile
// StringExtension.swift
// Tasty for iOS
// Created by Tobias Tom on 06.01.15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 succont e.K. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
each = function( list, callback ) {
for ( index = 0; index < list.length; index++) {
callback( list[index] )
each( document.querySelectorAll( 'input[type=checkbox]' ), function( element ) {
} );
"items": [{
"type": ["h-card"],
"properties": {
"url": [""],
"name": ["Mitchell Baker"],
"org": [{
"value": "Mozilla Foundation",
"reference": 0

It all comes down to trust

I had an awkward experience today. I downloaded an update for an app. I got excited about the excellent stuff they have done to their previous version and I really do love the app. Then I thought to myself: that's just too good to be true. It kind of was.

What did happen

I'm using an OS X Server for my mails, calendar, contacts, messages, wiki, VPN, whatever. You may like it or not, but it's a self hosted server which makes it easy for almost everyone to host their own stuff.

As paranoid as I am, as naive I can be. I did trust that application. I don't know anyone behind the app personally, but they seem to be some nice folks. I instantly logged myself into my jabber server with a username and a password in the believe that the password will stay on my device.

Beside other nice things the application provides a feature with which you can stay online, even after Apple has terminated the application (after a maximum of ten minutes, which can be quite annoying for a permanent


default: {
	src: 'Assets/SVGs/',
	dest: 'Public/asset',
options: {
	spritedir: null,
// Generated by grunt-webfont
// Based on
@font-face {
src:url("../asset/Icons.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"),
url("../asset/Icons.woff") format("woff"),
url("../asset/Icons.ttf") format("truetype"),
url("../asset/Icons.svg?#Icons") format("svg");
tobiastom /
Last active December 23, 2015 21:19
Clone all repositories from a remote SSH server.

Backup repositories

The idea of this script is to backup all repositories from a remote SSH server.

It will search for ´.git´ directories inside the home directory of the "git" user. By default it is the current user, but can be configured by changing the $GIT_USER variable at the top of the script.

All repositories will be cloned into the current working directory.

If there is a previous clone of the repository at the given destination, it will obviously only make a new pull.

FILES=$(ssh $SERVER 'find /home/git -name "*.git" -maxdepth 2')
for FILE in $FILES; do
REPOSITORY=$(basename $(dirname $FILE))/$(basename $FILE)
if [ -d "$REPOSITORY/.git" ]; then
echo "Pulling updates for existing repository $REPOSITORY"
var haustier = function( name ) { = name;
haustier.prototype.toString = function() {
var hund = function( name ) { = name;