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<title>this is a page title</title>
<p>this is a body</p>
testing fork
<div id="adBanner">
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var impAcn = "IMPASEG";
var impAco = document.cookie;
var impApos = impAco.indexOf(impAcn + "=");
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impAseg = (impAseg) ? unescape(impAseg) : null;
<p>this is a test</p>
<li>another list</li>
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tockrock / .ignore
Created November 30, 2010 13:36
Basic snippets for lilypond files
tockrock / tweet.scpt
Created October 29, 2011 05:43
AppleScript that tweets from LaunchBar through ttytter, and notifies with growl(growl notify). Based on work by Justin Blanton(@jblanton)
on handle_string(tweet)
if length of tweet ≤ 140 then
set theResult to do shell script "~/bin/ttytter -status=" & quoted form of tweet & " 2>&1"
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/growlnotify -n 'tweet' -m '" & theResult & "' -t 'Success' "
set charsOver to (length of tweet) - 140
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/growlnotify -n 'tweet' -m \"You're " & charsOver & " Chars Over\" -t 'fail'"
tell application "LaunchBar"
remain active
end tell

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am tockrock on github.
  • I am tockrock ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBd9E9Tf6s9Ennk9Mx01-hw7TMHe63qliXxCa8YKFNVsgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

The Composable Architecture

The Composable Architecture(略TCA)はcomposition、test、ergonomicsを念頭に、一貫性のある理解しやすいアプリケーション開発を実現するライブラリーです。SwiftUI、UIKitなどで利用でき、どのAppleプラットフォーム(iOS、macOS、tvOSとwatchOS)でも動作します。