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Todd Lipcon toddlipcon

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Before and after comparing the CPU usage of the kudu tserver,
scanning the ~3.4B rows of the l_shipmode column from TPCH lineitem:
Performance counter stats for 'numactl -m 0 -N 0 build/release/bin/kudu-tserver -fs-wal-dir /data/1/todd/tpch-kudu-data/ts-0/wal/ -fs-data-dirs /data/1/todd/tpch-kudu-data/ts-0/data/':
137,685.93 msec task-clock # 3.356 CPUs utilized
106,215 context-switches # 0.771 K/sec
706 cpu-migrations # 0.005 K/sec
Before and after comparing the CPU usage of the kudu tserver,
scanning the ~3.4B rows of the l_shipmode column from TPCH lineitem:
Performance counter stats for 'numactl -m 0 -N 0 build/release/bin/kudu-tserver -fs-wal-dir /data/1/todd/tpch-kudu-data/ts-0/wal/ -fs-data-dirs /data/1/todd/tpch-kudu-data/ts-0/data/':
137,685.93 msec task-clock # 3.356 CPUs utilized
106,215 context-switches # 0.771 K/sec
706 cpu-migrations # 0.005 K/sec
fd: client sends a file descriptor for the server to fill
s-write: server writes data the passed fd using write() syscall
s-mmap: server mmaps() the passed fd and writes using memset()
s-reuse: server holds on to the mmapped region across calls
c-reuse: client holds on to the mmapped region across calls
sidecar: server sends back data over unix socket
nt: server uses nontemporal store instructions to write
fd: client sends a file descriptor for the server to fill
s-write: server writes data the passed fd using write() syscall
s-mmap: server mmaps() the passed fd and writes using memset()
s-reuse: server holds on to the mmapped region across calls
c-reuse: client holds on to the mmapped region across calls
sidecar: server sends back data over unix socket
nt: server uses nontemporal store instructions to write
fd: client sends a file descriptor for the server to fill
s-write: server writes data the passed fd using write() syscall
s-mmap: server mmaps() the passed fd and writes using memset()
s-reuse: server holds on to the mmapped region across calls
c-reuse: client holds on to the mmapped region across calls
sidecar: server sends back data over unix socket
nt: server uses nontemporal store instructions to write
todd@va1022:/tmp$ cat
int main() {
return __builtin_cpu_supports("bmi") ? 0 : 1;
todd@va1022:/tmp$ g++ ./ -O2 ; ./a.out && echo "supports bmi" || echo "no bmi"
no bmi
todd@va1022:/tmp$ g++ ./ -O2 /opt/rh/devtoolset-9/root/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/9/libgcc.a ; ./a.out && echo "supports bmi" || echo "no bmi"
supports bmi
fd: client sends a file descriptor for the server to fill
s-write: server writes data the passed fd using write() syscall
s-mmap: server mmaps() the passed fd and writes using memset()
s-reuse: server holds on to the mmapped region across calls
c-reuse: client holds on to the mmapped region across calls
sidecar: server sends back data over unix socket
nt: server uses nontemporal store instructions to write
fd: client sends a file descriptor for the server to fill
s-write: server writes data the passed fd using write() syscall
s-mmap: server mmaps() the passed fd and writes using memset()
s-reuse: server holds on to the mmapped region across calls
c-reuse: client holds on to the mmapped region across calls
sidecar: server sends back data over unix socket
nt: server uses nontemporal store instructions to write
fd: client sends a file descriptor for the server to fill
s-write: server writes data the passed fd using write() syscall
s-mmap: server mmaps() the passed fd and writes using memset()
s-reuse: server holds on to the mmapped region across calls
c-reuse: client holds on to the mmapped region across calls
sidecar: server sends back data over unix socket
nt: server uses nontemporal store instructions to write
// Curiously-recurring-template-pattern base class for private arrow data.
// This is similar to RefCountedThreadSafe<T> except that it participates in the
// C-style release callback expected by the Arrow C interface.
template<class T>
struct ArrowPrivateDataBase {
~ArrowPrivateDataBase() {
DCHECK_EQ(0, ref_count);