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tokumine / window_rank.sql
Created January 9, 2012 16:30
calculating windowed rank in postgresql for a scoreboard or leaderboard
-- this SQL can be used to calculate the rank of a given user in a game,
-- and the names/scores of those just above and below him.
-- This is useful in online games or citizen science projects where you
-- just want to see the 'proximity' of other users around you, not the entire global rank
-- I want to find the rank and score for user_3, and other users 3 above and 3 below.
WITH global_rank AS (
SELECT name, score, rank() OVER (ORDER BY score DESC) FROM scores
SELECT * FROM global_rank
tokumine / n-tile.sql
Created January 9, 2012 15:23
calculating equal frequency buckets, or n-tile ranges in postgresql
-- To calculate flexible quantile ranges in postgresql, for example to calculate n equal
-- frequency buckets for your data for use in a visualisation (such as binning for a
-- choropleth map), you can use the following SQL:
-- this functions returns 6 equal frequency bucket ranges for my_column.
SELECT ntile, avg(my_column) AS avgAmount, max(my_column) AS maxAmount, min(my_column) AS minAmount
FROM (SELECT my_column, ntile(6) OVER (ORDER BY my_column) AS ntile FROM my_table) x
GROUP BY ntile ORDER BY ntile
-- more on the ntile() function and windowing here:
tokumine / mvk_Panasonic_TX-L42E30B_TX-L37E30B_TX-L32E30B
Created December 29, 2011 13:39
MKV playback problems Panasonic TX-L42E30B, TX-L37E30B and TX-L32E30B
There's something wrong with the Panasonic TX-L42E30B, TX-L37E30B and TX-L32E30B TVs not recognising certain MKV container specific settings.
There is nothing actually wrong with the x264 encoded video and audio streams - the solution is to correctly re-mux the contents of the MKV container into a compatible MKV container while avoiding a time consuming re-encode.
I have found 2 solutions (on OSX) to the problem that don't require re-encoding.
1) Repackage the MKV as a mp4 using mp4tools ( This works, but is unable to handle MKVs with DTS encoded audio streams on my machine.
2) Repackage the MKV as an MKV using mkvtools beta ( This has worked flawlessly on all the broken MKVs I've tried. mkvtools also can split MKVs into FAT32 compatible chunks for playback from USB sticks and so on.
tokumine /
Created December 9, 2011 16:27
zoom dependent Carto on CartoDB
tokumine / style.css
Created December 9, 2011 14:44
simple Carto Style
tokumine / sequel.rspec
Created November 10, 2011 15:06
Sequel rails rspec
If you're running sequel models and rspec, make sure you run rake db:test:prepare before you execute your tests otherwise you'll get cryptic
undefined method
on all your model attributes
Seems obvious once you know, but terrible error message.
tokumine / crazysql.sql
Created November 9, 2011 21:50
oh SQL you crazy nutjob
SELECT, (CASE WHEN within.avg IS NULL OR within.area IS NULL THEN intersects.avg ELSE (((intersects.avg * intersects.area) (within.avg * within.area)) / (intersects.area within.area)) END) AS total FROM ( SELECT band, avg((ST_SummaryStats(ST_AsRaster((intersection).geom, scalex, scaley, NULL, NULL, ARRAY['32BSI'], ARRAY[(intersection).val]))).mean), SUM(area) AS area FROM ( SELECT band, (ST_Intersection(the_geom, rast, band)) AS intersection, ST_ScaleX(rast) AS scalex, ST_ScaleY(rast) AS scaley, ST_Area(the_geom) AS area FROM forest_intact, ( SELECT ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((18.511962890625 5.386335689520536,14.864501953125 2.141834969768584,18.775634765625 0.0769042737833478,22.510986328125 -0.5383221578577078,26.114501953125 0.8239462091017685,26.553955078125 3.3269862108134998,22.423095703125 6.085935520826564,18.511962890625 5.386335689520536)))',4326) AS the_geom) foo, ( SELECT 1 AS band UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4) bar WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, the_
tokumine / gist:1253540
Created September 30, 2011 11:55
tests almost running at sane speed in 1.9.3
rvm use 1.9.2
Using /Users/simon/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290
time bin/rspec -l 1179 spec/models/table_spec.rb
Finished in 2.85 seconds
1 example, 0 failures
real 0m12.487s
user 0m8.829s
sys 0m0.951s
tokumine / gist:1252442
Created September 30, 2011 01:37
OSX notes on postgres 9.0 + postgis 1.5.3 -> postgres 9.1.1 + postgis 2.0.0 SVN
The aim here:
1. upgrade postgres
2. then upgrade postgis
For [1], we'll use pg_upgrade to migrate our data.
on OSX, postgres is installed in usr/local using a symlinked pgsql pointing to pgsql-9.0
1. brew install postgresql (9.1.1 =
tokumine / LearnPython
Created September 29, 2011 14:00
How to learn Python by @javisantana
1. tutorial in the page
2. essential python reference (dave beazly)
3. module documentation on