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Programming is for AIs. Let's go shopping.


Programming is for AIs. Let's go shopping.
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tomaes / brotset
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
old'n'dirty PETSCII fractal experiment. ;)
12 s = 2^10+40*3: w = 40: h = 20: mi = 10: co = 108: ti$="000000": print"{clear}"
20 fory=-1to1step.1: forx=-3to1step.1
45 xn = 0: yn = 0: i = 0
47 if (xn*xn+yn*yn)<4 then if (i<mi) then t=(xn*xn)-(yn*yn)+x: yn=2*x*y+y: xn=t: i=i+1: goto47
49 px=(x+3.)/4*w: py=(y+1.)/2*h
50 poke s + py*w + px, co+((i+x+y)and127)
58 print"{home}t:"ti$", x:"str$(px)", y:"str$(py)", i:"str$(i)"{space*9}"
60 next x,y:poke198,.:wait198,1
tomaes / feng shui 64
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
61 bytes to visually bubble sort the contents of your screen; yes, this takes a while. ("speed optimised" version (r=.:fori=4^5to2022-r:r=r+1: ...) would take 74 bytes of memory) (c64)
0 fori=4^5to2022:a=peek(i):b=peek(i+1):poke-(a>b)+i,a:pokei+1+(a>b),b:next:run
tomaes / Plop-8
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Mini step sequencer. 7 volume levels per cell. Press <1> to <8> to program some ploppy beats. 116 bytes. c64 again.
0 n=54296:geti:s(i)=(s(i)+1)and7:fori=1to8:poke1024+i,s(i):next:p=(p+1)and7
2 poke1065+p,30:fori=.to99:next:poke1065+p,32:poken,s(p+1):poken,.:goto
tomaes / flower tower
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
54 wasteful bytes; looks kinda neat though. interactive. (c64)
; wallpaper scroll / flower tower (interactive)
* = 4096
lda #6
sta $d020
start ;
; user input to init field color and width
tomaes / micro note
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
mini note file viewer. rev2 with multi-page support. (c64)
; a minimal noter example with generated audio, BASIC header and multi-page support
* = $801
; 0 SYS4096
byte $0B, $08, $00, $00, $9E, '4', '0', '9', '6', $00, $00, $00
* = $1000
tomaes / heart curve (c128)
Created May 30, 2014 06:02
Someone was asking for this. ;)
1 rem c128 heart curve
2 color 4,5: rem bg
4 color 0,1: rem screen
6 color 1,3: rem drawing color
8 graphic 1,1:h=200:hh=100:wh=160:cw=10:ch=6
10 forx=-.99to1step.06
20 q=sqr(1-x*x)
22 y0=sqr(x*x)-q
24 y1=sqr(x*x)+q
44 xa=int((x+1)*wh):ya=h-int((y0+1)*hh)
tomaes / s_atan
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
holy colorful patterns, batman. (c64)
0 s=4^5:f=55296:w=40:c=85:h=198:z=z+.05:fory=.to24:forx=.to39
1 v=abs(atn(sin(x*y*z)*.5)*3):pokes+y*w+x,c+v:pokef+y*w+x,4+v:nextx,y
3 print"{home}[key]":pokeh,.:waith,1:goto
; working title: sea changes near wallpaper city
*= $801
byte $0B, $08, $0A, $00, $9E, $34, $30, $39, $36, $00, $00, $00
byte 78, 77, 73, 75, 242, 66, 97, 72
byte 13, 5; color
text "E-SIRAMIS " ; 10b
tomaes / pattern drawing performance (c64)
Created February 21, 2013 12:47
some pattern drawing methods benchmarked (c64)
0 rem char screen pattern drawing methods and performance / commodore basic v2.0 (c64)
2 rem results for lines:
3 rem 10-> 18s (!)
4 rem 20-> 9s (same as 10, but twice as fast)
5 rem 30-> 3s (no PRNG? waay faster still)
6 rem 40/50-> <= 1s (cashed string 'brush' with and without PRNG, pretty fast)
7 rem all: <= 14s
9 ti$="000000"
10 for i=0 to 999: poke 1024+i,160+rnd(0)+0.5: next i
20 a=1024:b=2023:c=160:fori=atob:pokei,c+rnd(.)+.5:next
tomaes / joystick test (c64)
Last active December 14, 2015 01:39
for when "10 print peek(56320): goto 10" is not enough
10 rem joystick port test mini tool, press <space> to switch ports
20 p=56320:s=0
30 print" {return*2}{cyan} joystick (#"str$(2-s)") port"p+s"{return*2}"
40 j=peek(p+s): print"{up*2}{light gray} 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 val{light blue}"
50 geta$:if a$=" " then s=abs(s-1):print"{up*4}";:goto 30
60 print abs((jand1)>0)abs((jand2)>0)abs((jand4)>0)abs((jand8)>0);
70 print abs((jand16)>0)abs((jand32)>0)abs((jand64)>0)abs((jand128)>0);j
80 goto 40