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Thomas Buckley-Houston tombh

View GitHub Profile
Japanese, Hokkaido, Jingisukan
Japanese, Hokkaido, Rui-be
Japanese, Hokkaido, Hokkaido
Japanese, Tohoku region, Wanko soba
Japanese, Tohoku region, Morioka
Japanese, Tohoku region, Kiritanpo
Japanese, Tohoku region, Gy
Japanese, Chubu and Kanto regions, Inago no tsukudani
Japanese, Chubu and Kanto regions, Monjayaki
Japanese, Chubu and Kanto regions, Sushi
tombh / gist:b45e86788620435adc5a
Last active November 9, 2021 13:49
Use .env file to filter sensitive data from VCR cassettes
# Assuming that you're using .env to store your sensitive app credentials, then you can
# use VCR's `filter_sensitive_data` method to convert occurrences of those credentials
# to `<%= ENV['#{key}'] %>` in your recorded VCR cassettes.
require 'vcr'
# Use the .env file to compile the list of sensitive data that should not be recorded in
# cassettes
def sensitive_strings
contents = "#{Rails.root}/.env"
tombh / gist:f66de84fd3a63e670ad9
Created January 3, 2015 17:38
Convert OpenSSH public key to OpenSSL public key using ruby
require 'base64'
require 'openssl'
# Parse SSH keys to be used by OpenSSL lib
# Taken from Zerg Support project.
# See:
module OpenSSHKeyConverter
# The components in a openssh .pub / known_host RSA public key.
RSA_COMPONENTS = ['ssh-rsa', :e, :n]
# The components in a openssh .pub / known_host DSA public key.
"nodes": [
"name": "Testing",
"contact": "",
"locations": [
"type": "s3",
"bucket_name": "oam-uploader"

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am tombh on github.
  • I am tombh ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 3317 BFD3 B392 2F6C 0DAE BE40 62CC 4ABB D9C0 B437

To claim this, I am signing this object:

These are some opiniated ideas for improvements to OAM/OIN. They are first of all straw men: merely ideas to stimulate conversation. My guiding principles here are the general software engineering best practices I've come to appreciate over the years. Therefore there is little here in terms of new features and little that an end-user would explicitly notice. They concern the health of the code: reduction of regression bugs, ease and confidence of refactoring, reduction of the learning curve for newcomers and contributors, scalability and browser performance.

These are of course good things in any circumstances. Though I have also borne in mind HOT's plans to promote and expand OAM beyond its current audience and vision.

Github Improvements

Contribution policies

  • Always rebase, rather than merge, by default on github. This makes the Git logs more readable.
  • PRs must include new/amended test cases.
  • master as the default branch, with staging and production reflecting increasing stability.
#! env ruby
loop do
ping = `ping -n -c 1 -W 3 2>&1`
puts "Failed ping"
sleep 1
class ErrorHandler
def foo
rescue StandardError
puts 'An error was handled'
RSpec.describe do
let(:instance) { }
tombh / quiet_fetch.rb
Created June 18, 2013 16:54
When you're accessing deep keys within a hash you don't want to have to write stuff like `if foo && foo["bar"] && foo["bar"]["baz"] && foo["bar"]["baz"]["bang"]`. So here's an idea to have a method on the Hash class that uses a sort of XML type query, eg; hash.quiet_fetch('a/b/c')
class Hash
def quiet_fetch query
current = self
query.split('/').each do |key|
if current.fetch(key, false)
current = current.fetch(key)
return nil
# Place this file in the same directory as `Vagrantfile'
# then simply require "vagrant-snapshot.rb" at the top of Vagrantfile.
require 'optparse'
Vagrant.commands.register(:snap) { Snap::Commands }
# Provide rake-like desc() 'inflected' documentation
# See
class Module