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Last active January 21, 2021 13:17
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# Build a customized image of Camunda to include the cloud sql postgres socket factory library
# Required to connect to Cloud SQL
# Built using Cloud Build, image stored in GCR
resource "null_resource" "camunda_cloudsql_image" {
triggers = {
# Rebuild if we change the base image or the local docker
image = "${local.project}/camunda_cloudsql:${local.config.base_image_tag}_${sha1(local_file.dockerfile.content)}"
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = <<-EOT
gcloud builds submit \
--project ${local.project} \
--tag ${self.triggers.image} \
# Cloud Run Camunda service
resource "google_cloud_run_service" "camunda" {
name = "camunda"
location = local.config.region
template {
spec {
# Use locked down Service Account
service_account_name =
containers {
image = null_resource.camunda_cloudsql_image.triggers.image
resources {
limits = {
# Default of 256Mb is not enough to start Camunda
memory = "2Gi"
env {
name = "DB_URL"
# Complicated DB URL to Cloud SQL
# See
value = "jdbc:postgresql:///${}?cloudSqlInstance=${google_sql_database_instance.camunda-db.connection_name}&"
env {
name = "DB_DRIVER"
value = "org.postgresql.Driver"
env {
name = "DB_USERNAME"
value =
env {
name = "DB_PASSWORD"
value = google_sql_user.user.password
# Test instance of Cloud SQL has low connection limit
# So we turn down the connection pool size
env {
value = "5"
env {
value = "5"
env {
value = "0"
metadata {
annotations = {
"" = "1" # no clusting
"" = google_sql_database_instance.camunda-db.connection_name
traffic {
percent = 100
latest_revision = true
resource "google_sql_database_instance" "camunda-db" {
name = "camunda-db-postgres"
database_version = "POSTGRES_11"
region = local.config.region
settings {
# Very small instance for testing.
tier = "db-f1-micro"
ip_configuration {
ipv4_enabled = true
resource "google_sql_user" "user" {
name = "camunda"
instance =
password = "futurice"
resource "google_sql_database" "database" {
name = "camunda"
instance =
# Copy Camunda base image from Dockerhub image into Google Container Registry
module "docker-mirror-camunda-bpm-platform" {
source = ""
image_name = local.config.base_image_name
image_tag = local.config.base_image_tag
dest_prefix = "${local.project}"
# Hydrate docker template file into .build directory
resource "local_file" "dockerfile" {
content = templatefile("${path.module}/Dockerfile.template", {
project = local.project
image = local.config.base_image_name
tag = local.config.base_image_tag
filename = "${path.module}/.build/Dockerfile"
USER root
RUN apk add --no-cache wget
USER camunda
RUN rm /camunda/lib/postgresql-9.3-1102-jdbc4.jar
RUN wget --directory-prefix=/camunda/lib
# Policy to allow public access to Cloud Run endpoint
data "google_iam_policy" "noauth" {
binding {
role = "roles/run.invoker"
members = ["allUsers"]
# Bind public policy to our Camunda Cloud Run service
resource "google_cloud_run_service_iam_policy" "noauth" {
location = google_cloud_run_service.camunda.location
project = google_cloud_run_service.camunda.project
service =
policy_data = data.google_iam_policy.noauth.policy_data
# Create service account to run service
resource "google_service_account" "camunda" {
account_id = "camunda-worker"
display_name = "Camunda Worker"
# Give the service account access to Cloud SQL
resource "google_project_iam_member" "project" {
role = "roles/cloudsql.client"
member = "serviceAccount:${}"
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