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在 Facebook 上分享 Dcard 文章時,如果沒有指定圖片的話,可能會看到如下的文章摘要:

這張圖片是透過 Go library draw2d 產生的,它有類似 HTML5 canvas 的 API,所以畫一些簡單的圖形都還算小菜一碟,然而在處理文字上就沒這麼得心應手了。


src, _ := loadBaseImageForPost(post)
tommy351 / gist:6408947
Last active September 28, 2017 12:11
Get scroll bar's width.
var cache = 0;
var scrollBarWidth = function(){
if (cache) return cache;
var elem = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = '-9999px'; = 'scroll';
func drawLine(gc *draw2dimg.GraphicContext, str string, maxX float64, maxY float64, x float64, y float64) (bool, float64) {
// Handle empty line
if len(strings.TrimSpace(str)) == 0 {
return false, y + gc.Current.FontSize*lineHeight
list := []rune(str)
length := len(list)
offsetX := x
offsetY := y
func drawLine(gc *draw2dimg.GraphicContext, str string, maxX float64, maxY float64, x float64, y float64) (bool, float64) {
// Handle empty line
if len(strings.TrimSpace(str)) == 0 {
return false, y + gc.Current.FontSize*lineHeight
list := []rune(str)
length := len(list)
offsetX := x
offsetY := y
func drawLine(gc *draw2dimg.GraphicContext, str string, x float64, y float64) {
gc.FillStringAt(str, x, y)
func drawText(gc *draw2dimg.GraphicContext, str string, width float64, height float64, x float64, y float64) {
str = strings.Trim(str, " \n\r\t")
lines := strings.Split(str, "\n")
fontSize := gc.Current.FontSize
offsetY := y
wrapLines := []string{}
draw2d.SetFontNamer(func(fontData draw2d.FontData) string {
return "WenQuanYiMicroHei.ttf"
2016/11/04 16:06:16 open ../resource/font/luxisr.ttf: no such file or directory
2016/11/04 16:06:16 open ../resource/font/luxisr.ttf: no such file or directory
2016/11/04 16:06:16 No font set, and no default font available.
src, _ := loadBaseImageForPost(post)
img := image.NewRGBA(src.Bounds())
gc := draw2dimg.NewGraphicContext(img)
// Draw title
gc.SetFillColor(color.RGBA{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff})
gc.FillStringAt(post.Title, 140, 81.5)
import java.util.*;
public class s401631741HW1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("i = ");
int number = scanner.nextInt();
Random random = new Random();
int[][] arr = new int[number][];
tommy351 / gist:6315207
Last active December 21, 2015 13:49
Hexo gzip console plugin
hexo.extend.console.register('gzip', function(args, callback){'generate', function(err){
if (err) return callback(err);
// do gzip here...