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Geoffrey Grosenbach topfunky

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# Convert xib files to Cappuccino cib files.
# Run with
# rake cib
# Will only re-generate the XIB files that are newer than their CIB counterparts.
rule '.cib' => '.xib' do |t|
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
topfunky / Rakefile
Created October 2, 2009 18:59
Render After Effects diagrams from a Rakefile
namespace :ae do
desc "Render After Effects Titles and Diagrams"
task :render do
mkdir_p "artwork/after_effects_rendered"
Dir['artwork/after_effects/[0-9]*.aep'].each do |aep_project_name|
aep_project_name = File.expand_path(aep_project_name)
mov_output_name = aep_project_name.gsub(/\.aep/, '.mov').gsub(/artwork\/after_effects/, 'artwork/after_effects_rendered')
command = ["'/Applications/Adobe After Effects CS4/aerender'",
namespace :ae do
desc "Render After Effects Titles and Diagrams"
task :render do
mkdir_p "artwork/after_effects_rendered"
Dir['artwork/after_effects/[0-9]*.aep'].each do |aep_project_name|
aep_project_name = File.expand_path(aep_project_name)
mov_output_name = aep_project_name.gsub(/\.aep/, '.mov').gsub(/artwork\/after_effects/, 'artwork/after_effects_rendered')
command = ["'/Applications/Adobe After Effects CS4/aerender'",
topfunky / gist:169876
Created August 18, 2009 18:45 — forked from wmoxam/gist:36116
Munin plugin for beanstalk queue
# MODIFIED: Minor fork to run smoothly under Ruby 1.8.6. Heredoc cleanup.
require 'rubygems'
require 'beanstalk-client'
if ARGV.length > 0 && ARGV[0] == 'config'
puts <<-END
graph_category App
# Create a remote Mercurial repository and clone locally.
# Mercurial can manage an empty directory, so it can be done simply.
function hg-new {
ssh "hg init $1" && hg clone ssh://$1
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Textileise things.
# Take Textile markup on STDIN, and output HTML to STDOUT
require "rubygems"
require "redcloth"
print (
if (Dir.exist?(NSBundle.mainBundle.privateFrameworksPath))
$! { |x| x.sub(/^\/Library\/Frameworks/, NSBundle.mainBundle.privateFrameworksPath) }
$:.unshift NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath.fileSystemRepresentation
(defun enter-to-previous-line ()
(define-key textmate-mode-map [C-return] 'enter-to-previous-line)
# Graphical tree output of a filesystem
# `tree somepath_to_start_from`
# TODO show actual graphical output with dashes and bars
# TODO allow command-line options
use strict;
use File::Find;