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Created January 3, 2018 16:39
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# Data Structure
## Introduction
* Data structure (is a way) or (are the special format/structures in computer memory) to store & organize the data.
* To suit a specific purpose.
* So, that we can perform some operations on them like search, add, delete, insert
### Data Structure Vs Data Type
**Data Type**
* It is class of objects sharing certain properties.
* It is a premitive element of a particular language like C, C++, Java, Python, Go
* Have predefined characteristics according to the language
* Contains data/information without any semantic
* Can't be reduced anymore
* e.g. integer, float, character, string, boolean
**Data Structure**
* It is an abstract description of organization of data & operations on them
* It uses data types
* Can be decomposed to smaller
* DS are data type as well, but not a premitive type
**Abstract Data Type (ADT)**
* Its visualization, thought, logical description, or a picture of a new data type which we are going to create
* while DS is a real & concrete thing, we can directly use them
**DS is a super set and Data type is sub set or building block for DS**
## Types
#### Linear Data Structure
* Traverses the data elements sequentially
* only one data element can directly be reached
#### Non Linear Data Structure
* Every data item is attached to several other data items with a relationships
* The data items are not arranged in a sequential structure
1. Linear
* [Array](#array)
* Linked-list
* Singly Linked List
* Circular Linked List
* Doubly Linked List
* Stack
* Queue
* Hash
* Matrix
2. Non-Linear
* [Tree](#tree)
* [Binary Tree](#binary-tree)
* Binary Search Tree (BST)
* Self Balancing BST
* B-Tree
* AVL Tree
* Heap
* Min/Max Heap
* Fibbonacci Heap
* Trie
* Graph
* Undirected
* Directed
* Weighted
### Array <a id="array"/>
### Linked List
### Stack
### Queue
### Hash
### Tree <a id="tree"/>
* **Desc:**
* Are hierchical data structure
* made up of nodes or vertices and edges without having any cycle
* The tree with no nodes is called the null or empty tree
* **Terminologies:**
* Root: The top node in a tree.
* Child: A node directly connected to another node when moving away from the Root.
* Parent: The converse notion of a child.
* Siblings: A group of nodes with the same parent.
* Descendant: A node reachable by repeated proceeding from parent to child.
* Ancestor: A node reachable by repeated proceeding from child to parent.
* Leaf: (less commonly called External node) A node with no children.
* Branch: Internal node, A node with at least one child.
* Degree: The number of subtrees of a node.
* Edge: The connection between one node and another.
* Path: A sequence of nodes and edges connecting a node with a descendant.
* **Level**: The level of a node is defined by 1 + (the number of connections between the node and the root).
* **Height of node**: The height of a node is the number of edges on the longest path between that node and a leaf.
* Height of tree: The height of a tree is the height of its root node.
* Depth: The depth of a node is the number of edges from the tree's root node to the node.
* Forest: A forest is a set of n ≥ 0 disjoint trees.
* **Why:**
* need to store in hierchical way, e.g. computer filesystem
* provides quicker insertion/deletion than array but slower than unordered linked list
* No upper limit on number of nodes (like linkedlist & unlike array)
* **Application:**
* Easy to search (using traversal)
* Router Algorithm
* decision making
#### Binary Tree <a id="binary-tree" />
* **Desc:**
* tree whose each node have at most 2 children
* children typically known as left and right child
* **Representation:**
* a node consist of data, pointer to left child, pointer to right child
* **Travesal:**
* In Order: left, root, right
* Pre Order: root, left, right
* Post Order: left, right, root
* **Operations:**
* **Properties:**
* Level(Root) = 1, but height = 0 (don't get confuse)
* Maximum number of nodes at level $ i = 2^{i-1}$
* Level of a Node = Height of the Node + 1
* Minimum Possible Height of a tree having N nodes: $h = \lfloor \log_2{(N+1)} \rfloor$
#### Binary Search Tree (BST)
* **Desc:**
* **Operations:**
#### Self Balancing Binary Tree
#### B-Tree
* **Desc:**
* Generalization of BST i.e. a node can have more than 2 children
* **Application:**
* Indexing in Databases
* Filesystem
### Heap
### Trie
### Language Specific
1. Python
2. Java
3. C#
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