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totango / totango.html
Created July 12, 2011 16:33 — forked from saaspulse/saaspulse1.html
Totango - JavaScript - Loading library
<!– step 1: include the loader script –>
<script src="//"></script>
<!– step 2: initialize tracking with provided service-id (SP-XXXX-XX) –>
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var totango = new __totango("SP-XXXX-XX");
} catch (err) {
// uncomment the alert below for debugging only
// alert ("Totango code load failure, tracking will be ignored");
totango / totango.php
Created November 11, 2011 00:29
function totangoTrack($serviceID, $org, $user, $activity, $module) {
$org = rawurlencode($org);
$user = rawurlencode($user);
$activity = rawurlencode($activity);
$module = rawurlencode($module);
$r = file_get_contents("{$serviceID}&sdr_o={$org}&sdr_u={$user}&sdr_a={$activity}&sdr_m={$module}");
totango / totango2.js
Created November 16, 2011 08:09
Totango - Javascript - Track call example
totango.track('test-activity', 'test-module', 'test-org' , 'test-user');
totango / tracker-short.js
Created November 16, 2011 09:09
Totango - Javascript - short tracker call example
tracker.track('test-activity', 'test-module');
totango / identify.js
Created November 16, 2011 09:36
Totango - Javascript - identify example
totango.identify('account-id', 'username');
totango / TOTANG-Front-End-Engineer.js
Created November 21, 2011 10:09
Totango Front End Engineer - Job Description in JavaScript
var skill_sets = {
JavaScript : 'ninja!',
FrontEnd : ['html5', 'css3', 'jquery' , 'responsive-design'],
PHP : ['wordpress', 'any'],
Java : ['spring', 'sql', 'spring-mvc'],
Cloud : ['ec2', 's3', 'sqs', 'mySql'],
Creativity : 'must!'
var we_give = {
totango / Totango66.js
Created December 28, 2011 15:24
Totango - Javascript Org Attributes
// Adding organization attributes to the identify method
odn: 'org-human-friendly-name'},
// Adding organization attributes to the track method
totango / Totango67.js
Created December 28, 2011 15:41
Totango - Organization Display Name
'name': 'account display name'
totango / totango999.js
Created February 19, 2012 15:15
Totango - Javascript - updating account attributes
// identifying an account and setting attributes for it
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// totango.identify(account, user);
// params:
// - account: the account the user belongs to. possible values:
// - string: value is the account id
// - object:
// { 'o': 'account-id',
// 'attribute-name' : 'attribute-value', }
// - username: Name of the user of this session
totango / totangosm1.js
Created February 19, 2012 15:32
totango-sales-manager example
// HTTP call: