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Trey Pendragon tpendragon

  • Princeton University Library
  • Salem, OR
View GitHub Profile
require 'spec_helper'
describe Project do
let!(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) }
let!(:plan) { FactoryGirl.create(:plan_with_subscription, user: user) }
it "has a valid factory" do
FactoryGirl.create(:project, user: user). should be_valid
-@list.group_by(&:category).each do |category, items|
-items.each do |item|
module DynamicNetworkGraph
class NetworkFlow
def self.fields
%w{srcAddr dstAddr srcPort dstPort protocol start end packets transferred status}
fields.each do |field|
attr_accessor field
13:53 terrellt: I'm starting to flex my opinions about how specs should be written and I'd like some input from anybody out there writing Capybara specs.
13:53 terrellt: If somebody has time and an interest in the conversation, could you look at ?
13:55 jcoyne: terrellt: view specs are much better than feature specs for particular cases like this. Feature specs are great to make sure all the layers are connected together correctly
13:56 terrellt: If this were two years ago I'd scoff at view specs at all. If it were a year ago I'd agree and write a Capybara test to make sure what I'm testing here holds true.
13:57 terrellt: I'm starting to think enforcing the interface in my test does the last part.
13:57 jcoyne: terrellt: I like to think of feature specs like the features you describe to your users.
13:58 jcoyne: Like "You can upload a file, supply some metadata and then it shows up in the search"
13:58 jcoyne: But not the particular edge cases of that
15:55 smathy: terrellt, is the tl;dr that you're replacing capybara tests with controller and/or model tests?
15:57 smathy: Assuming so, capybara should be used only when it's impossible to test other ways.
15:57 pipework: I use feature tests for important workflows.
15:58 pipework: But I keep them pretty minimal and sometimes run them on-demand and just in CI, not in the default test suite rake task.
15:58 terrellt: smathy: Controller/model/view tests - effectively the tipping point for me is I'm deciding that there being an interface that I have to touch my tests for should I change it is a -good- thing.
15:59 terrellt: Whereas before I used feature specs to give me complete flexibility independent of architecture.
16:00 terrellt: pipework: I think where I'm landing now says that I'd avoid them ESPECIALLY for important workflows, because if I add that crutch I'm less likely to think critically about the architecture.
16:00 pipework: During development, I'll often write feature specs to drive implementation,
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe StartersController do
describe "#index" do
fake(:starter_pet_finder, :all => [])
before do
stub(Tressonia::Pets::StarterPetFinder).new { starter_pet_finder }
get :index
it "finds the pets" do
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe "Error Handling" do
describe "Active Record Not Found" do
controller do
def index
raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
tpendragon / dev-tat
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Automate launching my dev environment in a tmux session for a project folder.
string=`tmux list-session`
directory_name=`basename $PWD`
if [[ $string == *$directory_name* ]]
tmux new-session -As $directory_name
tmux -2 new-session -As $directory_name -d
tmux split-window -h
tmux select-pane -t 1
module OregonDigital
module SolrNTripleExtension
def self.extended(document)
document.will_export_as(:nt, "application/n-triples")
def export_as_nt
graph =, GenericAsset).find(self["id"])
graph =, GenericAsset.id_to_uri(self["id"]), RDF::URI("{self["id"]}"))

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