git checkout -b <branch>
git reset --hard origin/<branch>
git push --force-with-lease
// main.js | |
import objectDifference from './utils/objectDifference' | |
const obj1 = { | |
user: { | |
info: { | |
username: 'foo' | |
} | |
} | |
} |
import { Vue, Component, Model, Prop, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator' | |
@Component({ | |
delimiters: ['{{', '}}'], | |
comments: false, | |
components: null, | |
directives: null, | |
filters: null, | |
inheritAttrs: true, | |
}) |
sr_only | |
not_sr_only | |
appearance_none | |
bg* | |
border* | |
rounded* | |
cursor* | |
block | |
inline_block | |
inline |
// src/App.jsx | |
import React from 'react' | |
import { Provider as CountProvider } from './context/count' | |
import ShowCount from './components/ShowCount' | |
const App = () => { | |
return ( | |
<CountProvider> | |
<ShowCount /> | |
</CountProvider> |
const MIN_NOTIFICATION_TIME = 5; // 5 Seconds | |
const MAX_NOTIFICATION_TIME = 10; // 10 Seconds | |
const TEMPLATE = ({ product, time, location }) => | |
`Someone bough a <b>${product}</b> from <b>${location}</b> <b>${time} seconds ago</b>`; | |
const MIN_TIME_AGO = 15; // Min seconds to show when someone purchased something (eg 'Bob bought this x seconds ago') | |
const MAX_TIME_AGO = 60; // Max seconds to show when someone purchased something (eg 'Bob bought this x seconds ago') | |
const SHOW_TIME = 10; // Time to display notification for | |
const CLASS_NAME = "sales-notification"; | |
const CONTAINER_ID = "sales-notifications"; |
// This script searches for a package json in current directory, and works it's way up until one is found. | |
// If no package.json is found, the dev command returned is `develop`. | |
// If a package.json is found, it reads the scripts section and finds one that matches: 'dev', 'develop', 'start' | |
// The result returned is `yarn install && yarn run <dev_command>` (with dev_command being the found develop command. | |
// This can be fed into bash along with an alias defined to create an easy way to run the develop command in projects. | |
// | |
// Put this dev.js file in ~/scripts/dev.js | |
// | |
// Add this to your .zshrc file (or .bashrc) | |
// alias dev="node ~/scripts/dev.js | bash" |
use std::io::Write; | |
use async_graphql::{InputValueError, InputValueResult, Scalar, ScalarType, Value}; | |
use diesel::{ | |
deserialize, | |
pg::Pg, | |
serialize::{self, Output}, | |
sql_types::{self, Timestamp, Timestamptz}, | |
types::{FromSql, ToSql}, | |
}; |
[package] | |
name = "test" | |
version = "0.1.0" | |
edition = "2018" | |
[dependencies] | |
actix-web = "4.0.0-beta.4" | |
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } |
[dependencies] | |
hyper = { version = "0.14", features = ["full"] } | |
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } |