The gkos keyboard is good for writing short phrases. You write one and then copy and paste it into your document, which is in another program. I imagine you would then clear the gkos buffer and start a new or connected thought.
There are two layouts, alphabetic and optimized. I'm giving the optimized one a try; since it's based on key combination frequencies it should be more ergonomic. I'll probably give the alpha a try as well.
So far I haven't built up much speed, but I've only been using it for one day. My progress in this time convinces me speed will come with practice.
\raggedbottom in LaTeX Preamble fixes random vertical spacing at end of sections. |
param (
[string] $Name,
[int] $Age
Write-Host -Object "Hi $Name!","You are $Age years old!";
#! /bin/bash | |
# Use mustache and your favorite markup to create static html. | |
# Use a markup that does standard read/write or change script. | |
FILE=$1 | |
MARKUP=/usr/local/bin/markdown | |
echo "{{content}}" > mustache.tmp | |
mustache $FILE mustache.tmp | $MARKUP > content.tmp | |
sed -n '1,/^content: *|/ p' $FILE > yml.tmp | |
cat content.tmp | awk '{ print " " $0 }' >> yml.tmp | |
echo "---" >> yml.tmp |
As close to grep
as I have found so far:
<some-cmd> | Out-String -Stream | Select-String [options] <some-string>
's -Context
option works pretty well ... so far.
Their importance will increase as the volume of non-paged literature increases. Style guides recommend using the paragraph in citations when possible. I'd like to collect links to software that provides paragraph counts for web documents and for e-reader documents. I'd also like to write some tools.
So far the only online documentation I can find about navigating within ebook documents is on Kindle's "locations." From what I read they amount to 128 bytes of data. It doesn't matter whether these bytes display on the page. So these are very arbitrary chunks, and their logical is not readily discernible or readable the way a section's, subsection's or paragraph's is.
I did find a bookmarklet for counting DOM elements and modified to provide paragraph counts (gist) . It is also possible to provide paragraph numbering with CSS (cribbed from [stackoverflow article](
javascript:styles='body%20{%20/*%20this%20is%20the%20element%20that%20will%20reset%20the%20numbers%20*/%20counter-reset:%20paragraphs%200;%20/*%20identifier%20&%20starting%20number%20*/%20}%20p:before%20{/*%20the%20element%20to%20receive%20the%20numbering%20*/%20counter-increment:%20paragraphs%201;%20/*%20identifier%20and%20increment%20value%20*/%20content:%20counter(paragraphs,%20decimal)%20".%20";%20/*%20identifier,%20number%20type,%20and%20what%20follows%20the%20numbering%20*/%20}';%20newSS%20=%20document.createElement('link');%20newSS.rel%20=%20'stylesheet';%20newSS.href%20=%20'data:text/css,'%20+%20escape(styles);%20document.documentElement.childNodes[0].appendChild(newSS);%20void%200 |
A demo of paragraph number with CSS's counter-increment
. The demo also includes CSS for handling HTML5 asides.
ledger -f ledger.ldg bal ^expenses show "" | less
Groups expenses according to string:string:.... syntax .