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trentbrooks / KinectIndices.h
Last active December 16, 2015 05:39
All the indices for the 121 face tracked points for the windows kinect. The windows examples work this out in a roundabout way, but it never changes so saving here for future ref (for use in Openframeworks).
There are 206 triangles, 121 vertices, 618 indices when using the Kinect for Windows face tracking api.
The indices never change, so saving here for reference.
static ofIndexType FACEMESH_INDICES[618] = {1,0,11,34,0,1,44,0,34,1,11,12,45,44,34,13,1,12,2,1,13,34,1,2,34,2,46,45,34,46,13,12,14,15,13,14,16,13,15,16,2,13,17,2,16,3,2,17,50,2,3,49,2,50,46,2,49,48,46,49,47,46,48,47,45,46,15,14,29,20,15,29,19,18,15,15,18,16,17,16,18,19,17,18,77,17,23,77,3,17,50,3,78,50,78,56,51,50,52,51,49,50,51,48,49,52,48,51,62,48,53,62,47,48,27,29,28,27,20,29,25,24,26,59,57,58,62,53,60,61,62,60,33,111,26,111,75,26,26,75,25,58,76,59,59,76,112,59,112,66,7,6,33,66,6,7,10,9,32,65,9,10,5,6,76,75,6,5,78,3,77,79,7,33,81,7,79,87,7,81,66,7,80,80,7,82,82,7,87,89,80,82,64,80,89,81,79,88,88,79,31,33,26,79,79,26,31,80,59,66,64,59,80,85,83,88,31,85,88,85,8,83,8,40,83,84,40,8,86,84,8,84,86,89,89,86,64,8,85,9,86,8,9,31,32,85,85,32,9,64,86,65,86,9,65,24,27,26,32,90,30,31,90,32,28,30,90,31,26,90,26,27,90,27,28,90,57,59,60,63,91,65,65,91,64
trentbrooks / BasicSendReceiveOsc.pd
Last active December 12, 2015 06:28
Basic Pure Data patch to view OSC messages on any given port, can also send a custom message to any ip.
#N canvas 20 473 496 184 10;
#X obj 239 110 sendOSC;
#X obj 25 89 print osc;
#X text 20 11 Receiving values on port XXXX:;
#X text 237 11 Send values to ip address and port:;
#X msg 276 76 send /someaddress/69;
#X obj 25 56 dumpOSC 4444;
#X msg 239 44 connect 4443;
#X connect 4 0 0 0;
#X connect 5 0 1 0;
trentbrooks / MultitouchHitTestDemo.html
Created October 30, 2012 07:10
ProcessingJS Multitouch Demo
<title>Multitouch ProcessingJS Test</title>
<meta content='True' name='HandheldFriendly' />
<meta content='width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;' name='viewport' />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/processing" data-processing-target="targetcanvas">
trentbrooks /
Created October 3, 2012 06:02
Basic native bonjour server service to make a device discoverable in openframeworks ios
#include "testApp.h"
NSNetService *netService;
void testApp::setup(){
// initialise bonjour server: broadcasts the type + name so you can see devices ip + port
// note: this is a basic example, and does not implement any of the Net Service Delegate Methods to see if the service was published successfully or not
netService = [[NSNetService alloc]