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WonJo trilliwon

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Discover the techniques used to create the fluid gestural interface of iPhone X. Learn how to design with gestures and motion that feel intuitive and natural, making your app a delight to use.

What makes an interface feel fluid?

  • You know it when you feel it
  • A tool that feels like an extension of your mind
  • An extension of the natural world

How to take a screenshot and record a Video in iOS Simulator in Terminal

  1. Open iOS Simulator
  2. Open
  3. Run below script to take a screenshot
xcrun simctl io booted screenshot 1r.png

Why is ARC?

  • Real-time 으로 메모리 관리를 한다.
  • background process 가 없기 때문에 더 efficient 하다. mobile 에 최적이다.


Metal Programming Guide

The Metal framework supports GPU-accelerated advanced 3D graphics rendering and data-parallel computation workloads. Metal provides a modern and streamlined API for fine-grained, low-level control of the organization, processing and submission of graphic and computation commands, as well as the management of the associated data and resources for these commands. A primary goal of Metal is to minimize the CPU overhead incurred by executing GPU workloads.

상속보다는 추상화를!

So what is OOP?

  • OOP stands for “Object Oriented Programming”. 일명 객체지향프로그래밍 (오오피)
  • 프로그램을 여러개의 “객체”로 나누고 그 객체들의 상호작용으로 서술하는 방식.
  • Objects 의 개념을 바탕으로한 프로그래밍 패러다임 이다.
  • Objects 는 fields 와 methods 를 포함한다.
  • 상호작용하는 객체들의 집합

Declare UITextField and setup fields. Set decorated NSAttributedString for UITextField.attributedPlaceholder to set custom color or font etc.


let textField: UITextField = {

UI with Code Example Using SnapKit

resetButton.snp.makeConstraints {
"brand": "Porsche",
"model": "Cayman",
"grade": "GTS 4.0",
"thumbnails": [
"brand": "BMW",
"model": "3",
"grade": "M340i",
"thumbnails": [
import SwiftUI
struct <# UIView #>UIViewRepresentable: UIViewRepresentable {
typealias UIViewType = <# UIView #>
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> <# UIView #> {
<# UIView #>()