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trolldbois /
Created July 24, 2017 17:47 — forked from ryhanson/
Execute a DLL via .xll files and the Excel.Application object's RegisterXLL() method

DLL Execution via Excel.Application RegisterXLL() method

A DLL can be loaded and executed via Excel by initializing the Excel.Application COM object and passing a DLL to the RegisterXLL method. The DLL path does not need to be local, it can also be a UNC path that points to a remote WebDAV server.

When delivering via WebDAV, it should be noted that the DLL is still written to disk but the dropped file is not the one loaded in to the process. This is the case for any file downloaded via WebDAV, and they are stored at: C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\Temp\TfsStore\Tfs_DAV\.

The RegisterXLL function expects an XLL add-in which is essentially a specially crafted DLL with specific exports. More info on XLL's can be found on MSDN

The XLL can also be executed by double-clicking the .xll file, however there is a security warning. @rxwx has more notes on this here inc

trolldbois /
Created August 2, 2017 23:39 — forked from nickjevershed/
Python script to convert Google spreadsheets to simple JSON file and save it locally. Assumes your data is on the left-most sheet, ie the default. Spreadsheet needs to be 'published to the web'.
import simplejson as json
import requests
#your spreadsheet key here. I'm using an example from the Victorian election campaign
key = "1THJ6MgfEk-1egiPFeDuvs4qEi02xTpz4fq9RtO7GijQ"
#google api request urls - I'm doing the first one just to get nice key values (there's probably a better way to do this)
url1 = "" + key + "/od6/public/values?alt=json"