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var test = 'Demo';
<cffunction name="setNamesFromFullName" access="public" returntype="void" output="false" hint="I set the name properties from the name appearing on a card">
<cfargument name="name" type="string" required="true" />
<cfset local.nameArray = listToArray(, " ",true) />
<cfif arrayLen(local.nameArray)>
<!--- set the title --->
<cfset local.firstNameArrayIndex = 1 />
<cfif listFindNoCase("mr,mrs,ms,miss,dr", local.nameArray[1])>
<cfdump var="#local.nameArray[1]#">
testStr = "hello'' there' im not working''''"
testStr = testStr.reReplace("\'\'","~","all");
test = "hello'' there' im not working''''"
test = test.reReplace("\'\'","~","all");
function getIsMonthlyWaived( paymentDate ) {
if (
findNoCase( "Legacy", "Legacy" )
!isDate( this.getPDF_Creation_Date() ) or
detailWarnings = {
"holidayBillRateDeviation": {
"warningType": "holidayBillRateDeviation",
"requiresApproval": "NO",
"warning": true,
"warningTypeID": 5,
"requiresResolution": "NO",
"description": "Holiday Bill Rate different from default.",
"persistTillResolve": "NO"
<cfset a = 4>
<cfset b = 25>
<cfif a = b OR b = b>
c = 10
<cfquery datasource="foodb"> SELECT * FROM FOO</cfquery>
<cftransaction action="commit">
<cfset variables.str="Hello">
</cfoutput >
<cfset variables.str="World">
<cfset s = "(bingo)">
//remove first char
#right(s, -1)#
#right(s, len(s)-1)#
//remove last char
#left(s, -1)#