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Last active July 19, 2022 22:33
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Jupyter kernel.json configuration for pyspark
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"There are a few ways to use Jupyter notebook with PySpark\n",
"1. Invoking pyspark which will add a Spark and Hive Context automatically\n",
"1. Hardcode SPARK_HOME and PYTHONPATH but use your own context in the notebook (my preferred method)\n",
"1. Define everything in the notebook (UNTESTED!)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"# 1\n",
" \"display_name\": \"PySpark (Python X.Y.Z)\",\n",
" \"language\": \"python\",\n",
" \"argv\": [\n",
" \"/path/to/python\",\n",
" \"-m\",\n",
" \"IPython.kernel\",\n",
" \"-f\",\n",
" \"{connection_file}\"\n",
" ],\n",
" \"env\": {\n",
" \"SPARK_HOME\": \"<spark_dir>\",\n",
" \"PYTHONPATH\": \"<spark_dir>/python/:<spark_dir>/python/lib/py4j-<version>\",\n",
" \"PYTHONSTARTUP\": \"<spark_dir>/python/pyspark/\",\n",
" \"PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS\": \"--master local[2] pyspark-shell\"\n",
" }\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"# 2\n",
"* The following example has SPARK_HOME and PYTHONPATH hardcoded\n",
"* Change the path to point to the correct python in `argv`\n",
" \"display_name\": \"PySpark (Spark 1.6.0)\",\n",
" \"language\": \"python\",\n",
" \"argv\": [\n",
" \"/Users/ltsai/Documents/workspace/venv/smu/bin/python\",\n",
" \"-m\",\n",
" \"IPython.kernel\",\n",
" \"-f\",\n",
" \"{connection_file}\"\n",
" ],\n",
" \"env\": {\n",
" \"SPARK_HOME\": \"/Users/ltsai/Documents/workspace/spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6\",\n",
" \"PYTHONPATH\": \"/Users/ltsai/Documents/workspace/spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6/python:/Users/ltsai/Documents/workspace/spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6/python/lib/\"\n",
" }\n",
"# PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS can be left out if not providing any maven packagesb\n",
"import os\n",
"os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS'] = \"--packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.3.0 pyspark-shell\"\n",
"from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf\n",
"from pyspark.sql import SQLContext, HiveContext\n",
"import py4j\n",
"conf = SparkConf().setAppName(\"SparkJupyter\") \\\n",
" .setMaster(\"local[2]\") \n",
"# conf = SparkConf().setAppName(\"SparkJupyter\") \\\n",
"# .setMaster(\"yarn-client\") \\\n",
"# .set(\"spark.executor.memory\", \"512m\") \\\n",
"# .set(\"spark.executor.cores\", 1) \\\n",
"# .set(\"spark.executor.instances\", 2)\n",
"sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)\n",
" # Try to access HiveConf, it will raise exception if Hive is not added\n",
" sqlContext = HiveContext(sc)\n",
"except py4j.protocol.Py4JError:\n",
" sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)\n",
"except TypeError:\n",
" sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"# 3 \n",
" \"display_name\": \"PySpark\",\n",
" \"language\": \"python\",\n",
" \"argv\": [\n",
" \"/path/to/python\",\n",
" \"-m\",\n",
" \"IPython.kernel\",\n",
" \"-f\",\n",
" \"{connection_file}\"\n",
" ]\n",
"# PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS can be left out if not providing any maven packagesb\n",
"import os\n",
"import sys\n",
"os.environ['SPARK_HOME'] = '/path/to/spark'\n",
"sys.path.insert(os.path.join(os.environ['SPARK_HOME'], '/python'))\n",
"sys.path.insert(os.path.join(os.environ['SPARK_HOME'], '/python/lib/'))\n",
"os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS'] = \"--packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.3.0 pyspark-shell\"\n",
"from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf\n",
"from pyspark.sql import SQLContext, HiveContext\n",
"import py4j\n",
"conf = SparkConf().setAppName(\"SparkJupyter\") \\\n",
" .setMaster(\"local[2]\") \n",
"# conf = SparkConf().setAppName(\"SparkJupyter\") \\\n",
"# .setMaster(\"yarn-client\") \\\n",
"# .set(\"spark.executor.memory\", \"512m\") \\\n",
"# .set(\"spark.executor.cores\", 1) \\\n",
"# .set(\"spark.executor.instances\", 2)\n",
"sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)\n",
" # Try to access HiveConf, it will raise exception if Hive is not added\n",
" sqlContext = HiveContext(sc)\n",
"except py4j.protocol.Py4JError:\n",
" sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)\n",
"except TypeError:\n",
" sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)\n",
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