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tsprlng / authorized_keys
Created June 13, 2016 11:12
¿Sufficiently? paranoid deploy script
# Allow the 'deployer' key to run only the redeploy script; pass the given arguments (i.e. service name) to the script
# e.g. $ ssh deployer@server restartable-thing
command="/home/deployer/ $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND",no-pty,no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa «public-key» deployer@ci-server
# Fix word-break characters
defaults write .GlobalPreferences AppleTextBreakLocale en_US_POSIX
# Apply user's Dvorak layout settings to the startup login screen
sudo mv /Library/Preferences/{,.old}
sudo cp {$HOME,}/Library/Preferences/
sudo chown root:wheel /Library/Preferences/
sudo chmod 644 /Library/Preferences/
tsprlng / vpc-hosts-hack.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
Amazon VPC /etc/hosts hack
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'pp'
require 'json'
require 'fileutils'
require 'set'
# Filter for specific Route 53 hosted zones
unsurprising = "## master...origin/master"
check = "git status --porcelain -b"
show = "git status -sb"
system show unless `#{check}`.strip == unsurprising
tsprlng / README
Created April 4, 2012 00:48
The Pysh Language
This is a Pysh script based on an 'idealized' partial re-implementation of my uta utility.
Pysh will basically be a language (or set of ugly macros) for quickly hacking shell-scripty tasks in Python.
Theoretically you get the luxury of Python idioms like generators, context managers, and meaningful whitespace, with the flexibility to hurl data between other programs in various convenient ways that don't involve Popen.
All the best languages have quirky special characters, right? (It's not like Perl, I promise.)