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const example = [1,2,5,7,9,11,13,17,19]
const example2 = [-2,5,8,14,1,5,-9,-10,2]
avgWithReduce = function(arr) {
return arr.reduce(function(acc, number) {
// add accumulator to average of each number
return acc + number/arr.length
// set initial value to 0
}, 0)
// An simple zip function with reduce()
const example = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
const zip = arr => {
//loop through outter array
return arr.reduce(function(outter, inner) {
// loop through inner arrays
inner.forEach(function(num, i) {
// check if there is an array to add zipped values to
function getResults(a, b) {
var square1 = a * a;
var double2 = b * 2;
var sum = square1 + double2;
var answer = sum - (a * 2);
if (answer % 2 === 0) { // is even
answer *= 5;
} else {
answer *= 10;
const getCleanerResults = (a,b) => {
return checkPrime(add101(multiply5or10(subtract(sum(square(a), double(b)), a))))
const square = x => x**2
const double = x => x * 2
const sum = (a,b) => a + b
const subtract = (a,b) => a - b * 2
const multiply5or10 = x => (x % 2 === 0) ? x * 5 : x * 10
const add101 = x => x + 101
// deep clone
const deepClone = obj => {
// check to see if argument is an array/object and assign it to new variable
const newObj = (Array.isArray(obj)
? []
: {})
// loop through keys of object OR indexes of array
// Object.entries() work for arrays!
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(obj)) {
// start deep clone
let ex = ['a', 'b', 'c']
let ex1 = [['a','b'], [['c']]]
let ex2 = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
let ex3 = {
a: [1,2,3, {g: 6, h: 7}],
b: {
const object1 = {name: 'Tu', hobbies: 'coding'}
copyAndCreateNewObject = (prevObj, key, value) => {
const obj = {}
for (let k in prevObj) {
obj[k] = prevObj[k]
obj[key] = value
return obj
const object1 = {name: 'Tu', hobbies: 'coding'}
createNewObjectWithES6 = (prevObj, key, value) => {
return {
[key]: value
console.log(createNewObjectWithES6(object1, 'age', 31))
// { name: 'Tu', hobbies: 'coding', age: 31 }
const addWithLoops = x => {
// initializes variable sum to 0
let sum = 0
// loop through all numbers 0 to 100
for (let i = 0; i <= x; i++) {
// checks each number if is divisible by 2
if (i % 2 === 0) {
// adds number to variable sum if it is
sum += i
const addWithRecursion = x => {
// base case
return x <= 0
// ends function when x hits 0
? 0
// checks if x divides evenly by 2
: x % 2 === 0
// retains x and adds it to the function call of x - 1
? x + addWithRecursion(x - 1)
// ignores x and moves on to the function call of x - 1