I hereby claim:
- I am txus on github.
- I am txus (https://keybase.io/txus) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is E0E1 1635 59E0 285A 5CBF DD8D 8CBD 973F AA87 A28E
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
require 'json' | |
require 'verkehr/zookeeper' | |
module Verkehr | |
class Brokers | |
Broker = Struct.new(:id, :host, :port) do | |
def to_s | |
"#{host}:#{port}" | |
end |
require 'blankslate' | |
class Proc | |
def self.comp(f, g) | |
lambda { |*args| f[g[*args]] } | |
end | |
def *(g) | |
Proc.comp(self, g) | |
end |
(ns typed.core | |
(:require [clojure.core.typed :as t])) | |
(t/ann-datatype Foo [fooName :- t/Str]) | |
(deftype Foo [fooName]) | |
(t/ann-datatype Bar [barName :- t/Str]) | |
(deftype Bar [barName]) | |
(t/ann theName [(t/U Foo Bar) -> t/Str]) |
(ns achilles.live | |
(:require [clojure.core.typed :as t])) | |
"term : x (Variable) | |
λx.term (Abstraction) | |
term term (Application)" | |
(t/ann-datatype TVar [name :- t/Str]) | |
(deftype TVar [name]) |
1) Customer | |
Failure/Error: should_validate_uniqueness_of :email | |
could not find a Customer record in the database | |
# /Users/txus/.bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/remarkable_activerecord-4.0.0.alpha1/lib/remarkable_activerecord/matchers/validate_uniqueness_of_matcher.rb:49:in `find_first_object?' | |
# /Users/txus/.bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/remarkable-4.0.0.alpha1/lib/remarkable/dsl/assertions.rb:371:in `send' | |
# /Users/txus/.bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/remarkable-4.0.0.alpha1/lib/remarkable/dsl/assertions.rb:371:in `send_methods_and_generate_message' | |
# /Users/txus/.bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/remarkable-4.0.0.alpha1/lib/remarkable/dsl/assertions.rb:370:in `each' | |
# /Users/txus/.bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/remarkable-4.0.0.alpha1/lib/remarkable/dsl/assertions.rb:370:in `send_methods_and_generate_message' | |
# /Users/txus/.bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/remarkable-4.0.0.alpha1/lib/remarkable/dsl/assertions.rb:406:in `matches_collection_assertions?' | |
# /Users/txus/.bundle/ruby/1.8/gems/remarkable-4.0.0.alpha1/lib/remarkable/base. |
# in customers_controller.rb | |
def CustomersController < ApplicationController | |
before_filter :load_languages, :only => :new | |
def new | |
... | |
end | |
protected |
# Comparison between after_or_equal_to and | |
# before_or_equal_to behaviors (they should | |
# be the same, just that the former sends a | |
# >= and the latter a <=. | |
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base | |
validates :expiration_date, :date => {:before_or_equal_to => Time.now} | |
end | |
model = Product.new(:expiration_date => Time.now) # Should be valid |
# Curl command to post "3 whatever" to daytum through your twitter account remotely! | |
# (Replace twitter_user, twitter_password, whatever and 3 as you wish) | |
# Note: you must have your twitter account linked to daytum (go to daytum settings) | |
curl -u twitter_user:twitter_password -d "text=whatever:3&user=daytum" http://twitter.com/direct_messages/new.xml |
/Users/user/Code/project/vendor/plugins/backupmyapp/lib/backupmyapp/init.rb:5:in `included': undefined local variable or method `filter_chain' for ActionController::Base:Class (NameError) | |
from /Users/user/Code/project/vendor/plugins/backupmyapp/lib/backupmyapp/init.rb:4:in `class_eval' | |
from /Users/user/Code/project/vendor/plugins/backupmyapp/lib/backupmyapp/init.rb:4:in `included' | |
from /Users/user/Code/project/vendor/plugins/backupmyapp/init.rb:1:in `include' | |
from /Users/user/Code/project/vendor/plugins/backupmyapp/init.rb:1:in `send' | |
from /Users/user/Code/project/vendor/plugins/backupmyapp/init.rb:1 | |
from /Users/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302@project/gems/railties-3.0.0.rc/lib/rails/plugin.rb:81 | |
from /Users/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302@project/gems/railties-3.0.0.rc/lib/rails/initializable.rb:25:in `instance_exec' | |
from /Users/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302@project/gems/railties-3.0.0.rc/lib/rails/initializable.rb:25:in `run' | |
from /Users/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302@project/gems/railties-3.0.0.rc/ |