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Tyler Hall tylerhall

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tylerhall /
Created March 26, 2014 20:10

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am tylerhall on github.
  • I am tylerhall ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 6A6A CE7D E268 8F9A 9E97 E2B6 14C1 60A4 6D68 61A9

To claim this, I am signing this object:

tylerhall / Sosumi Multiple Devices Example
Created July 28, 2010 01:08
Sosumi multiple devices example.
require 'class.sosumi.php';
$ssm = new Sosumi('username', 'password');
// Print a list of all the devices in your MobileMe account
// $device_number is an integer (0 through ...) that corresponds
// to the device you want info about.
tylerhall / NSDictionary+Embedded.h
Created August 19, 2010 04:04
NSDictionary category that lets you retrieve a value from a dictionary of dictionaries in a single statement. I'm gonna feel really dumb if there was already a way to do this.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface NSDictionary (EmbeddedValue)
- (id)embeddedValueWithKeys:(NSArray *)keys;
tylerhall / SkypeRepeatDial.applescript
Created August 19, 2010 20:55
If you ever have a reason to repeatedly dial and hangup on someone, here's a Skype way to do it.
property ScriptName : "Repeat Call"
property PhoneToDial : "+15551234567"
tell application "Skype"
send command "CALL " & PhoneToDial script name ScriptName
delay 10
set activeCalls to send command "SEARCH ACTIVECALLS" script name ScriptName
tylerhall / domain1-index.html
Created August 19, 2010 21:03
Cross-domain way to resize an iFrame from within the frame itself.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
function resizeFrame(newHeight) {
document.getElementById('theFrame').height = newHeight;
require 'includes/';
if($Auth->loggedIn()) redirect('index.php');
if($Auth->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']))
tylerhall / NSData+Base64.h
Created December 30, 2010 17:12
Note that I'm using Google's (awesome) GTMHTTPRequest library.
// NSData+Base64.h
// base64
// Created by Matt Gallagher on 2009/06/03.
// Copyright 2009 Matt Gallagher. All rights reserved.
// Permission is given to use this source code file, free of charge, in any
// project, commercial or otherwise, entirely at your risk, with the condition
// that any redistribution (in part or whole) of source code must retain
00 05 * * * /usr/sbin/diskutil mount /dev/disk1s3
include 'class.sosumi.php';
$ssm = new Sosumi('your-username', 'your-password');
$location = $ssm->locate();
$ssm = new Sosumi('username', 'password');
$location_data = $ssm->locate();
$ssm->sendMessage('Daisy, daisy...');