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Tyler Montgomery ubermajestix

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#... do |config|
require 'actionmailer'
require "user_notification" # standard actionmailer class that lives in app/models/user_notification
# ...
// PasswordValidation.js Tyler Montgomery 3/17/09
// Used to validate a password as you type
// Password requires length > 5, numbers, letters, and special characters
// Uses prototype.js to update color of password form_field and password_status html element (I use a span)
function specials(password){
var specials = !!password.match(/([\@\#\$\&\!\)\(\-\+\=\^])/)
return specials
# Sets up the Rails environment for Cucumber
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = ENV["CI_ENV"] || "test"
ENV["DETACH"] = "true"
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../config/environment')
require 'cucumber/rails/world'
require 'cucumber/formatters/unicode' # Comment out this line if you don't want Cucumber Unicode support
require Ci::Sentiment.path("spec", "data", "spec_data")
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
def geocode(address_str)
# html escape address_str
res = Nokogiri::XML(open("{address_str}&output=xml&key=&oe=utf-8"))
status ="code").inner_html
coords ="coordinates").inner_html.split(",")[0,2] if status == "200"
coords <<"address").inner_html if status == "200"
return coords
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
<name>1535 pearl st boulder co</name>
<Placemark id="p1">
<address>1535 Pearl St, Boulder, CO 80302, USA</address>
require 'twitter'
followers = Twitter.follower_ids('ubermajestix')
# => [14073663, 6128392, 6164712, 1438261, 14601522, 15399388, 15446607, 1565501, 9483652, 6272722, 14480362, 6083342, 11582182, 16834727, 16855010, 17429985, 17238404, 14630648, 14522630, 17905197, 16420441, 16857468, 3670341, 5931692, 14381877, 17875219, 6112572, 17241396, 8233892, 18220106, 16582309, 7989792, 4576911, 823615, 15062875, 4374531, 17994702, 16731468, 16797616, 17632945, 5907052, 16474612, 15347089, 12687402, 9980812, 14232173, 13776662, 9667272, 2783151, 14595846, 11738792, 52593, 6319982, 10578, 15626165, 18251154, 15042927, 6655322, 18205144, 6258202, 722793, 8946242, 15695130, 16808886, 17285454, 17218325, 17496502, 1169451, 14217249, 19412819, 19376035, 15730969, 19405541, 19403888, 19696781, 6148812, 18929813, 20076186, 18083235, 20160224, 20121547, 20535356, 4380901, 9808812, 16027073, 20618001, 20727178, 13024992, 20540031, 15220688, 19417951, 7495882, 15301151, 21404171, 21420758, 11046582, 717233, 713263, 15007939, 2
require 'twitter'
require 'pp'
puts 'User', '*'*50
pp Twitter.user('ubermajestix')
# {"profile_sidebar_fill_color"=>"ffffff",
# "name"=>"Tyler Montgomery",
# "status"=>
# {"truncated"=>false,
function specials(password){
var specials = !!password.match(/([\@\#\$\&\!\)\(\-\+\=\^])/)
return specials
function letters(password){
var letters = !!password.match(/([a-z]|[A-Z])/)
return letters
function numbers(password){
var numbers = !!password.match(/^(?=.*[0-9])/)
# think this is what's fucking us:
next if request.path_info =~ %r!/events/[^/]{36}!
unless session[:user_id]
session[:return_to] = request.path_info
throw(:halt, [302, {'Location' => '/about'}, ''])
module SomeModule
class << self
def initialize(opts={}) "Initializing SomeModule"
@environment = opts.delete(:environment) "environment: #{@environment}"