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Make GitHub Labels
gem install 'octokit'
require 'octokit'
client = login:'yourname',password:’XXXXXX'
>> h = { :ideas => [{ :title => "Some Title", :author => "john Smith"}, {:title => "Whatever", :author => "Sally Snow"}]}
=> {:ideas=>[{:author=>"john Smith", :title=>"Some Title"}, {:author=>"Sally Snow", :title=>"Whatever"}]}
>> h.to_xml
NoMethodError: undefined method `to_xml' for #<Hash:0x5995fc>
from (irb):31
>> h.to_json
NoMethodError: undefined method `to_json' for #<Hash:0x5995fc>
from (irb):32
run("rm -rf features")
git(:clone => "")
run("mv workshop-features features")
inside("features") { run("rm -rf .git") }
run("echo log/ > .gitignore; echo 'db/*.sqlite3' >> .gitignore;")
inside("config") { run('echo "default: --format pretty" > cucumber.yml') }
PGError: ERROR: function ts_rank_cd(text, tsquery) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT phrases.*, ts_rank_cd(phrases.vectors,tsearch_query) ...
# SHOW search_path;
(1 row)
st = status
ci = commit
br = branch
co = checkout
df = diff
lg = log -p
branches = for-each-ref --sort='-authordate:iso8601' --format=' %(authordate:relative)%09%(refname:short)' refs/heads
$ rvm install jruby
jruby-1.5.2 - #fetching
jruby-1.5.2 - #downloading jruby-bin-1.5.2, this may take a while depending on your connection...
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 11.0M 100 11.0M 0 0 147k 0 0:01:16 0:01:16 --:--:-- 137k
jruby-1.5.2 - #extracting jruby-bin-1.5.2 to /Users/sarah/.rvm/src/jruby-1.5.2
jruby-1.5.2 - #extracted to /Users/sarah/.rvm/src/jruby-1.5.2
Building Nailgun
jruby-1.5.2 - #installing to /Users/sarah/.rvm/rubies/jruby-1.5.2
$ rake spec
(in /Users/sarah/src/rails3_jruby/roster)
JRuby limited openssl loaded.
gem install jruby-openssl for full support.
/Users/sarah/.rvm/rubies/jruby-1.5.2/bin/jruby -S bundle exec rspec "./spec/models/person_spec.rb"
JRuby limited openssl loaded.
gem install jruby-openssl for full support.
JRuby limited openssl loaded.
gem install jruby-openssl for full support.
ultrasaurus / rails-rspec-windows-error
Created February 10, 2011 19:59
windows installation issues
ERROR: Error installing rspec-rails:
activemodel requires activesupport (= 3.0.4, runtime)
C:\Users\Knyazhna\Work\TreasureHunt>gem install rails
Successfully installed activesupport-3.0.4
Successfully installed activemodel-3.0.4
Successfully installed actionpack-3.0.4
Successfully installed activerecord-3.0.4
Successfully installed activeresource-3.0.4
Successfully installed actionmailer-3.0.4
class TestMiddleware
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env)
puts "------------------TestMiddleware--------------"
#puts env.to_yaml