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Umair Hafeez umairhm

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umairhm / array-coercion.component.ts
Last active July 6, 2020 00:35
Example of component that takes arrays as inputs, and renders those arrays using *ngFor
import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { Person } from './person.interface';
selector: 'array-coercion',
template: `...`
export class ArrayCoercionComponent {
@Input() strings: Array<string>;
@Input() persons: Array<Person>;
<!-- person1 & person2 are objects of type Person -->
[strings]="['array item 1', 'array item 2']"
[persons]="[person1, person2]"
<!-- person1 is an object of type Person -->
[strings]="'array item 1'"
import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { coerceArray } from '@angular/cdk/coercion'; // NEW IMPORT
import { Person } from './person.interface';
selector: 'array-coercion',
template: `...`
export class ArrayCoercionComponent {
// In the following code, `@Input strings` will NOT work with strict type checking
import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'boolean-coercion',
template: `...`
export class BooleanCoercionComponent {
@Input() flagOne: boolean;
@Input() flagTwo: boolean;
<!-- Bound with class properties -->
<!-- Bound with strings expressions -->
<!-- Input names only, Angular will set the value as empty string ('') -->
<!-- Supposed to be truthy -->
<boolean-coercion flagOne flagTwo></boolean-coercion>
<!-- Strings true/false, without expressions -->
<boolean-coercion flagOne="false" flagTwo="true"></boolean-coercion>
<!-- Random string values, without expressions -->
<boolean-coercion flagOne="random" flagTwo="random"></boolean-coercion>
import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { coerceBooleanProperty } from '@angular/cdk/coercion'; // NEW IMPORT
selector: 'boolean-coercion',
template: `...`
export class BooleanCoercionComponent {
// In the following code, `@Input flagOne` will NOT work with strict type checking
// But we'll make the `@Input flagTwo` to work with strict type checking as well
<!-- Using Angular's Style Binding expression -->
<!-- The value of 'padding' will have 'px' appended to it -->
<!-- But it will be limited only to 'px' and won't allow 'em', 'rem' or '%' -->
<!-- Similarly if we do [style.padding.em], it will be limited to 'em' only -->
<div class="default" [style.padding.px]="padding">
Hello Coercion, this div has {{ padding }} padding!
<!-- Using Angular's Style Binding expression -->
<!-- We don't use the unit expression, and leave it open for any value to be passed -->
<!-- This will work if we have [style.padding.px] -->
<css-pixel-coercion [padding]="10"></css-pixel-coercion>
<!-- This will work if we have [style.padding] -->
<css-pixel-coercion [padding]="'10px'"></css-pixel-coercion>