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Robert C. Martin unclebob

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public static class WrapTwoWords {
public void wrapOnWordBoundary() throws Exception {
assertThat(wrap("word word", 5), equalTo("word\nword"));
public class Wrapper {
public static String wrap(String s, int col) {
if (s.length() <= col)
return s;
return (s.substring(0, col) + "\n" + wrap(s.substring(col), col));
public void splitOneWordManyTimes() throws Exception {
assertThat(wrap("abcdefghij", 3), equalTo("abc\ndef\nghi\nj"));
public static class SplitWordTests {
public void splitOneWord() throws Exception {
assertThat(wrap("word", 2), equalTo("wo\nrd"));
public static class DegenerateTests {
public void wrap_EmptyString_ShouldBeEmpty() throws Exception {
assertThat(wrap("", 1), equalTo(""));
public void stringShorterThanColDoesNotWrap() throws Exception {
assertThat(wrap("word", 10), equalTo("word"));
public class Wrapper {
public static String wrap(String s, int col) {
if (s.length() <= col)
return s;
else {
int lastSpace = 0;
int space;
while ((space = s.indexOf(" ", lastSpace)) != -1) {
if (space > col) {
s = s.substring(0, lastSpace) + "\n" + s.substring(lastSpace+1);
public void wrapThreeWordsAfterSecondSpace() throws Exception {
assertThat(wrap("word word word", 11), equalTo("word word\nword"));
public class WrapperTest {
public static class DegenerateTests {
public void emptyString() throws Exception {
public void wrapWellBeforeWordBoundary() throws Exception {
assertThat(wrap("word word", 3), equalTo("wor\nd\nwor\nd"));
public class Wrapper {
public static String wrap(String s, int col) {
if (s.length() <= col)
return s;
else {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
String[] strings = s.split(" ");
int column = 0;
for (String segment : strings) {
column += segment.length();