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import sys
if len(sys.argv)!=2:
print 'Usage: <file>'
filename = sys.argv[1]
code = []
// use own namespace for plugin
window.plugin.resoLevelsNeeded = function() {};
window.plugin.resoLevelsNeeded.addInfo = function() {
var div = $('<div>').attr({id: 'reso-levels-needed'});
Burn Heal x45
Dire Hit x45
Ice Heal x119
Lemonade x98
Fresh Water x201
0C 2D 3A 2D 0D 77 3E 62 3C C9
inc c ; Increase the value in the register C by one (to get around pokemon item limitations)
dec l ; Registers H and L together hold the address of the third item. Decrease by one to get quantity of second item
X Accuracy x98
Dire Hit x70
Thunderstone x47
TM11 x34
HP Up x112
TM01 xAny
ld l,$62 ; hl points at D362, player's x coord
ld a,(hl-) ; x coord stored in a, hl decremented to D361 (y coord)
ld b,(hl) ; y coord stored in b
ld a,$20
ld [$ff00],a ; set bit 5 low to enable buttons
ld a,[$ff00] ; allow time for it to bounce
ld a,[$ff00] ; get result
cpl ; invert (because a low result means the button is pressed)
and $0f ; throw out high nybble
swap a
ld b,a ; save low nybble as high nybble of b
ld a,$10
; before
ld a,[BallXVector]
ld b,a
ld a,[BallXAddr]
add b
cp $98
jr z,.xFlip
float flick_mod = 0.3;
float beat_mod = 0.3;
integer listen_handle;
float min(float x, float y)
// got this from the second life wiki, so i assume there's a reason it's
// relatively complex
return ( ( llAbs( x >= y ) ) * y ) + ( ( llAbs( x<y ) ) * x );
local shootCats = RegisterMod("shoot cats", 1)
local player
local beelzebubItems = {}
local beelzebubCounter
function table.shallow_copy(t)
local t2 = {}
for k,v in pairs(t) do
t2[k] = v
// ==UserScript==
// @name Look for fifthglyphs
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Point out fifthglyphs in /r/AVoid5 posts
// @author monorail
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
Sorcerer, 1st level, 1 CON: 1
Sorcerer, 1st level, 2 CON: 2
Sorcerer, 1st level, 3 CON: 2
Sorcerer, 1st level, 4 CON: 3
Sorcerer, 1st level, 5 CON: 3
Sorcerer, 1st level, 6 CON: 4
Sorcerer, 1st level, 7 CON: 4
Sorcerer, 1st level, 8 CON: 5
Sorcerer, 1st level, 9 CON: 5
Sorcerer, 1st level, 10 CON: 6