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Alvin Charity unforswearing

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pipwerks / Convert "localhost" address to your Mac's current IP address
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
AppleScript for converting "localhost" address to your Mac's current IP address. This enables testing in VMs (they can't resolve localhost but *can* resolve the local IP). This also enables your coworkers to view pages being served from your Mac. Read more at
(* functions *)
-- string replace function from
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
set the item_list to every text item of this_text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
set this_text to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return this_text
albertodebortoli / generate_toc.rb
Last active April 7, 2022 14:14
Generate Markdown TOC
#!/usr/bin/env ruby"", 'r') do |f|
f.each_line do |line|
forbidden_words = ['Table of contents', 'define', 'pragma']
next if !line.start_with?("#") || forbidden_words.any? { |w| line =~ /#{w}/ }
title = line.gsub("#", "").strip
href = title.gsub(" ", "-").downcase
puts " " * (line.count("#")-1) + "* [#{title}](\##{href})"
octocat / .gitignore
Created February 27, 2014 19:38
Some common .gitignore configurations
# Compiled source #
# Packages #
mikesmullin /
Last active April 26, 2023 05:20
watch is a linux bash script to monitor file modification recursively and execute bash commands as changes occur
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# script: watch
# author: Mike Smullin <>
# license: GPLv3
# description:
# watches the given path for changes
# and executes a given command when changes occur
# usage:
# watch <path> <cmd...>
# convert MTS files to MOV for FCPX
ffmbc -i inFile -vcodec copy -strict experimental outFile
ksafranski /
Last active November 11, 2023 23:00
Basic principles of using tcl-expect scripts


TCL-Expect scripts are an amazingly easy way to script out laborious tasks in the shell when you need to be interactive with the console. Think of them as a "macro" or way to programmaticly step through a process you would run by hand. They are similar to shell scripts but utilize the .tcl extension and a different #! call.

Setup Your Script

The first step, similar to writing a bash script, is to tell the script what it's executing under. For expect we use the following:

patrickmcguire / gist:6142069
Created August 2, 2013 18:12
pink noise on os x
sox -t sw -r 44100 -c 2 /dev/zero -t coreaudio synth pinknoise vol -9 dB band -n 800 1200 fade q 5 30:00 10
devoncrouse /
Created May 7, 2013 17:02
Using Sox ( to remove background noise and/or silence from audio files (individually, or in batch).
# Create background noise profile from mp3
/usr/bin/sox noise.mp3 -n noiseprof
# Remove noise from mp3 using profile
/usr/bin/sox input.mp3 output.mp3 noisered 0.21
# Remove silence from mp3
/usr/bin/sox input.mp3 output.mp3 silence -l 1 0.3 5% -1 2.0 5%
# Remove noise and silence in a single command
postmodern / Makefile
Last active March 4, 2024 14:42
A generic Makefile for building/signing/install bash scripts
DIRS=etc lib bin sbin share
INSTALL_DIRS=`find $(DIRS) -type d 2>/dev/null`
INSTALL_FILES=`find $(DIRS) -type f 2>/dev/null`
DOC_FILES=*.md *.txt
MohamedAlaa / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Last active June 2, 2024 11:04
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname