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kevin :: Coffee → Code

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer unhammer

kevin :: Coffee → Code
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(defvar-keymap embark-org-column-map
:doc "Keymap for Embark org-column actions."
:parent embark-org-table-map
"M-r" #'my-cua-enable-and-replace-in-rectangle-embark)
(defun my-embark-org-column-at-point ()
"Target the org-column at point."
(when-let ((org-column
(and (org-at-table-p)
(not (looking-at-p "|")) ; since then we don't know which column you mean
unhammer / speakersPerLanguage.sparql
Last active August 14, 2023 09:09
Number of speakers per language in the world based on Wikidata (including dupes due to measuring speakers at different times / from different sources). Note that 6915 languages have iso 639-3 codes in wikidata, but only 1614 languages have data for number of speakers (presumably the languages with no data are at the lower end of the list)
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?numberOfSpeakers ?speakersTime ?iso639_1 ?iso639_3 ?itemLabel ?itemLabel_en
?item wdt:P31 wd:Q1288568; # Any instance of a modern (current use) language
wdt:P220 ?iso639_3; # that has an ISO 639-3 code
# Require number of speakers, but as a statement so we can get the "timestamp" of the property:
?item p:P1098 ?numberOfSpeakersStatement .
?numberOfSpeakersStatement ps:P1098 ?numberOfSpeakers.
optional {
?numberOfSpeakersStatement pq:P585 ?speakersTime.
unhammer /
Last active April 13, 2023 14:41
Show progress of some command you forgot to pipe through pv
### Save as "/usr/local/bin/progress" and chmod +x, then:
# $ progress ~/huge-file.tar.bz2
# $ progress -p $(pidof bzcat)
# $ progress # progress of all open files, shows e.g. how far mpd is through your song :P
# source:
unhammer /
Last active February 12, 2023 05:40
Create .merlin file for a project with all your ocamlfind packages and .opam sources in there
if test -f .merlin; then
echo ".merlin already exists, bailing out ..." >&2
exit 1
# You could add your default EXT's and such to this list:
unhammer /
Created April 29, 2014 14:22
parse html, print it out as-is (python3 boilerplate for html template like stuff)
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from sys import stdin
def p(*value):
print(*value, end='')
class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
unhammer / mwdump-to-pandoc
Last active December 25, 2022 18:34
Turn wikipedia dumps into plaintext using pandoc
declare OUTFORMAT=plain
set -e -u
run () {
local text=false
local -i i=0
local out
unhammer / .mbsyncrc
Last active December 4, 2022 06:41
isync + dovecot + gnus with Fastmail
IMAPAccount fastmail
# you may have to tweak the awk here + filename to your netrc/authinfo:
PassCmd "gpg2 -q --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty -d $HOME/.netrc.gpg | awk '$2==\"\" && $4==\"\" {print $6;exit(0)}'"
Port 992
# Port 992 has a "flat" hierarchy; use with
# mail_location = maildir:~/.Maildir/:LAYOUT=fs:INBOX=~/.Maildir/INBOX
# in dovecot (see also MaildirStore.Inbox below)
unhammer /
Last active June 3, 2022 02:31
Linking with lld on Ubuntu/Debian in CMake projects (or gold in automake projects)
sudo apt install binutils
cd ~/src/an_autotools_project
export CXXFLAGS='-fuse-ld=gold'
export CFLAGS='-fuse-ld=gold'
make -j4 # no longer wait for linking! =D
# gcc doesn't support -fuse-ld=lld :(
unhammer / git-is-related
Last active April 5, 2022 08:08 — forked from simonwhitaker/git-is-ancestor
A script to determine whether one git commit is the ancestor of another
unhammer /
Created February 13, 2012 08:55
toggle gtk window decorations
#! /usr/bin/python2
import gtk.gdk
w = gtk.gdk.window_foreign_new( gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window().property_get("_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW")[2][0] )
w.set_decorations( (w.get_decorations()+1)%2 ) # toggle between 0 and 1
# now bind this to super-r or something